Monday, October 27, 2014

I Love Hotel Room Art (making)

Nothing beats settling into a good hotel room with your art supplies and  starting every morning with making some mail art and working in a travel journal and drinking your morning coffee (or, in this photo, an afternoon tea).

Roam around all day and night collecting paper ephemera and then getting to play with it.....that's my idea of a good time.

When I found a NYC pretzel in a bread basket at dinner I just knew it would make a good prop.
You might even be seeing it again.
And when I'm done with it, I could actually mail it.

And, my sweetie went downstairs every morning and braved the hoards in the breakfast room to bring my breakfast up to me.
What a guy!

Of course, I had to photograph it all all before eating anything....but he's used to that.

The (Fabulous) Ink Pad
Click the link! You won't be sorry. The Ink Pad has about a million rubber stamps, including Jennie Hinchcliff's fabulous Red Handed Rubber stamps (and yes, I did buy another of her stamps), stencils, books, washi tape, cards and more -- plus very lovely and friendly people working there!
If you are in NYC -- get yourself over there.
(They have classes too, if you get your timing right, maybe you can go to one.)

Be still my heart -- two shelves of MAIL stamps?
Now where else do you see that?

I rest my case.

Get your New York City stamps here!
(I bought a Yellow Cab stamp)

I took a bunch more photos of the Ink Pad so let me know in the comments if you want to see them.
or, maybe I'll post them on the blog's FB page.
Just to torture you. It is almost Halloween, you know.
Trick or treat?

The subway walls and poles are interesting too....I liked this sticker...

In fact, I liked it so much it seems to have found the way into my travel journal.......see it?

Altered NYC postcards
I just cannot send them plain.

Why send 'em plain if you can send 'em fancy?

These are my two favorites -- fuhgettaboudit!


Another altered postcard -- bring on the tourist brochures! Lots to cut & paste.

Another morning -- another coffee and more mail art
Outgoing NYC postcards
Of course, a person cannot live on mail art alone -- and I always make a visit  to Junior's!
Wouldn't miss it.
SF cannot hold a candle to the NYC deli!

There's that NYC taxi stamp now......

Just a little loot from The Ink Pad....(Red Handed Rubber stamp on lower left -- love that one!)

Brought along a little eye candy from Dori Singh (envelope by Dori).

What can I say? I like to take pictures of breakfast/mail/art tabletops?

Hummmm......a mailbox that had a hard night?
This looks like a nice little spot to sit down and write some postcards.

Loved this sign!
In the city that never sleeps,  I have to sleep -- at least a little -- but before bedtime, there is time for some Junior's cheesecake and a glass of wine.

So (sadly) now I'm home. I miss NYC but san Francisco isn't such a bad place to be either.
I owe everybody mail and I am a teeny bit stressed.
But, letter by letter, I will get the mail out.
And--I am working on finishing up the travel collage journal. Will be showing those to you soon.
Never a dull moment around here. Thank God.

Now, what about you guys?
What's everyone working on? I have a Thanksgiving mail art card in the works. Planning some gelli printing. 
Anybody out here planning a trip to NYC?
Should I do a post of NYC photos?



  1. Yes,yes, more photos! I haven't been to NYC since October 2001! I love the photo of altered Audrey, and The Ink Pad makes me (literally) drool.
    Thanks for sharing your wonderful trip!

    1. Linda.....The Ink Pad is amazing. You better start planning your next trip to NYC and check it out. I have a couple more NYC-influenced posts coming up so stay tuned!

  2. Love. It. All. Glad you had such a fabulous trip!

  3. Hahaha, when I clicked on your blog's link in Marie's Suitcase it looked like the title of this post was "the love hotel room". I thought oh do they have love hotels in NYC too? And Pamela has been to one? I need to see that! :-))
    Wow those rubber stamps! :-o I'm going to DC soon and am looking for similar stationery shops to browse. I hope I'l find interesting stuff!

    1. Marie W -- you are funny.i see why you and Vizma get along so well. They probably do have Love Hotels in NYC but I ain't looking!!!! lol A friend of mine has a shop in DC -- -- check it out. Melissa Esposito -- tell her I sent you!

    2. I found her newly opened shop, Analog. Looks cool! I will try to pay a visit, thank you for the tip!!

    3. Marie W -- you should email her ahead of time and try to meet up. Melissa is delightful and a lot of fun.

    4. Aww, thanks for the shout-out, Pamela!

      Marie, let me know whatever day you might want to come and I can try to make sure I there that day, just in case I am not scheduled. I am good at giving eatery advice, too! Craftgasm at gmail. :)

    5. Alrightie!! Hoping to see you soon then!

  4. Looks like you had a good trip. I hope to go back to NYC sooner than later. I never knew about the Inkpad--I'll have to check it out!

    1. OooOOOoooo Cindy -- you've got to go to the Ink Pad. Enough said!

    2. After reading this post and thinking about NYC, I actually had a dream that I was looking at apartments there. Not ready for that but I am up for a visit. You made it look fun!

    3. Cindy -- it IS fun!!!! Have you been? Stay tuned for more NYC posts! And let me know if you decide to go.

    4. I lived there for almost five years, but haven't been back for a visit since 2011. I love Autumn in NY and will definitely go back to visit friends and those who became like family. And I will check out some of these places you so nicely recommend :)

  5. Where's the love hotel stuff?!! Haha!! Fuhgeddaboudit! -they are great!
    Pastrami on rye with a pickle, yum... only in NYC!
    Did you go to Casey's as I told you? He unmounted all of my chosen stamps to make my purchases lighter...and cheaper! (It still cost me over $100 though ...)

    1. Vizma! I went to Casey's last time . This time I was near him at 11 but he didn't open till 2 and I had places to go!

  6. You should make a "shop here when you visit the US for Mail artists and Mail enthousiasts".

  7. I agree 100 percent about making art on your hotel desk! Just came back from teaching workshops in Seattle and evening hours were my creative times! tons of fun!
    It was great meeting you at the JAM!
    Talk soon.

    1. Dorit--it was great meeting you at the Book Arts Jam too and look forward to seeing you again. I am going to do a post on that too.....when I get time! And yes -- hotel rooms and art really do go together, don't they?

  8. Wonderful stuff, Pamela. I was happy to see that the camera washi tape came in handy. :-). I live for your posts- more pictures...more anything you do. HUGS.

    1. miss millicent -- you are a real sweetie! And thanks for that tape! xo

  9. Oh thanks, linda! Yes, there are older NYC posts too....i love to visit there. My husband is a saint, I swear. He does think I am a little weird but he likes weird so it works out.....Those breakfasts came with the room -- but at NYC hotel prices that's the least they could do! I would have stayed longer and visited with my NYC mail art pals if it wasn't so darn expensive -- but totally worth it! Stay tuned for more NYC (and other stuff too). Thanks for commenting.

  10. The Ink Pad is one of my most favorite places on earth!

    1. Seth -- TIP is pretty delightful -- and I had hoped I'd run in to you there!

  11. Marvelous views of post cards, breakfast and Junior's. The ink pad is on my list, not only does Seth teach there, but my friends Jessica and Marjie too. I've got to get there one of these days. xox

    1. You sure do need to get there, Corrine! I wish I could have taken a class while I was in town.....

  12. Mercy, what a wonderful posting! I've never been to NYC and wouldn't even know where to go when I got I live vicariously through your blog :-)

    1. Peggy Lynn -- I would highly recommend a visit! It is a wonderful city and there is so much to do and fun to be had!

  13. "And when I am done with the pretzel, I can actually mail it." LOLOL I love your "take" on NYC! I really need to get back there one of these days!

    1. Hey shams -- that pretzel is hard as a rock and would go happily through the mail! You should go visit NYC and head for the fashion district with all your cool outfits!

  14. All those stamps, oh my goodness! Sounds (and looks) like you had a wonderful time! Love your mail art. :) You have a beautiful blog!

  15. oh what fun. you always make the most of your time. love your taxi stamp.

    1. Karen -- I do try......but you make the most of your time too.....

  16. A bit belated here, but the documentation of your art-filled time over coffee in such a fabulous environment gives me joy just looking! I'm glad you had a great trip!

    1. So glad you enjoyed it, Paper Chipmunk! I just love working on collage/mail art in a hotel room!

  17. Your New York post inspired me to collect collage-worthy items on my Chicago trip.

    1. FinnBadger -- thanks for linking me and I love what you did with your Chicago travel ephemera. isn't it fun? Thanks for letting me know...
