Thursday, December 19, 2013

Santa Baby

Dear Santa,
I would really like mail art for Xmas.
Thank you.
I am not the most easy person to shop for unless you are another mail art/postal/paper/ephemera nerd like I am.
So, in case Santa is wondering about some things I might want, here is my list.
Well--MAIL, of course! Lots of mail art in my mail box all year long would be very nice.
And some little parcels too.
Just like in this picture. Did I mention how much I love mail?
And..oh! A nice little portable typewriter would be very. very welcome. I would like one to toss into my car when I go on road trips so I could type letters on the fly. Wouldn't that be nice?
I'd also like some vintage ads for typewriters to frame and hang in my studio.

I really wouldn't mind a pink typewriter if anyone has one sitting around that they might like to send me.

Mr Zip Anything -- thermos, lunch box, rubber stamps, buttons....I do have a little crush on Mr Zip!

Paper Ephemera? Bring it on! And free postal forms from post offices all over the world would  be great to find under my tree...

I love typing instruction many great photos and diagrams inside. And  the pages make great envelopes. I just might have gotten these two for myself in case Santa doesn't see this list.
I really have been good.
Well, pretty good.

I bet all of you have been good too. Now, tell me, what would YOU like for Christmas?

Happy Holidays to all who celebrate.

(a little note to my friends, believe it or not, I did not send out any Holiday cards this year. I decided to concentrate on mail art instead -- not to say the two can't be combined).
So, here is a little holiday card from Thelma instead.



  1. I did see one of those typing manuals in the antique depot in Fortuna last week -- it was $12 (or possibly), which seemed like more than I was willing to spend. I know you got one recently at the library book sale -- I'm sure you paid a lot less for yours! Thanks for your wish list. Goodies coming right up!

    1. Connie--$12 does seem too much. The one I got at the library book sale was $3 and I found two at am SF thrift shop a while back for $1 each. You didn't say what you want for Xmas!

  2. I'm writing you a letter right now! Will mail tomorrow!

    1. yay! Hope it doesn't take three weeks to get here like my letter to you did....happy holidays Connie Rose.

  3. I would like Santa to fix all four of my broken typewriters.

    1. Karen -- now that is just sad. You need to take them to the typewriter hospital right away. I know there is one in cambridge MA. Or, maybe find a "how to repair typewriters" manual online and get busy!

  4. Warm Christmas wishes to you and yours! Health, Happiness and may all of your dreams come true for 2014!

    Gaby xo

    1. Gaby Bee - why, thank you so much. Happy Holidays to you too and thanks so much for reading and commenting on my blog.

  5. the paper wasp is hungry as ever for any and all paper magic and washi always woos!
    happy holidays all you mail nerds, and esp. pamela g.

    1. Thanks for the holiday wishes, miss polly and right back at you.

  6. How cute is this post.....I like Mr. Zip too.....xox

    1. Corrine--thanks, mon amie. Of course you like Mr Zip -- he is adorable. XO

  7. Christmas list looks just like yours. I put POSTAGE STAMPS on mine- I sure hope Santa can handle standing in line at the PO for those- for ME! I've been good...darn it.

    1. miss millicent -- Santa isn't so sure you've been good. But I'm not talking! Hope you get your postage stamps. Merry Xmas!

  8. I have 2 typewriters, you can have this one...
    (hope that takes you to the May blog-"I can be a secretary now") Just come to Australia and collect it, Pamela!
    This sounds boring and cliché, but as you know, all I want is good health for me and everyone I know...but stacks of mail art would no doubt aid in the healing process, right?? Right! The lazy Australia Post Santa still hasn't delivered your posting, Pamela, if he did his job properly, he wouldn't be so fat. xxx

    1. My dear Viz -- I will have to get a plane ticket asap -- and do you have a bed for me? I am very mad at that lazy Australian Post Santa -- it has been a month and I want you to get what I sent.He is too fat -- no cookies for him. I will work on something for you tomorrow and mail it on Monday. We;ll see how long that one takes....
      Yes--good health to all (and yes, mail helps the healing!). XO

  9. Happy Holidays to all!
    I visited your blog for the first time yesterday and it's great, thank you, Pamela!

    And yes - besides good health and world peace (if ever all world leaders would send nice mail art to each other...) - only Mail Art is left on my wish list. Including ephemera and postage stamps and rubber stamps and (er, demanding, isn't it?!...).

    However, I consider myself lucky already, and am very happy, because I received so many wonderful works to my mail art projects in the past years!

    Typewriter... Now I regret I gave away my old, non-functioning (so challenging) typewriter 17 years ago (when I happened to move home to a smaller house). Typewriters are great, indeed! But let me keep on wishing health, peace and... Mail Art :-)

    Wishing wonderful, creative, postally happy Holidays to all!

    1. Heleen -- thank you so much for stopping by the blog and commenting. So glad you enjoyed it. And thanks for all the happy holiday wishes too. Oh yes -- rubber stamps and ephemera and postage stamps -- on my list too -- and world peace!

  10. I hope that Santa made your postal dreams come true! (I'm with you on that pink!)
