Monday, September 16, 2013

One Too Many

Noooooooo I don't mean too many of these.....I know my martini and I'm done.

I just have too many ideas, projects and things going on. But that's the Aries way....we do like to be busy.
Birthday boxes and cards to send, mail to respond to, blog posts to photograph and write, trips to plan, mail art kits to pack, travel journals to prepare, zines to make, ATC's to design....

So one idea I had was to make a Typewriter zine....working on that....
and BTW if you are a typewriter nerd like I am you have GOT too see
This is a riot--a French film with a speed typing contest and typewriters galore.
Even my husband thought it was charming.

Ok, and how about making little booklets to write letters in? that's a good idea, non?

I thought I made a few of these....

The insides are all a bit different..and so are the covers....

Then I figured I might as well make some more Postal ATC's trade.
My friend Connie Rose
just made some and inspired me to make more too -- even though it's possible I should be doing other things..

Postal ATC's

Postal ATC's

Oh yes--and in between all of the above I am still trying to clean and organize my studio. I came across a big box of my vintage greeting cards. Looking through them, I was happy to see many cards featured mail boxes and letters.

That got me thinking....instead of leaving these cuties sitting in a box, why not cut them up and make a zine out of them -- then a lot of people can see them.

So now I'm working on a mailbox/letter the images cut down to size and now I've got to

And, of course, there is always outgoing mail....

Whew!!! I am busy. But, you know what? It's mostly pretty fun. I do get a little crazy when I think of everything I have to do but too many ideas and are better than not enough.
Don't you agree?

Go see that typing movie -- and have a martini afterwards -- that's what I do!

So, what are you all working on these days?
Inquiring minds want to know.


  1. Could not find this movie playing in Seattle yet, but I will put it on Netflix reserve in case it comes out on DVD. Just back from a week vacation trip to Southwest Oregon, where I took a couple of pictures of mailboxes and old mail-windows (in a museum). Just reminded me how the mail came in on Stage Coach in Southern Oregon about 100 years ago.
    Now back to "work" putting old postcards up on eBay. It's always a fun project.

    1. CJ--that movie is going to be tricky to find playing, I bet. Hope Netflix gets it for you. Sounds like you had a fun vacation.

  2. I haven't heard of Populaire, but it sounds like a great movie. Your art is always eye candy!

    1. shams -- that movie is playing at Opera Plaza right now. It's pretty fun even if a typewriter is the star and not a sewing machine!

  3. Got a beautiful postcard from you today!! <3

    1. Thanks, Mary -- Love seeing all the creative stuff you put out into the world too!

  4. You are most definitely an Aries!! Your output is mind boggling. And your postal ATCs are simply The Best, my dear!

  5. Overly busy produces great things from you! Love those typewriter zines...xox

  6. I like the idea of making a little booklet into a letter...I just may have to surprise a friend or two with that!

    1. That would be a great surprise for your friend, Cindy. they are simple to make and fun to get (and send!).

  7. Your work is so charming! Love your Postal ATCs. Such creativity with what you see around you.

    1. Well, thank you so much, Shirley. Thanks for checking out my blog and commenting.

  8. wow! you have been busy!!
    all so super toothsome and inspiring.
    keep an eye on your mailbox! ;)

    1. miss polly--toothsome -- love it! And I always have an eye on my mailbox (no lunging though).

    2. ah, such noble restraint! wise woman! just sent some postal fodder off your way this morning!

  9. I loved that movie trailer. speed typing is definitely my kind of sport! and a typewriter zine is a brilliant idea.

    1. Karen--I'll send you one when I finish them, Karen. And try to see that film if you can--it is a riot!

  10. Your postal ATCs are a marvel...delish! I like the idea of making a zine with the vintage cards. I have a stack in the basement; I'll have to go look for some thematic links!

  11. Thanks, Andria. Let us know what you find in your basement stash.

  12. Wow - you're one busy lady! It's like when I read Karen's blog and am exhausted by her productivity - this feels the same way! Yet I know I have a stack of projects too (some still in my head, does that count?) Your zine ideas are so cool.... Just a fab stack of delicious mail stuff!

    1. Terrie--I am busy....I should be doing some other things but I've been doing a lot of art....keeps me sane (or somewhat sane). Thanks for the comment -- it encourages me to keep working!

  13. I'm loving all of the items in this post. I wish I was as productive - I've been happy making one piece of mail art daily these days. I finally got myself completely moved back into my studio, just need to put a few things into their new spaces. I hope I'll be more productive now. Great seeing all of your work/play.
