Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Enveloped Opening and You're Invited to Come with Me!

A charming and delightful show opened last Friday night at SF Center for the Book --
You're going to want to go see it. The show is up till October 4 so if you live in the Bay Area or you are coming for a visit, you're in luck!
But -- I know some of you reading my blog aren't going to be able to make it here so here is a little show-and-tell for you guys so you don't feel too left out.

A Make and Take Table for folding and decorating envelopes...

There was a good turn out for opening night! Lots of postal lovers out there.

The mail art group I'm in was invited to help out at the envelope folding table....and we did!

Lots of paper was supplied! And rubber stamps, washi tape, glue -- bring your own imagination.

The crowd had no trouble with that....everybody was on board and that was one popular table..

Even though I was "on duty" I managed to play a little bit myself..

By the time the first hour was up and I got to look around all the food was gone! Don't you feel sorry for me?

I had to feast on eye candy instead -- and there was plenty of it!

Some wonderful postal goodness -- vintage stamps relating to mail.

I especially loved these French stamps with a postal theme...

And, who wouldn't love looking at a vintage envelope in a glassine sleeve?

Ar mail stripes? I am a sucker for them -- and don't they look lovely displayed like that?

Right up t the minute, this display included the new From Me to You stamps.

Time to go -- but here is a little bedtime story for you......

Delightful show. Girl reporter on the job for you. Hope you enjoyed opening night with me.
And if this isn't enough, you can contact SFCB and order a copy of the "bookazine" as they call it that accompanies the show.

Let me know how you liked it!


  1. Thanks for sharing - looks like a huge amount of fun!

  2. Ooo-wee, girl!!! What I would have given to be there. You have some of the best times. You're so dear to stir up our envy . . . umm . . to whet our desires and include us second hand. :) Some people have it so good. SMH.

    They should have fed the volunteers! That's just not fair. Did you buy a bunch of goodies? Make new friends? Pass out your calling card?

    Good show, Pamela. Thank you.

    1. Limner -- well, the only thing for sale wa sthe bookazine and I got that....and the envelopes were free so, of course, I got some of them.....and I only handed out my card to one new friends but got to hang with lots of old ones. Wish you were there too.

  3. Is there a "From Me To Me" sticker? That would be fun :-)) I would stick it all over the place.

    1. Marie -- those From Me To You are postage stamps! I will mail you something and put a couple on your envelope...

  4. Wonderful Pamela, great job ... wishing I were there.

    1. Thanks, Jacki -- happy you enjoyed the little tour. Thank you for commenting too.

  5. Thanks for generously sharing such eye candy!

    1. Cindy -- you are very welcome. Wish you could stop by and see it in person!

  6. Ooh, I'm feeling envious here in Austin, TX. I love shows like that, so much fun seeing your photos. Those from me to you postage stamps are so cool aren't they?

    1. Barbara, I'm so glad you could at least enjoy the photos if you couldn't make it to the show. Yes, I like the From Me To You stamps too -- but i think I like the vintage ones even better! Thanks so much for commenting....

  7. Love this! Absolutely looks FUN!

    1. I'm so glad, pam -- wish you all could have stopped by! But thanks for stopping by the blog and leaving a comment...

  8. oh how lovely! even more fun now that I've been in that space - I can imagine what fun it must have been to be at the opening.

    1. Your spirit was there, Karen - lots of folks (but not as many as the XPF opening when you were there!). Great show. Wish we could go see it together....

  9. Thanks for reporting back, Pamela! I love to live vicariously through your photos and words. :-)

    1. Glad you enjoyed the "visit", Carter -- wish the real you could go though....
