Sunday, September 1, 2013

Mail and the Meet-Up and More

SF Correspondence Co-Op
August 2013 mail art meet-up and a good time was had by all. The group was a little bit smaller than usual probably due to August vacations.
But you wouldn't know that the group was smaller by looking at the work table......

Our fearless mail art leader
Red Letter Day 
always makes the best signs. I may have taken one home but don't tell her....
be sure to read this link about the fabulous mail art event happening here in San Francisco starting the weekend of February 14, 2014.
I'm sure going to be there and I hope I see some of you too.

August 2013 meeting
We worked on postcards and ate cookies and made plans.  If you are local to the Bay Area or visiting SF you are welcome to attend one of our co-op meetings.

I just love to see all the mail art kits everyone brings -- photos of six mail art kits posted on the Cappuccino and Art Facebook page.
Another thing that is really great is to see how each person has a distinct style and even though we pool our materials and work from the same ephemera
all the collages look completely different.

Cut and Paste -- my idea of a fun afternoon!

Events are us!!!
SF Zine Fest, Mail Art Call and the fabulous Ex Postal Facto event on Jennie's blog.

Ex Postal Facto
I have received a number of plates in the mail so when I saw this Lady of Guadalupe plate I knew I had to mail it to a certain person who loves the Lady......
I put loads of postage on it and dropped it into the postbox
but..... never arrived.....
I am kind of disappointed in the USPS on this one....the friend who sent me a plate (which I did get) told me she sent several and one was returned to her in pieces in one of those dreaded
"We're Sorry" plastic bags...she thinks the postal workers were playing frisbee with it.

I bought a big sheet of cool playing cards Italian paper for $2. Cut it up into eight double sided envelopes for some of my mail art friends...the washi tape is also playing card inspired...

I just love to tear and paste and fun and relaxing...I could do it for hours. Oh yeah..I do do it for hours..


(security paper and stamps)

And Winnie&39sGirl--you asked how I store my stamps--I sort a lot of them by color and by country and store in these compartment boxes.

Among other things, I am working on a road trip/airplane travel series.

POSTAL ATC'S from the Mail Me Some Art swap.
These are just too wonderful -- what a fabulous package to receive in the mail.
I loved them all -- especially the two with letter carriers on them.
I hope Karen does another Postal ATC swap because if she does, I'm in!

Many thanks to all -- rhozza, Susie, Indigo, Ellen, Leslie, Colleen and Terrie...and to Karen for hosting the swap.

Just wanted to be sure you could see these two -- aren't they great?
Thanks to Christie (left) & Lynn (right)

And this one? Just so cool.....thank you to Julie

Ok, now I know you want to know who won the little Chinatown zine. Are you sure you didn't just skip to the bottom to check?
It's OK, I understand.

And the winner is..........TAMMY......
but wait...I got into the spirit and pulled two more winners
Melissa of craftgasm
TamoyoHime (I need your address -- can you message it to me please?)

Thanks to all who entered the drawing and commented. I got some good suggestions and ideas and really appreciated the input. It isn't always easy to know what to blog about so I need help thinking things up. I will work on some of your suggestions. Unfortunately the questions about how I organize maybe take a while to show you since I'm in the midst of a big studio re-organization project which will continue in to 2014.

I wanted to show some shots from yesterday's Zine Fest but this post is long enough. Check out the Facebook page for the blog for more updates and


  1. Love. It. All. Especially that plate going in the mail ~ how very cool! Glad it was such a good time. I so wish I lived closer to S.F...

  2. bummer on the plate! glad you liked the ATCs. I knew you'd like those with the postal workers and saved them just for you :)
    I'm seriously considering a February SF trip to go to ex postal facto and meet all my SF mail art friends! working on logistics.

    1. Karen--so nice of you to save those postal worker cards for me. I love them. And YES!!!!! come to SF in February -- that would be so fabulous.......I can give tours and we can eat pie and drink Ravenswood......

  3. I was surprised to see Moroccan stamps in your collages!

  4. Wahoo fab mail all around....You are one busy lady. xox

  5. The plate through the mail! OMG... never would have thought.
    Lots of funs stuff here, as always!

  6. Lovely girl -- thanks so much for giving three cheers for the Co-op! We're lucky to have you as a member and at the meetings: snapping photos, glue-ing together beautiful collages, and being your wonderful self.

    More mail on it's way to you, now that Zine Fest is wrapped up! :-)

    1. Right back at you -- our wonderful Correspondence Co-Op leader and zine and book maker and queen of all things postal.

  7. Pamela, thanks so much for your response to my stamp question! I was actually wondering about your U.S. stamps that you use. Do you have a special system for them? Thanks and I love your posts!

    1. Winnie'sGirl----I just sort them by color and put them in those clear plastic boxes with compartments. Some I also sort by "theme" -- like old airmail in one holder and maybe 'birds" in another....does that explain it?

  8. I really liked this postal ATC swap and lucky me, I got one of yours as well. Great stamps on a blue background....thanks!

    1. Terrie--oh--thanks. I'm glad you liked the ATC and I got one of yours too (which I loved). I loved that Postal ATC swap but I just saw another swap on MMSA -- those little booklets YOU made!

  9. Almost too much goodness here to comment on it all, Pamela! First off, I'd love to know more about how the Co-op experience is organized. I wonder if I might find participants around here to do something like that. Have you ever done a post with more details about who brings what and what happens at one of these meetings?

    As always, your postcards and envelopes are stunning. And you came away with some really wonderful postal ATCs. I'm always up for a postal ATC swap, to be sure!
