Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Origami Booklets, Stamp Folders & Fun

Some of you who made booklets from my tutorial were nice enough to send me the results
and I am sharing them here to show the great ideas. They are all different and unique -- and each one arrived in a handmade envelope!
Such creativity.

From S.W.
This black and white beauty arrived with handmade envelope, hand carved stamped

not only all that... enclosed was a great cookie recipe......

From L.W.
Using navigational charts she picked up at an estate sale.....

Inside......lovely.....makes me want to take a boat ride on the Potomac!

From T.W.
A lovely blue theme -- and what a good idea to use a National Geo.
I hadn't thought of that...

Inside are some great graph pages and interesting stats!
Very cool.

From Karenann
Not one, but three booklets arrived from her - each one is charming
and I am crazy about the perforated pages...

Karenann has sent me some wonderful mail art, including some terrific postal
ATC'S which I will share another time.
She tells how to do another origami folder here so check it out.

Just want to be sure you see them!

I really love how each person put an individual stamp on the same process.

Thanks very much to those who mailed me booklets. You will all be getting
a little something from me in the mail.

And I've been at it too -- I decided to make some with Chinese Joss papers
and leave the pages out to use as stamp holders. Clever?
But I can't take credit -- it was my son's idea.

Joss Paper Stamp Folder
I can think of all sorts of things to do with these....and I have been trying out
different sizes of papers

Handmade Envelopes
I've been working up a storm in my studio lately....lots and lots of collages
and handmade envelopes...

(I hope she doesn't see this before the envelope arrives)

Sent out a weather report -- anyone coming to visit SF -- better bring a sweater!

I had a fabulous mail week last week -- so much beautiful mail --
thanks to all! I am working on responding to everyone.

See what I mean? More incoming. I am loving it!

Last Saturday, Bastille Day, was our July Correspondence Co-Op meeting at the
SF Main Library.
Yes, we are having too much fun and no, I don't know what the heck we were
actually doing. Thanks to P.L.H. for taking this photo.
(Ok, I admit it, yes that is me standing second from the left).
I strongly suggest organizing a mail art group in your area if you don't have one.
We have such a terrific time.

Co-Op Meeting

Mail art, show & tell, rubber stamps, swap table, food and drink,
demos, artistamps......
and there is a rumor a certain  someone is going to be writing about that last meeting
very soon.
I'll keep you posted!

This Friday the LWA is hosting a postcard swap and this weekend is the Renegade Fair
and soon the Vintage Paper Fair is coming to SF.
What are all of you doing this month?

Send Good Mail -- Get Good Mail


  1. What a great assortment of booklets. You may have to buy a bigger house to accommodate all of these treasures at some point. A Mail Art Museum would be great though!

  2. What great gifts of teeny books from friends. Wonderful collage and you look so cute at the meeting! Like a kid with a secret! xox

  3. I like your style so much! I like your wonderful combinations of supplies! ;D

  4. How super fun to get all those booklets in the mail! Love all the incoming mail you showed here, as well as the work going on your studio. I've been making a load of envelopes as well...such fun! I enjoyed seeing a photo of you...I had not seen one before. I wonder if I could make a mail art group survive and thrive in my area. Looks like such a fun thing to do!!

  5. wow, nice photography and combination.

  6. Very badly stained stamps can be washed gently in a weak solution of water and a bit of enzyme laundry detergent. Careful! This can work too well and remove the printing ink.
