Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Good, The Bad and the Lunch

Good Cancellations

Received this week, some mail with the fabulous Ex Postal Facto special cancellation.

Bad Cancellation

Also received a lovely collage and envelope from Stan Askew with this horrible Sharpie "cancellation" ruining the stamps and envelope.
Doesn't this make you mad?

The BUZZzzzzzzz from Ex Postal Facto continues but I have been seriously trying to catch up and spending a fair amount of time at my (temporary) work table.

Speaking of cancellations, I have been making some cards using some of my postal rubber stamps.

Collaged Postcards

A couple of folks from out-of-town had a rather...shall we say, interesting.....ride on a local SF Muni bus and here are the collaged cards to remind them....or maybe they want to forget..



I cannot help myself. I can't stop making these Stamp Head ATC's. And certain people were egging me on. (You know who you are). This one cracks me up.

Stamp Head

I rather like this one too -- what do you think?

Kelly P sent me these two......but they needed a little something...

So, I collaborated with her (now she knows) and stuck them on ATC size painted paper and hit them with a couple of rubber stamps. Better?

Connie Rose got in the game and sent me these two -- I love the woman with the red stripes!
Thanks, Connie.

And...I am working on some "starts" of collages to collaborate with Allan Bealy....these have been slow going but I am almost finished.


A little booklet about my town -- San Francisco -- another trade with a mail art friend.
Hope she likes it.


You know I had to pack up my studio a couple of weeks ago....I am still in a mess...

....but look! It is painted and the floors are finished. We need to get a rug and then move the (very) large work table back in there....

We are playing with cut outs to see what goes where and how to make the best use of the (somewhat odd) space.
I want to invite everyone over for wine and cheese and cake and mail art when it is all finished.
Who wants to come over?

I've been working hard but there is always time for lunch! Dungeness Crab Louie and sour dough bread and avocado....and California wine....not bad at all.

I remember when I didn't like rubber stamps. I guess that was in another lifetime.

That seems about it from here. Still thinking about what a great time I had at XPF and all the terrific people I met.
Trying to answer all my mail, send out the zine to those who ordered, make those crazy Stamp Head ATC's and generally have as much fun as possible.

And you?



  1. i HATE when my mail has such cancellations! sadly cleo's fabulous mail often comes with the lovely stamps scritched out with an inky ballpoint pen! aghast!!! i'd love to be the lucky recipients of one of your amazing stamp heads!! if only i were closer, i'd come to celebrate your new studio digs! CONGRATS!!

    1. miss polly -- I am trading the Stamp Heads !! So, are you in? Want to trade?
      I try to take much of my mail to the PO and get it hand cancelled so some a**
      doesn't ruin it with a Sharpie or ballpoint. Luckily the super nice clerks at my PO don't mind my asking.....

    2. oooh! i'm game. thanks for the philatelic goad. let's see what i can come up with. maybe tucked into your next missive. xo, p

    3. Cool! But be careful - you might get addicted to making them like a lot of us have.... We can't stop....

  2. Look at all your fab postal stamps! And stamp head ATCs...I can't stop making them. About to start a third batch. Why not!? Love your man boobs ATC -- priceless! xo

    1. Why not? indeed! You keep making them and we'll keep trading. LOVED the one you sent me and I will send you on in my next mailing to you....

  3. Totally agree re: man boobs! Man, girl, you have a lot going on! Congrats on your studio redo! I also remember a time when I did not care for rubberstamps. Strange to think at this point...

    1. The Man Boobs are popular! That is actually a photo I took downtown in SF a while back. I knew I would come in handy someday. (I am still drooling over your stamp cancellation scarf)......

  4. Sharpie cancellations are an abomination. It was the best bus ride ever. Man boobs are killing me. MMSA stamp heads are hopefully going out tomorrow! They were all over my dining room table tonight, now they are safely tucked in their outgoing envelopes. I'm coming back to SF for wine/cheese/mail art in your gorgeous space as soon as I can!

    1. Karen -- you have GOT to come to my studio for wine/cheese/mail art! I'll buy the Ravenswood. I will look forward to the Stamp Heads arriving in my mail box. Thanks for all your heroic efforts.

    2. and my bus postcard arrived today! a perfect keepsake for my travel journal.

    3. Yay! Happy to contribute to your travel journal.....

  5. YES...YES... wine and cheese? I'm in. I can't get enough of those darn stamp head ATCs either- I'm sending you one tomorrow.

    1. millicent--of course you're IN. Come on over and we'll play. Leave those adorable kiddos home with daddy and get your art on!

  6. Man boobs is a winner for sure! Sad about Stan's mail, he truly takes time to make a gorgeous envelope with a stamped address, really sucks about the ugly scribble.
    If I come and visit next year, can we still have wine and maybe that crab thing?? Crab is my numero uno food group!

    1. Vizma--you like crab? We have great crab here but mostly only from November (the start of crab season) to March or April...are you really thinking of coming to SF? I wonder if SF is ready for you -- the Australian Aries ______ (you know)

  7. Oh yes, I want to come see the "revised" Pamela Mail Art Studio! Love this post, and all of your mail art ! xo Jane
    P.S. It's raining in San Diego (yay!) but spring is just around the corner, so I'm working on spring collages.):-

    1. jane -- you saw the "before" -- I think the "after" will be really nice. And you are always welcome when you're in town. Spring collages sound wonderful. And I know I owe you mail.....soon...I promise!

  8. glad you all got to meet and hang out, sounds like a blast!!!! xox

  9. Uh oh... I bet that SF booklet is for me. I better get to work on the one about my town, huh?

    Your posts are always so fun - chock full of mail art and other good stuff. And yes, I'll try to make it to the studio opening. I'd love to see your redone art space! I quite like it empty and would move in tomorrow if it had a bath and kitchen.

    1. Ha -- my studio does have a bath and a kitchen! But I'm working in the kitchen now until I get moved back into the front room....
      And yup - you better get busy! Got cool mail from you today tho & thanks.

  10. Glad to see you are having fun I know you can't wait to get back into your real studio!

    1. Elle -- I will be glad to get back in and get organized. Thanks for stopping by.

  11. Fortunately, we've received only a couple of the sharpie "cancellations" during the past year - the clerk couldn't reach for a USPS rubber stamp?! And thank you for the MUNI bus transfer postcard that arrived a few days ago. Yes, I sent the story of us crammed with the Vend-o-Matic on that bus down Market St after Saturday's XPF to Jennie for use on her blog. Pamela, the studio space looks great and I look forward to visiting it on a future trip to S.F. ~ Jack @ Cascadia Artpost

    1. That bus ride was an adventure , wasn't it, Jack? I hope Jennie uses what you wrote about it so I can read what you wrote....
      You certainly need to come back to SF!

  12. I love the man boobs, haha :D I am currently looking for a nice way to fold my letter for is a great help :-)

    1. Anneljo - I've got to practice my folding! I am not very good at it. Will look forward to your mail.....

  13. Awesome bus ride! The Vend-O-Matic and XPFer's Big Adventure! I cleaned my table and am determined to create some mailart today. Can't wait to see your new studio. I'll expect a tour the next time I'm in SF!
    Your blog post is wonderful! I didn't have Crab Louie, but I AM still dreaming about the lemongrass pork at MAU.....

    1. and I am dreaming of that clay pot shrimp....and I don't even usually like shrimp....we will have to go back next time you're in SF....oh yes, and a studio tour too.....

  14. Your postal-themed rubber stamps are drool-worthy! I would love a post just delineating where they all came from so I can add to my currently very small collection. Man boobs...ha! You have a way with postage head collages!

  15. Pamela --those head-stamp mashups are great! You definitely are on a roll with those! Love them! xox --sally

    1. thanks, sallyw3000 -- they really are fun. Aren't you going to make me one?

  16. Glad you'll be back in your studio soon! But probably not as glad as you are :)

    1. Cindy -- you bet! I will be glad to get settled in and organized........but it is still a ways away....trying to figure out storage and empty at least some of the out of all the boxes.....

  17. I need to try stamp head art. They are so clever!

  18. I need to try stamp head art. They are so clever!

    1. chandlerguera -- you've got to try making some -- so fun to trade. I just got a wonderful batch of Stamp Heads from the MMSA trade. And I can't stop making them. I'm now using some French vintage postcards to add stamp heads...
