Sunday, July 22, 2012

Lots to Do Around Town!

Look what I found!
No, I didn't buy it but I got a photo--
a small consolation.

Friday afternoon was a postcard swap hosted by
the lovely ladies of the LWA.
Here are my contributions--
the fronts....
And the backs....

Of course you all know about the LWA, right?
If not, get over there on the left and
You have been missing a lot.

Kathy, Annie & Donovan on a warm San Francisco
afternoon (at Rare Device)

It's always fun to share.....

Magda the Mail Art Dog
accompanied by Catwrangler
(I just could not resist putting this on the blog)

Ring! Ring!
I love doorbells. Recently went on a little studio visit at my
pal SW's house....and thought I share a little
eye candy...

Now this was a great place to investigate....
Bookshelves topped with plastic post boxes!

Pen still-life

Some washi tape

Hands and fingers
Thanks for the tour SW!!

This lovely origami packet arrived a little bit ago
from the talented Karenann...

...filled with four Postal ATC's...
Very very cool. Who wants to trade? I am
inspired to make some postal ATC's after seeing
Karenann's and I'm up for trading.
Leave me a comment if you are interested.

Still life with chopsticks

So, I am mixing some of the
"polaroids" with the sharper photos.
I get bored so I like to try various things.
What do do you think?
Mix and match is good, right?

Did you like the studio tour?
The postcards?The ATC's?
How about the lunch?


  1. oh my - I love it all. those ATCs are fabulous. and I am restraining myself from saying "yes let's swap" because just today I promised myself not to join EVERYTHING right now, because I'm totally overwhelmed. but then I see this and say "that would be so much fun!" sigh. love the mix of your photo styles. makes your posts even more fun. and that stamp machine is amazing. haven't seen one of those in a long time.

    1. Oh, come on.....let's swap.....but it can be LATER not sooner....
      (I am behind on just about everything too...)
      I knew I should have bought that stamp machine but it's too late now...

  2. Oh how could you resist the post stamp dispenser it was a small fortune. Great mix of outgoing, love your labels for the back! Thanks for the tour, got to check out the letter writer's alliance. Like I have so much free time. xox

    1. Corrine--well, always time to squeeze in a little bit more art. That stamp antique was $95 but the royal husband said Noooooooooo more stuff can fit in my studio.....drats!

  3. Love the variety in the posting, yes! Variety is the spice of Life, they say and I think that is why we like our mail art so much.

  4. Umm, where's the food? I get to the end of this post and I am expecting a nice bowl of ramen or something. I think that mail dog ate it. Sigh.

    P.S. I love those little mail boxes.

    1. Christine--You are making me laugh! I loved those mailboxes so much that I begged my pal to tell me where they came from and ran right out and bought six different ones. Monkey see, monkey do.
      I will be sure to put a food shot in next time just for you.

  5. That stamp dispenser would have looked great in your studio, but $95 is pretty steep! I love the backs of your LWA postcards. Your friend has the most wonderful storage, and fabulous things to fill it! Always loving Karenann's mail art...she is truly generous and creative.
