Friday, July 10, 2015

J'aime les Cartes Postales - - Oh yes I do!

I have a thing about France. And postcards. And French postcards.

J'aime les Cartes Postals
I love the backs of them, the fronts of them, the vintage ones and the new ones....

The French really knew (know?) how to cancel stamps. There are often two, or even three, cancellations on each card.
(And, by the way, I could REALLY use some French mail artists to trade with if anyone in France is reading this).

And did I mention the handwriting?
The most beautiful cursive writing....
And they really know how to SQUEEZE a whole lot of cursive writing onto each little card...

Why don't we have lovely little paper bags made especially for postcards?

And look at this -- is it early mail art? Some little French kid drew on this card. Looks like a drawing of a kid riding a dog???

I also notice the hotels and tourist spots back in the day had had special stamps too....

I get endless pleasure out of my French postcards....besides admiring the postmarks and stamps and cancellations...I use them for art projects too. I found out you can get two ATC cards from each postcard. I love using them for ATC's and including some of the markings on the card into the ATC.

I spent all day last Sunday making Postal theme ATC's using French postcards as the starts...

So fun -- I got 25 ATC's -- and I'm still at it.
Want to see them all?
Let me know if you do.

Oui, it is kind of frightening, isn't it? But I work best with all my stuff out where I can see it...
I'll clean up...really I will...(someday).

I've always loved these rows of trees you see all over France...

Here's a photograph I took of French trees....same ones as the vintage postcard?

This is me in another life.
Oh yes it is!
I wonder I will come back as next time? Got to be something postal.
So, I hope you enjoyed the ode to postcards.
And, if you're going on vacation, I hope you will mail some postcards out and make some mailboxes happy.
Or, even if you are staying put, you can still pop a postcard in the mail and try to squeeze as much cursive writing on the back as those French people did...



  1. I would love to see all the ATCs you made! I am going on vacation to Michigan next month, I already made a list with the people I want to send a card to.

    1. Excellent, TomoyoHime -- I bet you will have fun selecting and writing out your postcards too. Have fun on your vacation - - and I will post about the ATC's soon.

  2. Your postal themed ATCs look great - I'd love to see a blogpost featuring more of them.

    1. Thank you, FinnBadger - - I made 25 so i could trade with people but it is hard letting them go. Maybe I better make another 25 so I will have some to trade and share. Will post soon.

  3. A clean desk is not conducive to creativity (at least that's my reasoning). Where do you find all of your lovely vintage French postcards? Also, I haven't thought of ATCs in a loooooong time...the ones you made look great!

    1. I agree, Cindy -- cleanliness may be next to Godliness but I work better in a mess! I go on ATC binges every so often and they are really fun to make. I like themes -- like a postal theme (of course) and i do them sometimes by country. Made a Russian Postal one which makes me think of you!

  4. Fun French tour of your goodies. I love seeing you messy desk, makes me feel so at home. Something about sorting through collage bits makes the work come alive. All in the process. xox

    1. Corrine - - Don't you just love sorting through all those bits for a collage? That's why we need our stuff out! xo

  5. LOVE the one with the kid's drawing!!! XXxxx

  6. Ha! When I go to the local stamp and rock store (yes it is a combo store) I just pull up a chair and sit down and look through all of their boxes of post it!

    1. i know, Pam -- aren't postcards great? I can't wait till August 1 when I get to go to the Vintage Paper Fair and hunt for some more beauties....

  7. Goodness...of course I'd enjoy seeing ALL your ATC's !! You were brave to cut up and recycle artistically those vintage French go girl :>

    1. Happy Mail Day -- I don't cut up the really wonderful cards! And I believe I owe you some mail. Will get busy on that. I will work on an ARC post since people seem to enjoy seeing them.....thanks for the comment.

  8. LOL! Yes, that could be you. Self-recognition is a wonderful thing. :)
