Friday, August 23, 2013

Booklets & Zines -- Oh My!

The oldest stationery store in Chinatown. A fixture since 1908.  This shop has been a goldmine for me for the last year or so. The woman who bought the shop has been been
cleaning out the basement and brought up a treasure trove of vintage
paper ephemera, greetings cards in both Chinese and English, Xmas wrap,
vintage erasers, onion skin paper......the list goes on....

Sadly, the run has just about come to an end and the shop is no longer a stationery shop but  just another Chinatown shop with scarves imported from China just like about 50 other shops...
But it was sure fun while it lasted.
There were a few more pre-Cultural Revolution school children's booklets left this week
and I couldn't resist picking a few up.
And my rule is -- if I bring stuff home I've got to use it for art and not just let it pile up

I got inspired...
I love the colors of vintage papers....and I love the characters and the drawings in these old booklets.
Even if i can't read them, they are much appreciated around my studio.

I decided to make some booklets using the various paper ephemera I had around . I settled on using these pretty envelopes for the covers and making pages inside of joss paper
as well as vintage paper from that shop I mentioned above.

Cutting out the pages......

Some of the finished little booklets....quite charming don't you think? 

Then i got busy and made a new little zine called -- Let's GO to Chinatown -- what else?

My favorite part of the one-page-wonder zines is embellishing them at the end of the whole process....I stuck Chinese postal stickers on them and some real Chinese stamps....

And I decided to put each little zine in a special Chinese good luck envelope and add some other
ephemera so it's a nice little package...
I think I'm going to sell them...

You know you want one.

Tell you what -- I only made 15 -- I think I'll do a give-away for one of them.
Here's what you do --
leave a comment on the blog and tell me what you are interested in seeing on
Cappuccino and Art.
I need ideas. What do you like to see? What don't you like to see?

I will pick a random number and if your comment is that number I'll send you a Chinatown zine.
The next post will have the winner.

OK? Is that a deal?
Another little booklet that went out to V.B. and it seems to be taking an awfully long time to get where it's going...

It's been a good mail week for the most part. My trusty and loyal mail art pal,
Kelly P Fearless Mailer
sent me some vintage stamps from Hungary since she knows I'm going there...
These are going to look great in my travel journal.

You didn't think I made all those trips to Chinatown without stopping for lunch, did you?

This beauty is from Karen Ann. The picture doesn't do it justice. That mailbox is on both sides of the envelope -- hand painted, I think -- and my address and the stamps are on the other side.
So cool.
That was a good mail day.

There's Nothing Wrong That A Letter Won't Cure!
My sentiments exactly.

SF Correspondence Co-Op meeting tomorrow. SF Zine Fest next Saturday. Expect updates!

See you in the mail.


  1. I love seeing your ephemera and various office supplies, as well as your outgoing! It's always the best part of my blog reading whenever you post that sort of thing. :)

  2. I love seeing what you create and send and also what you receive.

  3. What a shame about the store in Chinatown! But I'm glad that you "rescued" some of those vintage materials as I know you will use them well.

    1. Shams--I know...I'm mourning that shop but I did score a lot so i shouldn't complain...and I'm using it too....

  4. I am a sucker for food...and, it's all very yummy, to me!

  5. I love everything I see on your blog. I'm always looking forward to reading your new posts. I really can't pick a(less)favourite item.

    1. Thanks, TomoyoHime....but you don't have to pick a favorite...I was just looking for ideas of what everyone wants to see....sometimes I run out of ideas...(but usually not for long).

  6. Very charming, yes! Red and pink, I just love that combination. You'll have endless fun with this material.

  7. I realize it's not that helpful to say "more of everything!", but I do so enjoy everything you post. Little booklets and ephemera and things with pockets and zines are among my favorite things ever and I never tire of seeing examples of them!

    1. Thanks my friend! I'm with you -- I could look at those kinds of things endlessly too.....

  8. Hi Pamela!

    Thanks for finding me on my blog. It's nice to meet you too. Truth be told, I've been stalking your blog for ages (at least since we started Mailart365). I love it just the way it is and enjoy your mailarty escapades. :)


  9. lovely zines
    fabulous stamps
    outta sight mailart
    you got it all here!

  10. Everything you post here works for me. I wouldn't change a thing. I adore all the goodies you found in Chinatown. You are so inspiring, my friend! Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks so much, Connie--very nice of you to say. Your artist books are really inspiring to me.

  11. I love seeing everything you make - especially your journals!

    1. Thanks, Gill -- a big fat travel journal will be happening very soon.

  12. Super cool stuff!!! Of course I want one of your zines!!! I don't have that kind of luck though, but it is so fun looking at everything!!! Thanks for sharing! And yes, the mailbox mailart was hand painted. Just thought it should be you! Have fun!

    1. Karenann--that was the BEST envelope you made me. i just love it -- many thanks.

  13. I'm really not trying to post a comment twice to get a chance for your zine, but I didn't see my comment show up. Just love all the things you showed!!! Looks like so much fun!!!

    1. No worries--I'll put both numbers on one piece of paper for the drawing.

  14. How lucky you were to find all these special papers. And the zine is just wonderful. I enjoy everything you write about, especially mail art.

    1. Mostly mail art.....thanks for commenting....more mail art coming soon....

  15. always love seeing glimpses of other people in the process of making. & too the bis and pieces of the world that capture your attention, too!
    if i don't win, please send word on how to buy one of the remaining 14 beauties!!!

    1. Miss Polly -- Anyone who ants to buy a zine can message me and arrange it....good luck in the drawing!

  16. I hope you had a blast! God, I need to come to SF.

  17. I wouls like to see a step by step as you make these little books.

    1. Nancy -- do you mean the booklets or the zines? Thanks for commenting and I'll try to do it.

  18. fantastic zines. You seem to have a nose for finding the best paper ephemera and the best lunches! Xox

  19. I love, love, love these little books! And I'd love to find a store like that! I think that's a good rule...not letting it pile up...I must put that rule into force. I'd love to see more things you make with ephemera. Always love those!

    1. Thanks, Pollie -- I mostly make collages and booklets from the ephemera I pick up -- and travel journals. Thanks so much for commenting and I hope you do find a shop like that one.

  20. What exactly IS a "Zine" she asks timidly? And as far as what I like about your blog... ALL of it! The mix of adventures in paper and places you eat, probably it's the color I appreciate most. The old ephemera that I deal with is not nearly as colorful. I am going to be immersed in old postcards this week.
    "Carry On"

    1. CJ-- a zine is taken from maga"zine".......and they are little photo-copied booklets that people make on subjects that interest them. And, trust me, the variety of subject matter is vast. The one I showed is a One Page Wonder zine -- made on one sheet of paper and folded into a zine but some are more elaborate.......copied on two-sides and stapled together....they are fun to make and to collect.

  21. My first visit to your blog (found via Google and "mail art blogs" - sometimes it gets to be easy). What appreciation, and envy, for your Chinatown finds and what you have done with them. I am happy to take a chance to win your giveaway. Reading your post about the vintage paper show, do you have resources, via the internet, for face value vintage postage? I like all that I've seen here, the joy of mail art needs to be shared, like Johnny Appleseed, and you are a fine ambassador for that. Thank you.

    1. Thanks Marylinn and welcome to the blog! Mail Art is such fun to make and receive and everyone is so generous. I know there are face value stamps to be found but I can't recommend anything online right now. You could try making some phone calls to stamp shops and asking. Also, I know there are stamp shows where sometimes face value stamps are sold and I've seen them on Etsy and eBay (but not always at face value). Good luck in the hunt and thanks for commenting.

  22. Pamela,
    I am amazed at all that good stuff from that Chinatown shop! It makes me think of my grandparents old office -- calendars, newspapers, books, etc. I loved it all as a child because it was so different and I couldn't read it. I tried to puzzle it all out. The Chinatown here in Vancouver doesn't offer anything nearly as interesting anymore.

    I'd find it interesting to see your work in progress -- a zine from beginning to end.

    See you in the post,

    1. Rosemary -- hello and nice to see you here. (I owe you mail!). I wish you could have seen that Chinatown shop while it still had the vintage paper.I was in there one day when a Chinese woman came in and saw me looking at some old, blue little hand-bound booklets and she told me she used them as a small girl in school. They brought back memories for her and she and I both bought several. I can't read the booklets but that doesn't stop me from loving them. I found an obviously postal themed one and asked a friend to tell me what it was all about writing and mailing letters. So cool.

      I can show the zine from start to finish -- Thanks for asking.

  23. What a shame about the shop.
    As always Pamela, your little books are fantastic!

    1. I know, Alisa--I am really sad it went from a real stationery shop with cards, paper, pens etc to a generic tourist shop....but I am so happy I did discover it before that happened. Glad you like the little books. Thanks for stopping by.

  24. What a beautiful blog, just found it thru Daisy Yellow, love your little books. Thanks for the opportunity.

  25. Love tutorials...enjoyed the origami booklet you posted a year or so ago and the envies. Would love to win your a zine!

    1. Thanks Tammy....I will try to think up another tutorial.....there is a cool origami wallet but I haven't figured it out yet....

  26. I love looking at your mail arts!

  27. Oh, how sad to have the unique stationery shop change into another ordinary scarf shop in Chinatown....a reflection that stationery is no longer used to communicate with others! I love your blog--the pictures, the how to's, the ideas. Please share your method of organization. What system do you use to know where to put your hands on a specific subject matter for a mail art theme? When you bring home new findings, how do you put it away so you can put your hands on it when you want to use it??

    1. Oh! Happy Mail Day -- if only I were so organized.....I am afraid my studio is rather a big mess and I seem to thrive in a mess...but I am attempting to organize...i bought clear plastic boxes with lids and have collage materials in theme by theme "French ephemera", Asian papers, misc collage papers etc That is about as organized as i have gotten...and my work table is still covered with stuff...

  28. What a wonderful find! I log onto to your blog to see what you are sending and receiving. Keep up the creative work!

  29. Wow, that's a magical thought: a stationery shop cleaning out its basement! You are very lucky to have seen the results of that project. I love the papers you came away with, and your booklets are HEAVENLY! I would definitely like to be considered in your giveaway. I love seeing your mail art projects. I would also enjoy some features on various portions of your workspace, as well as parts of your stash that we haven't yet seen. And we don't get to see photos of YOU nearly enough! :-) Just some thoughts.

    1. Oh nooooo....I have become quite camera shy. But I am going to be re-modeling my studio and getting more storage space/organized so photos will come on that. Thanks for commenting and keeping in touch.

  30. Hello,
    I would love to see your stamp collection and how you organize your stamps.
    I love seeing your mail art!

    1. Winnie&39s Girl -- my stamps are organized (mostly) by colors and sorted in those plastic boxes with compartments -- plus some sheets in a flat plastic box I got at Diaso. I'll take some shots of them for you...

  31. Oh, what a shame that the shop ended up closing :( But at least you got to get some of the pretty papers before they closed down. Did you get the chinese postal stickers from there as well? They look great :)
    I mostly head here for inspiration, I just love to see all the things you manage to do with paper. How do you organize all your paper? I managed to accumulate way to much and am not quite sure how to store it all...
    Take care!

    1. Caddi--The Chinese Postal stickers were brought back from Taiwan for me by a friend -- lucky me.
      I am in the process of trying to organize my paper -- will keep you posted as I go.....thanks for stopping by.

  32. I loved little shops like that back in the day (when I still lived in SF)... sad to see them close but it looks like you got a nicve haul before they did!
    When are you going to Hungary? I am going next summer!!

    1. Rhonda -- it's going to be hot in the summer....I'm going in the fall....coming up very soon...

  33. Ok everybody -- I am just about to draw the winner of the zine and write/post a new blogpost.
