Friday, October 11, 2013

Museum of Artistamps

Imagine taking a taxi ride in Seattle, going up a flight of stairs and opening up a door to find an magic world of  artistamps.
I have never seen so many artistamps in my life (and I've seen quite a few).
Robert Rudine the gracious host of the Museum of Artistamps (MOA) in Seattle and his charming wife, the writer Janet Yoder were kind enough to invite us to the MOA last week.
Or, maybe I invited myself.....

The world is Tui Tui Land and
this article explains it much better than I can
Check out the story and the video by Kathleen McHugh....Robert and Janet gave us free reign to wander around and oooh and ah over the vast number of beautiful stamps in the collection.

Bart Stamps

On the wall was a large wooden rubber stamp......

that opened up (both top & Bottom) to use as a writing table and for storage.
How cool is that?
(Hi Charity)

Absolutely everywhere we looked there were wonderful stamps....

Being a photographer by trade, I especially love these EYE stamps by Anna Banana.

And cool....

Really nice storage case....hum...that gave someone an idea....

Really wonderful Harvey Milk artistamps at the MOA and just read today that
Harvey Milk to be Honored on US Postage Stamps
Pretty great. 

Here is our artistamp maker and host now -- Robert Rudine -- with Kelly P (left) and Charity (Right).
They look like they were having fun.

Thank you Robert and Janet for a wonderful and inspiring afternoon.

In a complete chance of venue....this is a shot of the artists on the trip in Portland outside of SCRAP.
They were all in such a hurry to get inside and see what was in there they made me wait to take photos till after the Scrap shopping. And yes, we all scored and there was no fighting. Not too much anyway.
Left to Right
Pamela, Tallie, Charity, Kelly and Millicent.
We look happy, don't we?

What's not to like? Artistamps? A road trip? An art workshop? Lots of dinners out?

Remember to put a stamp on it!

Love your comments. Thanks to all who post comments and keep me motivated to take time away from making mail art to work on the blog. 


  1. Fun stuff! Thank you for posting the photos so I can drool on my screen. Was scrolling down and saw the giant rubberstamp, and then the next pic of it OPEN! Oh my! I gasped !!

  2. Oh my god, that giant rubber stamp storage is my favorite thing ever!

    1. uncustomary -- i know, I couldn't believe how cool that was.....

  3. Ms. PG -- what a great trip you had... and this trip to the MOA! Having been there myself, I know how what icing on the cake that was. Your photos are gorgeous...and I never saw that article in the Seattle Star. As usual, thanks for your incredible reporting and the visuals to go along with it. It keeps the "putting a stamp on it" alive.
    xox --s

    1. sallyw3000 -- thanks for encouraging me to visit the MOA. It was everything you said it was and more. xoxoxo

  4. I am going to Seattle myself in a couple weeks and had just heard about MOA somewhere else recently, so a letter is on its way for an appointment with them. thanks for making me realize it was the correct decision!

    1. Melissa -- you will swoon! An amazing place. Have fun in Seattle.

  5. I've been scrolling and commenting OUT LOUD.
    "oh my gosh" "no way!" "no freaking way" "OMG"
    my jaw is hanging open in wonder and awe. what a place!

    1. Karen -- it is incredible. Hope you get a chance to visit the MOA one day.

  6. great photos and a wonderful collection!

    1. Ruud -- the photos don't do it justice -- an incredible collection of artistamps.
      Thanks for commenting.

  7. I wouldn't need to lick those stamps, I would've drooled all over them!! And that rubber stamp cupboard...oooh myyyy!!! Thanks for showing us, Pamela!

  8. Pamela, I'm exceedingly jealous. I love your blog and love that you "took" us to MOA. I would be in heaven if I had a wooden rubber stamp writing desk. Swoon.

    1. Texas--thanks so much for commenting and glad you enjoyed the visit.

  9. The giant rubber stamp of storage was so neat to see! Thanks for sharing all of these photos.

    1. Cindy -- I wish I had a giant rubber stamp like that, don't you?

  10. oh my what a fabulous adventure, thanks for sharing with us

  11. Oh my goodness, you must have been in heaven!

    Also that giant stamp is really cool.

  12. Such a cool museum. I think artistamps are amazing, though I haven't had nearly as much exposure to them. Have you made artistamps, too? Let me know if you have any posts about it, please! :-)

    1. Andria, a little late in, I don't think I have an artistamps pots but perhaps I will soon....

  13. So good to see the Bart Strike stickers! I was the one who created those, a zillion years ago. Glad to know they're archived!
