Sunday, November 30, 2014

Paint It Any Color But Black

What did you do on Black Friday?

I think not. I enjoy a holiday as much as the next person but really...all this commercialism and shopping to just too much.
I opt out.
Here's what I do instead.....

Morning coffee with some reading -- good way to start the day.
I'm reading:
Flirting With French by William Alexander
Mastering the Art of French Eating by Ann Mah
The Stories We Tell by Patti Callahan Henry
The Painting Workshop by Alena Hennessy
Sinfully Easy Delicious Desserts by Alice Medrich

All from the fabulous SF Public Library and all good.
I can definitely vouch for the baking book.
Trust me.


I got out my Gelli printing stuff and got busy making much fun. Put some music on and play with paint and the times flies by.

Listening to my two favorite holiday CD's -- both by Over The Rhine a group I really really like.
Snow Angels & Blood Oranges in the Snow.
Both really good.
And have you heard of The Civil Wars? Apparently popular group  few years ago who are now broken up but the CD I got from the library is quite good.

Printed on some plain white gift bags from Diaso....that was fun..

Some tags.....they can go inside the bags...

Cards and I have a stockpile to play with...

A much better use of my time than the mall.....not that I ever actually go to malls but you get the idea....

Worked on some Holiday gifts.....

This one is for me......

I enjoy wrapping gifts when I'm not rushed or have too many things to wrap all at once...


My pal invited us over for a wonderful lunch up in the wine country and I felt like I took a little trip to France.

When in the wine country...or know what you've got to do.....

Take a walk and look around.....

So, there it is -- my Black Friday. Not a store in sight.

And, thanks to all of you lovely folks who read and commented on my last post. WOW!
I think there were 29 comments.
I could sure get used to that. Keep 'em coming! That is the way to keep me going and working on the blog. It is so much appreciated and really means a lot. I'm feeling the love.
Questions? Ideas for posts? Comments?
All good.
I have so many projects to work on I think I better say good-bye and get busy.
Now tell me about you!
What was your Black Friday like? And are you all doing today?



  1. pamela: thanks for the great blog post & for the wonderful book list. now all on request from the fines multnomah county library for moi! ~miss p

  2. Really like that you MADE instead of consumed on Black Friday! Well done :)

    Uncustomary Art.

  3. Black Friday was good. My sister and I sat around and each knit a sock for her boyfriend (future Christmas present - she's never knit before, hence I'm doing one of the socks to show her how it's done). Then, in the evening we went over to my Dad's girlfriend's house for cocktail hour. Finally, home to make homemade pizzas! All family, and zero shopping!!!

    1. Oooo! Socks, cocktails and homemade pizza -- my kind of day! And I saw a photo of those fab socks you knit on FB.....they are great. Sounds very relaxing and fun, Carter.

  4. I never will participate in Black Friday. I long for the year that it stops being a thing. I had to work a short day on Black Friday, and I wasn't as nearly as productive as you were!

    1. I'm with you, TARAdactyl -- make it go away! But we don't have to participate. But even staying home I kept getting emails for BUY BUY BUY online. Yuk.

  5. Even for the Shoppoholic that I am black friday would be an absolute no-go zone. Urgggh… what a sad sight. Did you see they now have black friday in England?? :-0 I hope it never ever reaches France or Japan.
    Flirting with French :-)) great choices of books! And wow, beautiful fall colours in the wine country. I would kill for a glass of Californian Pinot Noir in that beautiful setting right now. A great way to spend your weekend, well done!

    1. Marie W -- My pal tells me Black Frida reached Canada.....uh's country with golden leaves and a glass of wine is much better. Come on and visit!

  6. No shopping for me. I refuse to spend one red cent on that stupid day. Sorry England! I worked instead and was happy to take other people's money.
    Glad you're using that gelli plate! Gonna play with mine today. Can not believe it's December so will work on some xmas gifts today.

    1. Leslie -- you are still my gelli-guru! you are the best! I can't believe it is December either....what are you making for gifts? (but I guess you can't tell or you might ruin someone's surprise)

  7. Sounds like a perfect way to spend Black Friday! I am sad to say that Black Friday silliness has crept into Canada, even though we do not celebrate Thanksgiving at the same time. Apparently it is on its way to replace Boxing Day (Dec. 26), which is traditionally the day of the sale silliness. (And which I also ignore.) I worked on Friday and went to a book signing, so that was how I spent the day. But yesterday I did something extremely out of the ordinary (not being a church-goer) -- I went to a candlelit Advent carol service. The music and beauty of the cathedral was stunning. I will write you about it.

    1. Adrienne, yes -- I heard the dreaded Black Friday has creeped into Canada....I bet that service was lovely...I often go to such things when traveling in Europe....the

  8. Your day sounds like the perfect way to spend Black Friday. I took a long walk in the morning, worked on some Christmas gifts in my studio, visited and dined with friends. Not a store or mall in sight!

    1. cjsrq -- that sounds like a lovely way to spend the day! We are the smart ones.

  9. Black Friday has infiltrated England.....I was told that some people were actually fighting over goods in a shop somewhere....???!!!
    I hold my head up high with dignity and ignore it.

    1. I just love your last line, Urban Rustic -- so funny -- and true! Thanks for brightening up my day with that comment.

  10. OOOh!! An LA trip -- excellent. And picking up street ephemera -- good work! Gryos for Thanksgiving? Good idea -- might have to try that next year.

  11. Perfect day in all ways. xox

  12. Now that is a perfect Black Friday. Mine was creative and involved tea and home-made decorating.

  13. sounds like a glorious day. love your gelli-printed bags and tags.
    you squeezed a lot of goodness into your day.

  14. Not sure if my comment went through or not.

  15. But what I said is that I never comment but I wanted you to know that I have been a fan for awhile now and am always checking your blog to see if you've posted anything new. I love your work and think that you are an inspiration! I've been tempted to write but chicken out b/c i don't think that my mail art is as good as yours!

    1. Oops -- actually I guess your other try didn't go through but this one did -- and thank you very much for suck a lovely comment. happy to know you enjoy the blog. And don't worry about your mail art -- it's all good -- any mail from a person and isn't a bill is good mail. Thanks, Jessica!

  16. Pamela! I love your way of observing Black Friday. I also love, "Worked on some holiday gifts...this one is for me." A woman after my own heart! Your paint-y playtime looks like fun. I just ordered the Painting Workshop book because a blogging/Facebook friend is doing a year-long project with it in 2015 and I am going to play along. Let me know if you want info about it! Also, I wanted to invite you to stop by my blog again; after a month-long break, I am back to posting, and would love to see you around. Take care! :-)

  17. Andria -- I will indeed stop by your blog -- I always enjoy it. And thanks for the recent mail too. I don't dare sign up for any more things to do -- I can barely keep up with everything now -- but I hope you'll blog about project. I'd like to hear about it. Thanks for stopping by!

  18. looks like you had a great black friday! I used to go out-more to get in a christmas mood than to shop. Now i tend to hit craft stores that day~like you, i don't like the commercialism-i especially hate christmas music in stores the day after halloween...

    1. totally agree, donnj -- Itis sadly too commercial and lost the true meaning of the holiday -- but we can find our own lovely ways to keep it simple and celebrate -- and make things! Thanks for visiting my blog! (I bet Seth sent you).

  19. My Black Friday was spent at home working on some new music. I don't usually go Christmas shopping anyway.
    Beautiful painting you did there.

    1. Thanks, my friend -- I only like shopping at places like Scrap and the Vintage Paper Fair...nothing new....
