Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Prepare for Take-Off

Preparing the mail art kit and getting the travel journal ready is my favorite part of the trip.
Ok, two of my favorite parts....but the exploring and eating out and adventures are great too.
I love packing art supplies but clothes? Not so much.
By the time you read this post, I'll be back from my big adventure to
St. Petersburg, Krakow, Budapest and Prague.

You probably know I am always collecting paper so I had a lot to draw on for my travel journal -- even before I left home.
A mail art pal recently went to St. Petersburg and she donated some lovely papers with Russian Cyrillic writing on them (thanks, Sarah). And another friend had given me a big box of old postcards and I found a set for St Petersburg.
Got the little nesting Russian dolls envelopes in Japantown. Maybe not authentic but fun. 

This brochure came in the mail....we didn't go on a tour...just the two of us braving four languages we can't speak....but what a fun photo that is.....

The Vintage paper Fair came through with a couple of nice old postcards and an envelope to paste in my journal. Every year I try to pick up postcards at the VPF of places I may be visiting. I like to use them in my trip journals or just to mail out...and many times there are really cool old vintage stamps on the backs of them I can use too.

I tore out some photos from a travel magazine of a cafe in Budapest. I can stick some  white stickers on them and write about the fabulous pastry and coffee
I enjoyed there while soaking up the atmosphere.

Vintage Prague Postcards

These are real, black & white photographs of Prague. Really beautiful. Some to paste in my book and some to mail.

And thanks to my mail art pal Dori for giving me some beautiful printed paper  to enhance my trip journals.

Kelly P gave me a whole book of stamps from Hungary and Sylvia  B bought some Polish stamps for me in Paris at the Stamp Market.
Thanks you two. They will be put to good use in my journal.

I always put vintage maps in my trip books and another friend brought me back that tiny Polish calendar a couple of years ago....I knew it would come in handy someday...

See what I mean about the cool stamps on the back of the old postcards? I like to pack some DOTS and labels and vellum envelopes to add in. I divide the basic journal into sections for each country ahead of time. I have A LOT to cram into this one. Last trip I used the same size book for two countries. This trip it's four countries -- six if you could the airports in Finland and German. But who's counting?
So I plan it out ahead of time and then add in extra sheets of onion skin paper using washi tape as needed.

Collaged Postcard
This is basically my packing philosophy. Take it with me. I try really, really hard not to but I am just not good at packing light.

Now you've seen the BEFORE of the trip journal -- do you want to see the AFTER?
I love collecting paper and every night I sit down and do some writing, cutting & pasting.

After I get over jet lag. I've got stories to tell and photos to share. And yes, I did visit a post office or two I can tell you about.


  1. Cannot wait to hear more about this trip. What a fabulous place to go! And you have so much cool Russian ephemera - I bet your journal is great.

    1. Leslie--I have a lot more Russian ephemera now -- and Czech, Polish and Hungarian too....barely managed to carry the stuff home but I did it. Really fascinating places to visit. Thanks for commenting.

  2. Welcome home, Pamela! Looking forward to hearing more about your splendid trip. Hugs.

    1. Thanks Connie Rose -- happy to be home (well, kind of....) and have loads to share....I will try not to over-share tho.LOL

  3. I think everyone wants to see the after too. I'm sure it looks great!

    1. Thanks, TomoyoHime -- just got back and will be finishing up the travel journal soon. I have loads of stories and photos to share. Visited post offices in each country and flea markets and a fabulous Stamp Museum....thanks for commenting.

  4. I'm soooo looking forward to seeing your journal from this trip! (And also wishing I had a delicious pastry to read while viewing your post... LOL!)

    1. I wish I had a delicious pastry too -- I am sure going to miss those European bakeries and cafes. Thanks for commenting....and stay tuned....lots more coming up. Someone will have to stop me when you all get sick of hearing about my travels....

  5. can't wait to hear the stories and see some more eye candy!!!

  6. I cannot wait to see everything you share about this trip. I've completely fallen in love with Russia over the last year or so. The architecture is amazing! I looking forward to seeing all things postal too!


    1. Sharon--Russia was wonderful. And you're right, some amazing architecture too. The people were lovely and friendly. I have such wonderful photos I may do a post of just trip photos even though it isn't mail art. But lots of postal pictures too. Thanks for commenting (and for the mail. Haven't read my mail yet but looking forward to it....if I can just stay awake long enough....)

  7. Oh, it all looks wonderful! I love a travel journal. And traveling too.
    I always seem to have my art supplies packed way before my clothes.

  8. Glad you made it home safely and that you had such a great trip! Your travel journals are something I aspire to...

    1. Thanks, Cindy. I was thinking of you while traveling in Russia. The people were so nice. I used to keep journals all the time but I was ending up with so many that I know I only keep travel journals. They are some of my favorite souvenirs from my trips.

  9. Thank you for interesting story abour your russian trip.I a waiting for you journal too.
    Greetings from Russia (with love too)

  10. Thank you for your interesting photo-story about your russian trip ! I am waiting for your journal too.

    Greetings from Russia,

    1. Virgo -- thanks so much for commenting all the way from Russia. I loved visiting your country and hope to return. I am still working on the travel journal but I will show pictures of it soon. And I did just do a post about St. Petersburg.....
