Saturday, September 21, 2013

What $5 Will Buy You


Today was an odd day here in SF. First all all, we had heavy rain and thunder. It  is never rains in San Francisco in September and rarely thunders. September is when we get "summer" -- sunshine and warm weather. Loads of outdoor events are planned. Uh Oh.

So....what should I do when it is oddly pouring rain on a Saturday? Grab a pal and got to SCRAP -- that's what.
That Rolodex was free! I'm going to use the cards for some project.

$5 takes you a long way there....I got some odd rubber stamps (bottom left) and old stencils...

And, you know, I could swear these are artistamps?  First Dog in Space?
Ok, I'll take some...

A big old box of postcards to browse through...Got a few for me and some for friends...

Got a big stack of this paper -- I see it for a whole lot of $$$ in the downtown stationery store...
looks good for writing letters, don't you think?

Mail art Fodder

These envelopes have gone by the wayside these days...but I love can mail things in them or cut them up for collage...they just look cool with all those crossed out names.

I am slightly confused about the USA map -- I think they cut out the wrong sections...
but I know I will think of something to do with it anyway..
I just like it..

LETTERPRESS cards....swoon....

And, yes, these were free but it's a good thing they were since now I can't think of anything to do with them.
I thought they are the right size to hold ATC's but they are too small and they are open
on two sides...hum...
Any ideas anyone??

OK, then I went to the art supply store and this was $25. I think it was a lot more fun to shop at SCRAP.
But I did get a free cupcake.

Came home and puttered in my studio. Unearthed an old basket of postcards from my past travels.
They were fun to look through...

...and some fun stuff inside like this little French postcard bag...
Demandez LYNA cartes postales
oui oui

I found some Air Mail Stickers that I got free on JAL..
Can you believe airlines used to give away air mail stickers?
And postcards?


Something cool from Stephanie her mail..

She makes what she calls "collage packs" and they are great...I got a whole lot more good mail
this past week but it was raining so hard I couldn't get any good light to photograph it.


The day was fun and cheered me up but I feel just a little like this sad sack. Someone I love is in the hospital and my sweetie is away and with him so I am worrying and rattling around here all alone.
Sometimes life is just like that.

BTW, if you want to comment, you can do so with a Google, Wordpress, OpenID or Typepad account, just not anonymously
I got too much spam with anonymous comments.
But I LOVE to hear from you. Especially right now.



  1. Sorry to hear you're feeling down. It looks like you had some good retail therapy. I'm partial to the letterpress matryoshka card :)

    1. Cindy -- I'd send you that matryoshka but there was only one of those and I want it for my travel journal to Russia...I loved it too. Thanks for the comment......retail therapy helped for as long as it lasted...

    2. The matryoshka card will be put to MUCH better use in your travel journal! When is the trip???

  2. What GREAT finds! I just started following Stephanie's work on FB -- she posts to one of the IUOMA groups there. Awesome work. Love your new blog look...and all the goodies, of course!

    1. Connie--I know, Stephanie's work is really great. Thanks about the new blog look. I was playing with different templates. But you know I don't really know what i'm doing!

  3. I'm sorry to hear about your ill loved one, Pamela! I am sending healing thoughts.

    The weather here has been crazy today, hasn't it? I hid during the rain, but I took a walk a short while ago and enjoyed the bright sunshine. It's like we have borrowed another climate.

    I love your booty from Scrap! I was there a couple weeks ago and don't even recognize what you bought - which shows you how we look at very different things!

    1. shams--yes, weird weather all right. I kind of liked it all! Except for being damp. I think the stuff at SCRAP changes very quickly -- lots of it is limited too so that same stuff may not have been there but I do agree -- ours eyes seem to search out the type of ephemera -- or fabric -- we create with. Thanks for your kind thoughts.

  4. Well for once we are getting the sunshine and YOU are getting the rain. That's topsy-turvy for SF and SEA. I just love your list of goodies from SCRAP. Sometimes the auction is that way, where I pick up so much cool stuff I feel like it is Xmas. Your travel books are such a great idea because you can haul them out anytime over the years and take an armchair trip. Clyde and I did that just last night with a travel book we made in 2006. It takes a little effort at the time, but so worth it.
    I am sending healing thoughts your way to pass on psychically to your friend. And some for you to keep the home fires burning for your Mr.

    1. CJ
      Armchair travel -- exactly. I love to re-live my trips and the notes are often helpful to friends traveling in the same places. And yes -- scoring some great loot on the cheap does feel like Christmas (only without all the Xmas fuss!). Thanks for the good thoughts. The rain has stopped here and the sun is out which does help the spirit.

  5. What is Scrap? I don't think there is anything like that in Salt Lake, unless I don't know where to look. Just sent some mail to cheer you up......Jan

    1. Janet -- if you put Scrap in the search box in my blog you will be able to read about it and get the link. It is a center for creative re-use and they are popping up all over. I know from mail art friends Chicago-area has one and Portland has one...And thanks for the cheer-up mail...I could use it!

    2. If you are ever in Houston, don't miss the Texas Art Asylum. It's another center for creative reuse. Say hello to co-owners the fabulous Ramona and fabulous Jennifer.

  6. I remember I had the last picture "Sad sack" in the book on my french lessons. And we had to describe the picture in french so I said that the woman is a little bit confused with her life. BUT IT WILL PASS :) Great stuff you found :)

    1. Corelay -- thanks so much. I will repeat THIS WILL PASS to myself all day.....SCRAP took my mind off things for a while...I guess I will go and cut and paste...that is a comforting ritual.

  7. Pamela...I'm sorry to hear that you have worry in your heart. My prayers are with all of ya. The SCRAP items look yummy- can't wait to check that place out. p.s. I've gotten ALL of your wonderful mail, thank you. Some on the way------> to you! Hugs, Millicent

    1. Miss Millicent -- thanks for the kind thoughts. Glad you got the mail -- forwarded and otherwise. Scrap is hit or miss but when it's out. See you soon mon amie.

    2. swoon!!! what a royal score! all if it, ok, trying to keep my jealousy in check :)
      the letterpress cards, the ink cartridges for fountain pens...all of it. hope you scared up a good bit of fun in your studio! the september rains are good for something!

    3. miss polly --it was a royal score and lots of fun but I happen to know there is a Scrap where you are too......I did get a lot done in the studio today but there is lots more to do...

  8. Pamela, you made a haul at Scrap! I know you needed that shopping break...but I thought you were cleaning your studio?!? I want every "scrap" you bought, and I'm also trying to organize. Paper ephemera just does something to me. Sorry I can't figure out what to do with the free, odd-sized photo protectors, though. Good luck. I'll write soon.

    1. Texas Leigh -- you sound just like my husband! But I cannot help myself. That's why my studio is such a big mess. Paper ephemera does something to me too. Who needs jewels?
      I think the photo protectors are a dud. They'll have to get re-donated!

  9. Couldn't those little plastic protectors work as pockets attached to mini album pages? I love the concept of SCRAP. Haven't heard of any in Canada. Come to think of it--I have enough stuff (at home and in my wee scrapbook shop) I could make my own "scrap".

    1. Oh! We have comments by miss polly and pollie! How fun. Have you tried googling "center for creative reuse" - and your area? They are wonderful places -- re-cycling and cheap for artists and teachers...thanks for commenting.

    2. PS--Hummm......I may have to think about that idea for the photo protectors.....

  10. I think Pollie is onto something with the pocket idea. you could put little floating ephemera in them and stitch them to a postcard or envelope. though it looks like you've got a LOT of them...
    I'm sorry for your heavy heart. it's especially hard to worry alone.

    1. OooOOOooo I am beginning to like it.....floating ephemera...stitched to a card or envelope.......
      Yes I do have a LOT of them...they were free after all.....
      Thanks for the kind words -- they help.

  11. put something tiny in each, then sew them into something bigger and mail.

    What nice finds!!

  12. OH i see someone already had that idea. :D

    1. No problem, the more variation on ideas the better....and I have a whole lot of those little clear protectors....

  13. $5 totally amazing. I got some bargains myself at the Vintage Bazaar though and the one seller told me that a big used book store has vintage books for a $1 on know where I am going to visit when I come home from Texas....xox

    1. $1 used gotta go.....and have a fab time in Texas!

  14. The whine and disturbed mind stamp seem to have my name on them... heh heh!! Interested in a rubber swap? I'd even swap you $5 in US postage stamps to make your shopping free! Tell THAT to hubby! Hope you're feeling better, there'll be mail from me arriving any minute now!! All the best, mate.

  15. Vizma--Got your fabulous mail yesterday and I am going to post a few photos on IUOMA of it. Loved it. The booklet & zine are both fab.
    And after I play with that rubber stamp for a while I just might mail it off to you. Yes, the disturbed mind goes seem to go with you.......haha

    1. So glad you enjoyed my mailing! That made my day! And the disturbed mind comment? Ah, Pamela, you know me too well! ;-)))

    2. Vizma-just mailed something out to you today so you and your disturbed mind check your mailbox. LOL.

  16. Just to let you know that I enjoy your blog tremendously! Have been reading and following for quite some time, but today, as I read your post, seemed a good day to let you know.

    All the best from Holland!


    1. Fleur--well, that is really nice to think of you in lovely Holland reading my blog. Thanks very much for letting me know. I do appreciate it. Pamela

  17. All I can say is COOL! That SCRAP place just sounds amazing. I love those air mail stickers you unearthed from your stash. You could probably "go shopping" in the nooks and crannies of your work space! I hope all is well with your friend, and that you've chased those blues away.
