Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Bella Italia (Part Two)

Here we've got some "Mail Box Portraits".
I'm quite captivated by these lovely red POSTE boxes.

Often there are two together -- I think one is for mail to be dropped into
and the other must be for the letter carrier to pick up to deliver?

Another pair...

A single -- are we noticing anything here?

A surprising amount of graffiti around Venice -- and I don't appreciate it  all
over those beautiful red mail boxes.

Here's a lovely box without -- the red contrasts nicely with the grey, don't you think?

And here's a box with graffiti -- still, it has a certain charm.

A pilgrimage to the mail post office in Venice didn't work out too well...

Sadly, it is closed and all boarded up. I imagine the Italian post offices are having similar
problems as the USPO's are. Sad. And with all those stationery shops we saw you'd think people were sending mail.

Love the two choices! I guess my postcards will have to go into into the

Are you all getting tired of post boxes yet?
Then maybe we'll  buy a few more postcards.....

And we can sit with a nice cappuccino at breakfast time and write them out and then drop them into one of those red Italian beauties.


  1. What a perfect day, it seems to me.

  2. What is it about these mailboxes that are so appealing. I think of them as personages. Little people patiently waiting to be fed good mail! They have so much personality. Great shots Pamela. xox

    1. Love the way you put that, Corrine -- that's how I feel too. Thank you.

  3. I so so want one of those coffees. I miss so much the food in Italy.
    I have a red mail box photo from London. Maybe I'll post tomorrow to keep yours company. I love the series of shots of them. Each has its own personality, and yes it makes me want to post a letter.

    1. I love all mailboxes. but the red ones are especially charming, Sarala. Sorry I missed your SF visit once again..

  4. I like that the post boxes come in pairs. I also find it interesting that the less appealing boxes get more graffiti. Is that a conscious decision on the part of the tagger?

    1. Funny that they are mostly in pairs, isn't it? But then italians are very romantic....

  5. I wondered the same thing as Christine about the amount of graffiti on the other boxes. flatter surface? message to the postal workers? that one shot with the bicycle is frame worthy.

  6. Wouldn't it be so fun to have one of those wall mounted post boxes in your mail art-making space?!

    1. Andria -- WHY didn't I think of that???? I should have bought one.....

  7. I love photographing mailboxes when I travel. I think they help define the culture of the people that live in a particular place.
