Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Pictures From an Exhibition

I thought you'd like a little show-and-tell from the art workshop I took in Portland with my special mail art pals, Tallie, Kelly P, Charity and Millicent.
A little eye candy never hurts.
These are some pages I made. The idea was the cut out the little faux stamps we made but I like the way the whole page looks...
ok, I'm different...in a good way.

I love how art supplies look spread all over a table.

On the left we have the lovely Miss Millicent and on the right is the fearless mailer Kelly P (who has been mentioned here on my blog many times) and in the center is our
Fantasy Faux Mail workshop leader, Sondra Holtzman.
Check out her blog
The Traveling Studio
She was lovely and we had all sorts of fun in her wonderful class.

A few of Miss Millicent's envelopes.....I love that bird...and the catsup bottle...I love it all.

And here we have Charity who joined us all the way from Alaska. Thank goodness she was with us giving directions using her phone app or we would never even made it to the workshop.
We started calling her Map.

Charity's weiner-mobile -- too funny.

Charity opened up an envelope and made a letter booklet out of it. Good idea, don't you think?

Class work

Kelly P's "luggage tag"

I used some of the "faces" I had cut out....

Here's another...these are unfinished but you get the idea..

The start of another faux stamp -- maybe good for Halloween mail?

The class was a lot of fun -- everyone generous with sharing information and supplies and good-natured and friendly. Sondra was a great leader and went around from table to table answering questions, giving demos, helping everyone out. Lots of lovely things to look at and get new ideas from.

Next post --- SCRAP in Portland and the Museum of Artistamps!
We had a little too much fun!



  1. woohooo!!! such glorious eye candy! love the creative sprawl across the table. a magical jumble. thanks for the sweet glimpses!

    1. i love a creative sprawl across a table too....and you are very welcome for the glimpses, miss polly.

  2. Stunning and inspiring. Looks like a fun weekend had by all!

  3. Looks like great fun. I bet you enjoyed yourself thoroughly. xox

  4. Wait ... are you guys altering vintage envelopes with more art?! What an awesome idea.

  5. Wait ... Are you adding art to vintage envelopes? And altering "real" stamps to make faux stamps? What awesome ideas!

    1. Isn't it a good idea? Inspired from Nick Bantock, I believe.....

  6. Seems like yeterday that we were there. FUN TIMES! Thanks for taking so many wonderful photos, Pamela...you ARE the best! Hugs.

    1. I can't spell. Yeterday? Heck, I'm still recovering from all those little glasses of "cheer" from Thursday night....LOL,

    2. Right back at you, Millicent! That was a blast. Who cares if you can spell? LOL

  7. These envelopes are eye candy at its BEST! What fun. Millicent's envelopes, Charity's envelopes, your faces...all wonderful.

    1. Andria--Thank you! I loved Millicent's and Charity's envelopes too.....
