Friday, December 5, 2014

Where Santa Goes to Shop (Part One)

Way back in August, I made a trip over to Scrap and had a lot of fun poking around all the bins and shelves -- and of course I found some good stuff -- like these peek-a-boo envelopes.
I usually go with mail art pals to Scrap and we are all on the hunt for more or less the same stuff. So, I realized -- this would be a great place to do my Holiday shopping.
I can make my friends happy AND I get to see what they do with the arty stuff I gift them with. And they might use some of the ephemera and make things for me.
(Ok, so I am naughty and nice...).

I am definitely NOT the Xmas type. I rarely get into the holiday mood till the week before Xmas (if at all). But I do enjoy finding treasures for my friends and I like to package things up in  a cool way and I like to wrap.
So, this year I started early. Real early.

But then -- I kinda forgot about it and now I realize --
It is only TWENTY days till Christmas!
Where DOES the time go?

Four packs of tri-folded envelopes with a little pocket at Scrap via the Paper Source.
Don't mind if I do!
I know just the person who will like making things with some of these.
And I have some ideas for using them myself -- gelli printing? Dripping paint on them? Filling them with ephemera? These could make some nice little gifts, you think?

There are always loads of rubber stamps at Scrap to dig through. And some of them are pretty good.
I actually curated a little collection of them for one pal.
But I can't show them now.......

Pads of paper with numbers printed on them. Pretty cool, don't you think? I would have prefered they leave the paper in full sheets but I still couldn't pass up a couple of pads of this numbered paper to share. Good for making your to-do lists.
Or maybe a list of what you are going to make for people?

This is just a little quick post -- part two will be coming round the bend very soon....
but wanted to remind you all to get busy making stuff...
I think handmade or personally curated gifs are the best kinds,
don't you?

What's everybody working on?

Send Good Mail -- Get Good Mail
(and make stuff!)


  1. I LOVE SCRAP! I always forget about it but this post inspired me to go!

  2. Replies
    1. Dori -- you'd love it! We will have to go there when we finally get you up here to SF -- but it is hit or miss - but always fun to look around.

  3. I want a SCRAP too! Maybe I should open one, but then I guess I would buy my own stock... XD Can't wait to see more.

    1. TomoyoHime -- I'm with you -- if I ran Scrap I would come home with half the merchandise.....and I am running out of room as it is already....

  4. I want a Scrap here. What a cool place. The closest we ever had was at the children's museum but not woth workshops and the like. How do you not liver ther? xox

  5. What an excellent idea for a likeminded artist! I was thinking about you recently as I was going through years of cards I've bought and never used.

    1. shams -- you should get busy and send some of those cards out -- getting mail makes people happy!

  6. dear, from my busy hive to yours. riding the full moon wave...been up in the study since 4 am!!! now heading out to lunch and then to goodwill bins. lots of letter and card making this morning as well as some stitching projects and now my study is infused with the sweet, heady, soothing scent of homegrown lavender. a good day! and still so much of the weekend to go. fueled by the full moon and too inspired by the thought of the busy creative hives of all my mail art friends whirring with activity!
    thanks, as ever, for the glimpse. and me and my mailbox are waiting. keep an eye on yours!! xo, miss p

    1. Very productive, miss polly -- a great start to the day/weekend.

  7. I agree, handmade presents are the very best one can give. It somehow shows 'I care that much'. I'm making a book for my mum's Xmas and it's making me happy as well. Double fun!

    1. Good point, Marie W -- double happiness -- for the maker and the receiver. I hope you will post photos of the book you make your mom on your blog - AFTER Xmas, of course!

  8. Linda -- Scrap is really a lot of fun and you can really score but it is hit or miss. I do suggest a visit when you are in SF -- along with Japan Town (Diaso).

  9. I try to make something every year - this year female family are getting gratitude journals (why don't I think guys would like it? dunno!) and my goal is to whip up a couple infinity scarves.....we'll see if it all gets done....those journals are TIME consuming!

    1. OoOoo I would like to see the journals you are making, Terrie! Maybe AFTER Xmas!? And infinity scarves-- you are making me wish I was on your Xmas list! Good luck finishing everything up.

  10. Oh, I do envy you your Scrap! Anyone on your "nice" list is lucky, indeed. The rubber stamps, the list pads...yum!

  11. Where does the time go, indeed! Christmas is upon us! I haven't even done any decorating yet! Yikes!
    Lovely yummy paper goods!
    Have a wonderful evening my friend!

    1. My decorating consists of a fresh green garland over the mantle with white lights and some white candles -- done! Merry Christmas!
