Sunday, November 18, 2012

Bella Italia (Part Three)

Because Venice has absolutely no cars.....

....everything has to be delivered by carts....

I got a kick out of seeing this dry-cleaning delivery cart.
And, as usual, people got a kick out of seeing me photographing the dry-cleaning
delivery cart(I got laughed at and looked at a lot in Istanbul too, which you
will see next post).

Restaurants get their food and wine delivered by carts...

And, of course, all this is leading up to the fact that the MAIL is also delivered by cart.
Very cool.
No sign of the delivery person. Someone could steal one of those packages
just sitting there like that...(I wouldn't think of it).

I wish one of those packages was for me -- I am part Italian, after all.

Another very cool things about Venice is, many of the mail boxes have faces on them.

Here's a shiny new mailbox (ever so out of place in crumbling Venice but I do like that envelope on there).

And here's one a bit more my style...
Posta -- Mail
Say it any way you like!

My feelings exactly - a mail box is supposed to be for mail not for junk!

Venice is really a magically beautiful place just to walk around time I'd like to spend a week or ten days and just walk all over, take pictures and eat and drink coffee and wine...

It is been brought to my attention by several people (hello Mary Ann...) that they haven't been able to comment
on the blog. Since I see there are hundreds of page views and so few comments I wonder if others have the same problem. I have removed the word verification this time around to see
if that helps -- so give me a shout-out and say hello. Let me know if you have been having trouble commenting and if that helps. As long as I don't get a bunch of spam I will leave it off and so we'll see what happens.

I am working on catching up with all my mail -- so if you have sent me mail, you will hear from me soon.
Send Good Mail to Get Good Mail.

Ciao tutti!


  1. I had a problem before but not sure if this will clear it up. I LOVE your pictures of mail boxes!

  2. Dreamy little trip to Venice with you! I am making cranberry jam this morning, by the way, wish you were here to have some on some toast!

  3. Wait no cars ever at all? Is there public transportation? This is so crazy to me! I love the idea of mail being delivered on a cart, though. That's really awesome.

    1. There are absolutely no cars, trucks, etc in venice -- and the only public transit are the vaporetto (boats) and water taxis (I took one to the airport -- what fun) and of course, the gondolas. So, all the public transit is on water. People walk, shop with carts on wheels and bike. Very cool.

  4. Thanks for sharing your adventures!

  5. Beautiful! It's raining cats and dogs here at my little cabin on the lake..... I wish I was floating through Venice instead. Hope you came home to LOTS of Good Mail- you will be getting something from me soon.

    1. I love rain! And I love mail - will look forward to yours. I came home to great mail but I am still trying to catch up with answering it.

  6. I love some of those mail boxes but isn't the hole too small for a fat mail?;) And how cool you spotted a post cart XD

  7. I can only imagine how amusing you must be to others as you take these fabulous pictures. Lucky for us, you're willing to do it. I greatly amused a lobby full of hotel guests once as I took a video of my husband dropping a postcard down the old fashioned mail chute. We couldn't see my husband, naturally since he was several floors up. It was me and my camera, taking video of a mail chute, waiting for the postcard to flash by. the things we do for mail love.

    1. So funny, Karen....that sounds like something I would do. You will see two amused guys in Istanbul...and a whole cafe was laughing at me when i was photographing an adorable turkish post box...

  8. It looks like a wonderful place for photography enthusiasts. Are there seats everywhere? I'd have to have a seat to sit on if there's no transportation, my feet are very old and need to rest.
    I remember in England they have benches in the strangest places. Being and ex-Brit, I didn't notice them until my American husband pointed them out. He made me climb up a hill and sit on the seat that was in the middle of it, just to take a picture.

    1. I didn't really notice any seats around....but there are lots and lots of wonderful cafes where you can have a cappuccino and rest up!

  9. looks like the robot detector is gone and the livin is easy over here! i'm going to drop a love letter into one of those post boxes!

    1. All-righty, Mary Ann! Good to see you here and I think you should drop a letter into one of those beauties when you are in Venice.

  10. What could be better than crumbling Italian mailboxes?! Ummm...nothing! Love it! :)

  11. Great photos, Pamela! I'm sure that the residents are so used to those sights (post boxes, delivery carts, etc) that they don't even really see them anymore. Perhaps you helped them to see their city with fresh eyes! (Or maybe you just gave them a good chuckle!) Thanks for sharing your journey with us!

    1. Thanks, Andria -- I know what you mean, we have incredible views here in SF that I take for granted too.

  12. Oh, come รจ bello! I was only in Venice for One day in 1988, and it was just a magical place (like you said) that I'll never forget. I do hope to get back some day soon, and for many more days as well. Sad to see the floods of late, but that's the history of this city.... Ciao Bella! Missed you Sunday & hope to see you for the Bazaar.

    1. Missed you on Sunday too. I'm still processing another Bazaar - the Grand Bazaar! Mail going your way. And si - you should go back and Venice soon!

  13. So, so different from our big, chunky metal boxes!

    1. Yes - and I love the red. Thanks for commenting, Alisa. Next up are the Turkish mail boxes....

  14. I would love to go to Venice some day!

    1. Annejo -- you are a lot closer to Venice than I am. I think you would love it. (Starting a letter to you)
