Friday, November 4, 2011

Travel, Snow and some Mail Art

Post Office on Charles Street, Beacon Hill
Boston, Massachusetts...
Taking this shot on Friday, I saw the Snow Emergency sign but didn't
expect to see actual snow the next day on
October 29th!

Well, I was wrong. New England got a blast of snow the next day in a freak snowstorm and this
California girl was in a state of shock
(and underdressed).
This was taken on Sunday morning in New Hampshire.
In October. Before Halloween.

Back to Beantown -- I saw lots of lots of mailboxes all over Boston.
Do you think people write more letters there?
I mailed some of my mail art in these babies.....see them?

A friend sent me to this one in Lewisburg Square so I had to stick a couple of postcards
in here too.
I was loving the brick and cobblestone streets and all the pumpkins on the steps of the
homes surrounding the square.

After just about freezing to death, I mailed the last of my cards
right inside the hotel lobby in this old beauty.
The hotel staff was quite amused by the crazy woman taking pictures
of a mail box.

Laconia, New Hampshire Post Office
in the snow.....
36 degrees  at 1 PM.

It certainly wouldn't be a trip to Boston without lobster
(and a lobster roll and clam chowder).
This just about made the whole thing worth it!

I came back to sunny, 74" San Francisco, and found some great mail waiting for me.
Ok, I am behind.....
Probably why I didn't get anything but one little postcard in today's mail.
I have my work cut out for me.

From Asta in Finland - a lovely message inside a bottle.
Thank you so much, Asta. What fun to get this (yesterday).

What's In Your Mail Art Kit Entries
Well, November 1 has come and gone and the entries are a bit weak in
quantity but really great in quality.
I loved them all and will be working with them soon.

Thanks to all of you who sent me an entry.
Will post some on the blog and send documentation to all.

OUTGOING (In progress)
I am working on this booklet to send out. This weekend I have some serious mail art
time planned.
So, in my next post I'll show you what I sent out.

Our weather in SF has just gotten colder and I am happy to spend some
time working in my studio on making mail art.

Have you sent out some mail this week?
Just got a message that Google Reader no longer supports the blog. Have no idea why but my guess is some of you won't see the post. You can subscribe by email if you want.
Have a Good weekend, everyone.



  1. What a beautiful post office and what beautiful mail boxes...sigh.
    Oh, and that lobster!

  2. I love the idea of the message in a bottle. I'm afraid, german postal service wouldn't deliver it. And I think I just find a new place I want to visit, when I travel to the US.

  3. Next time we will have a coffee and some chowda! Looks like a great trip and you were all over eh! We do still have some spectacular post boxes and post offices, does go with those cobblestone streets. The message in a bottle is fantastic. xox Corrine

  4. @pocci -- I recommend San Francisco, Boston and New York City! But SF is 3000 miles from the other two spots.
    @dosfishes --I would love that. This was a very quick trip...hope the next one will be longer. So much to see and do.

  5. Oh my goodness I can't believe there was a snow storm so close to me. Thank goodness there is no snow here yet.
    That message in a bottle is wonderful. Did it come to you like that or in a box? It looks like you had a great trip and came back to some wonderful mail.
    Hope you had a wonderful weekend and are refreshed for the week to come.
    Much Love,

  6. @Crystal--the bottle came just like that - no box. I have gotten other bottles before but this one came all the way from Finland. I declared today a mail art Sunday so I am catching up a little at a time...thanks for commenting.

  7. What a fun post to read on this chilly morning in New England! Glad you enjoyed our East Coast treasures! Snow. Yup. When you come to NE be prepared for anything and everything! Lobsta', Chowda'...yum. New Hampshire is just beautiful especially the Laconia area! I travel there every summer. Boy, you get a lot of mail! Funny thing about the bottle...I just sent a family member something similar "message in a bottle" - I can't wait to hear what she has to say about it! Keep the posts coming!

  8. Love that bottle (& envious of all that mail =D). I've sent messages in bottles before but they weren't as fancy or pretty as that bottle. It's such a great shape & with the cork stopper it looks like glass. (But it must be plastic. I wouldn't think the post office would allow a glass bottle through the mail.) Very cool.
    ~ Jan

  9. Do you know that 11 years ago that post office on Charles Street was MY post office?! That was my hood at that time. Very cool to see it here my Dear!

  10. Such an adventure! Thanks for sharing the pics!!!
