Wednesday, July 29, 2015

making me some atc's

I'm making ATC's and I can't stop! But I don't really want to anyway so all is good....
and, in case, someone wonders, ATC stands for
Artist Trading Cards.

I got the idea of cutting up some of my vintage French postcards for making ATC's. They make a terrific background and the backs often have writing or stamps that are cool. Win-Win!
The two on the bottom here have a theme a la francais...

Then you've got your air mail theme....

I love using my paper ephemera for making these....air mail stickers, old stamps, vintage post cards....anything paper and postally related is fair game.

Here's a Russian theme ATC. I love Russian postage stamps and when I was in Russia I picked up A LOT of postal forms at a beautiful post office in St. Petersburg. I'm planning a whole series of travel/postal ATC's from the countries I've visited....

Another old French postacrd as background....I can get two ATC's from each postage. The perfect size.

Some French and Russian themed ATC's...

Here is another clever idea...if I do say so myself...I see these pre-paid postcards all over and often for less than face value. The postage is good but of course you have to add to to get up to current prices...I got a whole, wrapped set of these for $3..but what to do with them?

How about this? I made two ATC's on each one to mail off to mail art pals....when the postcard arrives, they can just cit along the center lines and have two Postal themed ATC's that went throught the postal system...

Don't you think this is a clever idea?

I made them with on up-side-down to make them easier to cut....

Anybody want one? I will randomly pick one person who comments and send you an ATC postcard through the mail....
and I wouldn't mind if you send me one back..
In the meantime, I'm going to keep on making ATC's...
I just can't stop.

Cappuccino Break

Whew--I need a break. Cappuccino time!  I have so much more to show you (I've been busy) --
coin envelope booklets and little folders filled with surprises and outgoing envelopes...but i think there are enough photos here to keep you happy for a while.
The fabulous and fantastic Vintage Paper Fair is coming up this weekend in SF. If you need me, you'll know where I'll be!
Let's hear what you think -- and somebody will get a fun surprise in the mail.



  1. I think your double ATC postcard idea is brilliant! Of course, all your cards are fantastic. I also like the idea of cutting vintage postcards in half to make ATCs. Thank you for the inspiration!

  2. Lovely ATC's I should make some soon again and might do a postal theme also :) thank you for the inspiration ♥

    1. You are most welcome, Henderica! I think you should make some too. They are such fun to trade.

  3. You have made a very coherent collection here - ha, I must be channelling my inner Nina Garcia!

    1. OK, FinnBadget -- I have no idea what that comment means. ???? LOL. But thanks for stopping by the blog........

    2. She is a host on Project Runway... a fashion reality show where the judges want to see a collection that works together yet isn't too samey.

    3. Ha! I guess you can tell I don't watch much TV.......

    4. I'm mailing myself to you! If you retrieve me from your mail box I can watch you work, and follow you to the paper fair. :)

    5. Limner -- good idea! Send yourself Priority Mail!

  4. I would love to receive one of your fantastic ATCs!

  5. Great work! When are you going to publish a book with tips and tricks? I am sure you would sell out in no time. And yes, I would buy too! ;)

    1. TomoyoHime -- that is nice of you to say! Maybe I should self-publish a book. But it would be a lot of work and I need time to make things.

  6. I love your ATCs! I recently made my first set.

  7. Oh, Pamela, what fun! Of course I'm going to comment in order to get a chance to win an ATC! Thanks for sharing!!!

  8. I love all your art work, Pamela. Now I will be impatiently waiting on your post with the coin envelopes. I just bought a bunch of those at a thrift store. I thought of you when I found them. :)

    1. Tammy -- oooh you will love the coin envelope booklets. Very easy and fun to make. I will post them next.......I need more of them now to make more booklets...I found some at SCRAP.

  9. They are so beautiful those Postal ATC's and I see some familiar ephemera! ;-) I have made some a time ago. I will send you a picture on FB. Maybe if you like one or two we can swap.

    1. Nina -- thank you! And yes, I used some of the stamps you sent me -- many thanks. Sure -- let's trade.

  10. Very cool! Gotta love postal themed art! :) This inspires me to make ATC's out of my various postal items!

    1. Christina -- glad you're inspired -- go for it! You'll be happy you did.

  11. gorgeous! and yes, i too love scoring those prestamped postcards.

    1. Yeah -- miss polly -- and I love when you can find them cheap and people don't realize you can still use them.....score!

  12. OK, you can't just drop a hint about coin envelope booklets and then run away. I will be stalking you until you blog about it. LOL. As for the postcard ATCs: that is a FAB idea! I think I have one of those old prepaid postcards that is woefully out of date. hmmmmm. If I find it, would you like to make a trade?

    1. Miss Iowa -- you are funny! You just have to add postage to those old prepaid postcards and you can use them. You can stalk me -- just read old blog posts. LOL I have the coin booklet post ready and will post it soon...I try to post once a week (not more) so I don't bore my lovely readers. Now you can use those postcards you found to make ATC's!

  13. These look great and of course I would love to receive one although I realise postage to the U.K. is not cheap but thought I'd comment anyway! Keep these great ideas and posts coming...:)

    1. hey scott! i think I can manage to pay postage to send you one! Nice to see you commenting here...thanks.

  14. Love the ATC's! Cool use of the prepaid postcards - love that the ATC's will go through the mail! Can't wait to see the coin booklets and your goodies from the vintage paper fair will make me drool - enjoy!

    1. Thanks, Michele C -- off to the Vintage Paper Fair right now and I will have to make a full report! I think it is cool the ATC's will go through the mail too -- just hope they arrive will be an experiment. Glad you like them -- and the coin booklets will be up next...thanks for the comment.

  15. Just wanted to comment about the postcard/double-atc cards - that's really clever & a good use of the postcard! Envious of all the paper events you have - thanks for sharing all the pictures from the Enveloped event, too.

    1. tamdoll! You're back -- haven't heard from you in so long. Do you have a new address for me to send you mail? I'm glad you like the postcard/double atc thing.....and I a just back from the fabulous Vintage Paper Fair -- I bet a lot of my mail art will show up in one of those vintage paper fairs some day.....(hopefully a long time from now...)

  16. great pictures and inspirational ideas...thanks!! oh, do share a post with us about the Vintage Paper Fair--i'm sooo jealous.

    1. Thanks Day Mail -- next post will be outgoing mail & coin envelope booklets and the one after will be the treasures at the Vintage paper fair. It was wonderful as usual. I have already been posting photos from the VPF in the blog's FaceBook page if you want to check that out as a preview. Stay tuned for more mail and vintage paper!

  17. Ah Pamela, you are full of good ideas! (and your comment about having your art show up at the vintage paper fair one day cracked me up.)

    1. ha ha I am serious, Karen.....with all the stuff I send up some of my mail/letters/envelopes/etc have GOT to show up at the Vintage Paper Fair someday.....or

  18. Those ATCs are gorgeous and should be in a museum! Yes, so clever to send them through the mail for more postmarks and wear. You never cease to amaze me.
