Sunday, October 30, 2011


Happy Halloween!
Don't you wish you could go trick or treating and have people put those
Halloween stamps in your bag?
This a quick post to say hello and Happy Halloween after a week away. I got SNOWED ON! You heard about the big snowstorm on the east coast? Well, I was there.
Another post soon with the mail that was waiting for me when I got back
and some postal pictures from my travels. Snow covered mail boxes, anyone?

Left 36' weather for 70' weather here in SF.

I'm not sure which I like more -- the Legend of Sleepy Hollow stamp or Mr Zip.
Damn, he's cute!

I just love these little messages on the sheets of stamps
(but I digress).

I love my series of typewriter envelopes (if I do say so myself).
And of course orange is a Halloween color -- this one heading off to
The Netherlands.

I whipped up a couple of Day of The Dead Envelopes -- very big in SF.
(And of course, in Mexico)

I just love to get mail from Tallie.
This one took a while in transit. I guess the USPS got a little confused by all the writing.
But, it got here.

I just get the best mail -- thank you, everyone! Keep it coming.

Double treats from GinaVisione -- grazia.
Love the orange envelope and the keyboard on there.
And a Mail Art Kit submission -- yes!

Halloween least I think it is....
Happy Halloween everyone.

And, I leave you with lunch (miso ramen). You should eat well before going off and eating all that Halloween candy that you know you are going to eat.

Did you get any Halloween mail?

Send Good Mail--Get Good Mail


  1. Mother nature gave us quite a trick instead of a treat. glad you escaped! We will trick or treat in the snow tonight, dodging all the fallen trees, but we New Englanders are undaunted.

  2. I love the Halloween stamps! The Sleepy Hollow ones are my favourite.

  3. I heard about the snow on the news - over here the sky is blue, the sun is shining and it's way too warm for November :-)

  4. @iamrushmore--well, this San Franciscan was quite daunted but all that snow. I was in NH for that Saturday and there was 14"!!!! Boston didn't get hit as hard...have fun tonight and hope you get some good candy.
    @pocci--thanks. And I am planning a post about stationary, etc for you
    @Annejo--Our East Coast was amazingly cold for October nut today, back home in SF, it's mild enough for sandals...I'd like it colder. Weather is crazy all over. (I am going to take a photo of the chocolate to show you.....)

  5. Boy those day of the dead envies rocked! I thought that paper would be hard to deal with, but you made them look effortless!

  6. That Miso Ramen is killing me!

    I love the Movie Monster stamps. I remember those!
    I was so pleased...we got the cutest bunch of trick-or-treaters tonight.

  7. Great Post Pamela! So glad to see you made it back (got your Union O.House PC :D) safely to our fair city!! I hope you got the TWO CFE submissions I sent in my last Mail Art Binge last weekend; if not, hopefully #2 will get there soon (maybe traveling the way of Tallie's mail :D)!
    Ciao, Bella~

  8. Your lovely and long letter arrived safely! Now I have lots of reading to do... :D

  9. These are great! I love holiday stamps!

  10. I love your series of typewriter envelopes !
    That's right our mailboxs are a beautiful museum
