Monday, December 23, 2013

What's On the WorkTable (and Other Stories)

Things are busy this time of year, aren't they?
I like to be working on art projects more than doing holiday stuff. But sometimes you can combine the two.

There's always outgoing mail on the table.....
Why send it plain if you can send it fancy?

I had fun making a zine for my pals who went on the Portland-Seattle Art Trip in October with me.
It seemed like a long time ago since I had that other big trip right on it's heels.
But I promised to make a zine -- and I always keep my promises.

I used 11x17 paper for this zine and it was 99 cents to copy it at the  copy store. Not bad and the larger size was more fun to work with....
I copied tourists brochures from the places we went and attached real wallet sized photos to the pages. A Seattle pressed penny went in there too.

Kind of a good Xmas idea for some friends I think....Did you do something fun with your friends this year? A party? Weekend getaway? Outing for lunch and flea market? You could make a zine to commemorate the fun.

It was fun tucking things into the zine like extra photos and business cards and it is a nice reminder of the fun we had.

Don't you just want to laugh when you see those cats? I sent them to two cat-lovers I know.
Hope they got as much of a kick out of those faces as I did.

Interesting note - one cat lover in Virginia got her Grumpy cat envelope right away but the other,
which went to Connie Rose took almost four weeks to arrive in Fortuna, CA.
As Connie suggested on her blog post, maybe the cat walked there...
Don't you wonder where that envelope was for so long?
I sure do.
But at least she got it -- I am having some bad postal karma lately. Nesting dolls bought in Russia and sent to a friend are "Delivered" accordIng to the USPS tracking but she never got them.
Another friend in Budapest hasn't gotten the mail I sent her weeks ago and I am still waiting for Virgo's postcard collage from Russia.

This postal pencil case went out to Monika Csete in Budapest and happily that is one thing that got delivered. Read her blog post about our meeting at the Stamp Museum in Budapest.
(more about that visit soon)


OUTGOING to Vizma in Australia.

OK, here is yet another piece of mail that has gone missing. Vizma in Australia still hasn't received this envelope -- which was mailed before Thanksgiving. Four weeks ago!
I think maybe I should call this post

Another holiday-ish project. Working on some cards using photos I took on my recent trip. A present for someone who doesn't read my blog (gasp!) so the secret is safe.

Ok, I am kind of a scrooge but I actually do enjoy wrapping presents.  Good thing too because Christmas is getting awfully close. Maybe too late for starting any holiday projects this year.
But there's always next year, right?

Remember, if you are really running late, you can do as the French do and send New Year's Greetings. There is still time for that.

Merry Christmas to All (who celebrate) and to all a Good Night! 


  1. Fun post, Pamela. I'm loving all those pieces of beautiful mail. I've been having some bad postal luck, myself. My mail box was destroyed this weekend, along with those belonging to all my neighbors. I don't even want to know what awesome mail was stolen (our "overnighted" taxes are gone). SO...we now have a po box- no more Hoot Ridge for this gal (I'll txt you my new addy).

    1. Wow! That isn't a very happy Holiday story. Sorry to hear. Will send something to cheer up your new postbox asap, Millie.

  2. Sounds good, New Year's greetings. There are some folks I missed. Fab cats...xox

  3. pamela~
    so well said!!!!
    "Why send it plain if you can send it fancy?"
    love this post and may your mail karma improve post haste!!

    1. Thanks, miss polly. I knew you'd understand. And I still have mail gone missing. No Fun!

  4. Everything beautiful. Grumpy cat mail! I once saw a grumpy cat cake in Whole Foods. It was, like everything related to grumpy cat, amazing.

    1. Hey--nice to see you here! I really had (and have) no idea who Grumpy Cat is but I laughed out loud when I saw that picture -- so i knew I had to play with it. A grumpy cat cake--in Whole Foods? Wow! Happy 2014 to you.

  5. that zine looks fabulous. I love that they are a combination of reproduced and original things. what fun!

    1. Thanks, Karen -- I like adding original things to zines - makes them a little more special. I think we should make one for XPF here in SF in February, don't you?

  6. I'm so excited that I was able to hold that fabulous zine in my hands, before you sent them on their merry ways! Such a wonderful tribute to a great trip.

    1. redletterdayzine -- my zine making days started with your workshop at SFCB!

  7. Wow, that zine and those photo cards are amazing!!! Thank you so much for sharing. Your work is always so inspiring.

    1. Thanks so much, Cindy. Making that zine was such fun I am thinking up some new ones for 2014.

  8. Your outgoing mail looks usual! And what a treasure that zine will be for your trip companions!
