Sunday, November 10, 2013

I'm Back! And I've got Mail. And Photos.


I'm back and finally shaken off most of the jet lag. Thought I'd check in and say hello and share some photos from the trip.
And -- there was lovely incoming mail waiting for me on my return home to SF.
Thanks everyone!
(Too many to name but Dori, Connie, Polly, Sarah, Kelly, Millicent, Test Tower, Cuan, Vizma, Melissa, Kathy, Red, Maureen are only a few....)

The only small problem being that I know owe everybody mail..... patience you guys...
I'm working on it.

From Miss Polly -- isn't this a great card?

I got "Moosed" as Charity wrote on the...well...moose....This guy was waiting on my doorstep and he flew in all the way from Alaska.


St Petersburg, Russian Republic
Church of the Spilt Blood
I can tell you I stopped right in my tracks when I saw this baby. One of the coolest buildings I've ever seen. Inside and out.

St Petersburg, Russian Republic
The vast scale of some of the Russian buildings is really amazing. And being there in October the crowds have gone, as you can see. We saw no tourists and no Americans.
But lots of lovely, friendly, helpful Russian people.

It just seemed like there was beauty everywhere we looked on this trip. And we were looking UP a lot. The ceilings were amazing.

Krakow, Poland
Another terrific city with a great big market square. We stayed right on this square which was filled with outdoor cafes. There was a centuries old market arcade to inspect and lots of outdoor venders selling local products and food.
My kind of place...oh yeah...

Our hotel lobby. I loved the real candles all lit and up and glowing every night in the lobby and on the floors. I'm sure here in the USA there are some sort of fire laws against it but it was

Some baked goods to sample. And, sample we did.

ST Petersburg
These dolls were absolutely everywhere -- in all four countries we visited.

And these hand painted eggs were very popular as well. These are real eggs but in Poland we bought hand painted wooden eggs.
I figured the wooden eggs had a much better chance of making it home.

The New York Cafe in Budapest. I have never seen anything like this in New York.
I just couldn't get over these old, magnificent cafes....

After walking miles every day I could also eat dessert without any guilt every day.

Prague, Czech Republic
I hate to say it but there are bookstores and more bookstores in all these countries.
Made me more than a little jealous since we have lost so many here in SF.

Prague, Czech Republic

OK, I may have had a little too much fun. I admit I didn't want to come back home. The cities were all lovely and the people kind and friendly.
And there were flea markets and Postal Museums and a fabulous Stamp Museum and really cute post boxes all over.....I have stories to tell you.
But first I have to work on catching up with all the mail I owe everybody because as you all know


and I haven't gotten any the last few days since I owe everyone. Sigh.
So, what do you think, are you all going to book a flight to eastern Europe?
Not sure yet?
Wait till you see the Postal Pictures coming up soon.
And BTW, if not eastern Europe, who among you are coming in February for the fabulous
Ex Postal Facto
mail art event? I have heard a lot of rumors of people coming from near and far and I highly suggest it. This is something you won't want to miss. Check out the link on the sidebar.
Hope to see a lot of you in February in SF.
Stay tuned!


  1. I'll see you in SF in February! :-)

    1. How wonderful, Mary! I think Ex Postal is going to be fabulous....

  2. what gorgeous pictures - a feast for the eyes!

    1. Thanks so much, Karen...pretty easy to do when there are so many wonderful things to take photos of.....

  3. You had a great time in Old Europe, as I see!
    Welcome back in the www.
    Carry on!!

    1. Susannia -- yes, I most certainly did and even though I love San Francisco I am missing Europe....

  4. More wonderful photos of your fab trip!

  5. Ohhh makes me want to go to Budapest even more! I loved the Czech republic (was there in I think it was 2006) but didn't get to Poland or Hungary -- next trip! Next you should try the Baltics! (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) Look forward to more photos!

    1. Rhonda H -- be careful what you wish for -- I have hundreds of photos. I will try
      not to overshare! A friend just went to those other places and I am looking forward to a full report from her over lunch soon....

  6. Wow, you get around. Thanks for the Ex Posto Facto heads up.

    1. I hope you can make Ex Postal facto, looks to be a very exciting mail art event.

  7. spectacular trip. Can't wait to see all the mail you make with your goodies from around the world. xox

  8. My mail is also on the way to you from the famous Stamp Museum, from Budapest.. :)
    Right now I'm in Munich, Germany, but many greetings to you!!!!

    1. Moni--I am going to do a post on Budapest with the Stamp Museum in it so stayed tuned. Have fun in Germany. It was so wonderful to meet you at the museum in Budapest. I will have to really thank Alice for the introduction.

  9. Absolutely awesome! I hope you are looking for a new pen pal friend,because i really want letters from you :D Your style is like a my style :)

    1. Hi Darja -- very nice to hear from you. I always love new mail but I am pretty swamped right now trying to answer everyone who sent me mail while I was gone. I don't like being so behind in sending mail but that's what happens when you go away! I love all those wonderful accent marks in your name -- where do you live? You can always send me a private message through my profile. Thanks so much for commenting.

  10. love these glimpses. glad to hear jet wag is packing up and saying goodbye!

    1. Thanks, miss p -- I am still not my usual super-energenic Aries self but I'm getting there!

  11. So many wonderful photos! Thanks for sharing! And the moose mail is great!!!

    1. Thanks, Cindy. I was thinking of you when in Russia......hope you get to visit somesay.

  12. Gorgeous! Man, do I wish I could drop everything and fly over right now! What architecture they have!

  13. Welcome home! You have had such amazing travels. I am looking forward to the postal aspects of your trip, and the fabulous mail art you are sure to be creating in the coming months.

    1. Andria -- Thanks so much. I want to make Postal ATC's for each country I visited, among other projects....
      And thank you for the collaged postcard. Loved it (but the lady's head got torn off en route!).

  14. Eastern Europe is for sure on my list of places to travel! I wish I could make it out for the Ex Postal Facto, but my sister is having a baby in Feb, and I can't wait to be an aunt :D

    1. Allison -- How exciting! That is a good reason to stay home -- to meet your new niece/nephew! Get to eastern Europe if you can -- it was amazing.
