Tuesday, February 18, 2014

XPF Passport -- Don't Leave Home Without It!

Ex Postal Facto lives on!
If you follow the Cappuccino&Art blog on Facebook you have been seeing loads of photos of the  unbelievable mail art event this pasty weekend here in San Francisco --
Ex Postal Facto
Thanks to Miss Red Letter Day herself (and her XPF team) this was three incredible days of mail art,
artistamps, panel discussions, rubber stamps, vending, meeting old friends and making new ones....
an event many of us will be talking about and thinking about for a very long time.

And did I mention the mail art passports?
Each day of the event had a special stamps and many of the participants brought along artistamps and rubber stamps to stamp in the passports.
The best souvenir ever!

One vender brought along a large set of vintage rubber stamps from a classroom and let everyone have at it --
Let the stamping begin.

Artistamps by John Held, Jr

Sticker Dude (and others) brought stickers and this absolutely lovely photo of the much missed mail art queen Patricia Taverner is by Susan Backman (bottom right).

There were rubber stamps and artistamps to purchase and all kinds of wonderful things to look at and two amazing panel discussions at the SF Library on West Coast Mail Art and Artistamps and the fabulous Mail/Art/Book show at SF Center for the book (which runs for quite some time so if you are in the the area try not to miss seeing that).

There were so many incredible things going on on for the past three+plus days I didn't even know what to show you all.
What do you want to see?
Maybe a few photos from each day's events?
Let me know and I will try.
Check out the blog's FB page and the XPF Website as it is updated.

Hello to all the wonderful new people I met --

Karen Isaacson (Mail Me Some Art), Anna Banana, Carl Chew, Niko Courtelis, Melissa Esposito, Olive Cinnamon (aka Miss Polly), TS Crow
April Gunther, Dame Mailarta, Jack Latteman,  Nina Hermus (who came all the way from The Netherlands), Adreinne, Stan Askew, B. Lee Auchter, Mary England
and everyone else.



  1. Oooh so fun to see your photos from the event/s. So sad that I couldn't make the trip. And you got to meet all the "historical" Mail Art people! Wow!

  2. You always take such nice photos, Pamela. It's like being there all over again!

    1. Melissa -- thank you -- and it was wonderful to finally meet you. Just wish we had more time to go out and play.

  3. Ohh, I´m sooo evious....
    I wish I could be there to see this great show!

    1. Planet Susannia--your name came up a number of times. Everyone loves your work. You were missed.

  4. An amazing whirlwind weekend! It was wonderful to meet you (and have lunch at Mau). Your pictures and your passport are fabulous!

  5. Wow, so many cool stamps in the passports. I still can't believe that I live only an hour away but it happened on a weekend that I couldn't take off from work. Ah, well. Looks like you had a ball. How about some pics of the vendor tables?

    1. Leslie--are you in Facebook? I posted tons of photos on there.....I sure wish you could have made it SF for this...

  6. yes, do you have more pics of the super dreamy and inspiring vendor tables? and the super sweet folks in attendance?

    such magic!!
    thanks for documenting it and sharing along!!!


    1. miss polly -- lovely meeting you -- finally! Did you see some vender tables on FB?

  7. Pamela, such a delight to meet you in person! A good time was had by all, and especially fun to meet correspondents such as yourself in person with whom I have exchanged for years. The XPF team can be proud of the good energy and smooth execution that went into this event. Several people told me XPF was the best mail art gathering they had ever attended. I look forward to future visits to San Francisco to meet again a wonderful part of the Eternal Network.
    ~ Jack @ Cascadia Artpost

    1. Jack -- It was a pleasure meeting you too! I think XPF must be one of the best mail art events ever. i hope we can talk Jennie into doing it again -- after she has a long rest, a vacation and maybe a few years in between! Your beautiful artistamps certainly added a lot to the event -- and the postage vending machine was too fun! The Eternal Network lives on!

  8. I really can't imagine what a fun and interesting weekend that must have been. There is such an understanding and appreciation of mail art and artistamps and the like where you are, and it is such an unfamiliar thing around here... it's hard to imagine what an event you enjoyed! Every photo is drool-worthy to someone with a "postal aesthetic," and I thank you for all that you've shared.

    1. Andria - you are very welcome. So glad you enjoyed the photos. People came from all over for this event -- Seattle, Portland, DC, The netherlands, New Zealand, Canada, NYC...the word is out. Maybe you will be next!

  9. Now that I have my passport in my paws, I can start looking at the blogs I've been avoiding. Lots of great extras here! Thanks again, Pamela, for getting a passport to me in Oz!!

    1. vizma -- all the way to Waitpinga! So glad your XPF passport arrived....I only wish it was YOU here in SF getting it stamped....
