Sunday, August 14, 2011

You Want Mail?

Quite a lot of people have been e-mailing and writing letters to me and asking about getting pen pals or how to get more involved in mail art.
So, I decided to write a post about it.

Everyone who reads this blog knows how much I love to get mail.
To get good mail you really have to send good mail.
I've been writing letters and corresponding with people all over the world for just about my whole life.
It takes some effort to get started and some people won't write back but just keep trying.

I know it's been said already, but people just don't save email like they do letters.
Look at these old beauties.
These letters weren't even sent to me but I love reading them.

And you don't get gorgeous stamps like these on emails.
But I know I am preaching to the choir.

If you are looking for mail artists and/or pen pals, get yourself over to Carolee's blog
right this minute and check out all the folks who are doing the same --

Make Every Day a Good Mail Day

It will take some effort to read through all those blog posts but I guarantee you will find people who love mail on there.
 I have gotten quite a number of wonderful correspondents from that post.
My suggestion is, write some letters! Don't just add your name to the post and ask people to write to you. 

Mail Art Received
If you are interested in mail art, you might try joining IUOMA -
International Union of Mail Artists or join up with the Mail Art365 group -- a great bunch of people who are committed to making and sending a mail art card every day for a year.

Mail Art 365

Another thing to try, how about writing letters (and asking questions) to members of your own family? Moms and Dads and grandparents would most likely be thrilled to get letters and if they write you back you will have a lovely stack of family history to save and share.
I treasure all my letters from my mom.
This envelope is from her -- every time I see that rubber stamp giving the finger I laugh. (I wish I had it)
You could say she was kind of anti-establishment. 

Try to make your mail interesting. Enclose some extras things inside the envelope - photos of your town, a great recipe, bookmarks....anything local and interesting to share. As you write and get to know people you can send them things you know would be interesting to them - a book or a movie review etc.

Another site to check out is

Send Something

There are some mail art blogs on the left side of this post and a special favorite of mine is
Make Every Day A Red Letter Day. Go over and click!
 I hope you all know know about Jennie and Carolee's book --

Good Mail Day

You can look online and google "mail art" for ideas and stimulation, start your own mail art/letter writing group and meet up every couple of weeks or one a month to exchange ideas and write letters or
make art, check out Pininterest and search for mail art, join the

Letter Writers Alliance

read letter writing and mail art blogs, write a whole lot of letters, keep trying, check out mail art on FaceBook.

You can leave comments on this blog post if you are looking for others to write to -- you can leave your name and address (if you are OK with that) and write something about yourself or an email address and maybe some new mail art connections will be made right here!

If you have any ideas about getting mail, please add them to the comments!
I bet there are some more really good ideas out there that I've missed.
Remember, Cappuccino and Art Journal is also on FaceBook and I post "extras" on there - links and photos - so check it out.
Let's make every day A GOOD MAIL DAY!

Updated News
Some nice comments from Missive Maven
Missive Maven

and another link to this post on
Good Mail


  1. This is such a great post :D
    I think there's a few mail art swaps currently on Swapbot aswell.

    I'm always looking for mail art pen pals, so if anyone is interested feel free to email me at

    I also blog at

  2. Great ideas and suggestions. I've met so many wonderful and interesting people through the mai like yourself so I'm always up for new correspondents!

    I'm a or <3

    1. Hey Mary -- I totally agree, I have met so many wonderful people through mail art. What fun!

  3. My name is Jacqueline and I am an almost 42 year old preschool and English teacher. I have always loved anything related to mail (letters, swaps, postcards, etc) I love pretty stationary, stickers, rubber stamps, mixed media art, painting, cats, cute things, vintage, craft markets, blogging, etc. I am a papercrafts artist as well. Check out my blog at: If you're interested in eschanging letters or swapping just let me know at:

    1. Jacqueline -- hope you got some good mail! Thanks for commenting.

    2. Jacqueline I like to be your Pen-pall and I'm very interested to exchange english is not very good but I'm managing....have a nice evening from Tenerife!!!!

  4. i'm i'm a superhero i can like fly and shit. ;-D

    i'm a superhero i can like fly and shit.
    1234 sandusky dr.
    iowa city, ia 52240
    moomoosuperhero [at] gmail [dot] com

    i am currently working on a project which aims at connecting new people together by publishing a series of address listings of folks currently involved in mail art; send me a 4x6" postcard with your postal and email address included, and i will include your art alongside other mail artists in a digital collage from the postcards sent in; alongside each collage, i will publish the list of addresses for the artists contained in the collage.

    i will publish these both online as well as sending out copies to folks in the mail.

    if you have further questions, feel free to email me!

  5. i also want to point out that the best way to get started in mail art is to create lots of mail. some people focus on creating very time-consuming, intricate artwork; but frankly, mail art is about people and creating connections between them. the more mail you send, the more you will receive; mail art is just another form of communication, the message is more important than the package that contains it! some folks' art tends to get overlooked because it's not as pretty as other people's; but that's really a shame!!!
    treat everything that comes in with a measure of respect, because i find more often than not that the deepest thoughts tend to come with ugly exteriors!

    and always make sure to take a second moment with each piece, before putting it away and forgetting about it. someone took the time to send that to you, make sure you take the time to appreciate it!

    1. Very true, SuperHero. Good tips. Thanks for commenting. And it is true--best way to get started is to send out a lot of mail....eventually you get in to the mail art network and start getting back some great stuff...

  6. Great post Pamela. I love your suggestion about asking questions about ypur family, and of course getting mail from you is such fun. Saw you on the tumblr. xox Corrine

  7. hello!! greetings from south america!

    my name is bruno, i am a brazilian guy from rio de janeiro and i enjoy sending and receiving things through the mail, from an early age.
    i like handmade things, postcards, fountain pens, labels, vintage mail stickers, rubber stamps, par avion envelopes... besides, i enjoy indie rock, photography and travelling.
    send an e-mail ( or drop a line on my blog if you want to write!

    have a good mail day,


    great idea pamela!! hope to hear from you soon.

    1. Hey Bruno -- I got your letter and I have a friend who you might enjoy trading mail with. I'm going to give him your name/address.

  8. What a fantastic post. I am always eager to write more letters to new people and send some art :)

    Ambrosia Jefferson
    2015 Ravenswood Dr
    Evansville, IN, 47714

  9. Pamela, thanks for a great post! You are one of my favorite mailartists and I always look forward to seeing you in my mailbox :> I never get tired of looking for new opportunities to exchange letters and mailart with other ladies, so if any of you out there are interested please e-mail me at for my mailing address. I am a "young" 63 yr old lady/wife/mother/grandmother that is having a blast with much fun to recycle vintage paper ephemera, rubber stamps, cancelled postage stamps, junk mail, etc.

  10. What an awesome post! I love all the mailart I've seen around different blogs. I'm just a beginner. I've made a couple of envelopes from calenders and scrap booking paper, but haven't attempted real mail art. If anyone is interested in writing to me, please contact me by e-mail for my address, thanks! My e-mail:
    I'd love to hear from you! Thank you Pamela for this opportunity! You're great and soooo talented!

    1. Thanks so much Vagirl -- now it is a year later and I bet you have been making mail art and having fun with it. Thanks for commenting.

  11. Thanks you all for commenting -- hope you find some correspondents from this! There have been over 600 views so far so somebody is readying this. Good luck and happy mailing!

  12. Great post. You're right, nobody saves email...well, only for awhile.

    1. I have been known to print out emails to save...but a letter is just so much better....thanks Christine H.

  13. What a wonderful post! I just found your blog via the Missive Maven... and you have a new fan!

    I'll share your link on my blog! :)

    Julie xox

  14. Thank you, Julie! Happy you like it. I'll check your blog out too.

    I thought of a few more "tips" I missed so look out for "Part Two" everyone.

  15. Pamela,
    Great ideas in your post! I love mail art as you know but have been feeling very uncreative and unhappy with my efforts. Your post has reinspired me! Thanks so much!


    1. Tammy -- the more mail art you create the better you become at it. Plus -- there are no judgements in mail art and everybody is happy to get something fun the mail. Have fun with it.

  16. looking forward to part 2 ;-D

  17. @Superhero -- Part Two is coming soon! Just back from a little mini-vacation.

    Hope some of you folks are sending mail to each other!

    @And Tammy -- loved what you sent me. Just keep making mail and have no fear.

  18. Hi Pamela,

    What a great blog you have. I certainly am going to visit it more often, and even perhaps subscribe to the mail art 365 thing! Thank you for showing me. Greetings, Bregtje (from

    1. Bregtje -- Welcome and thanks for your comment. I enjoyed your blog too. There is a very active mail-art community here in the US and in San Francisco. Lots of opportunities to trade mail-art.

  19. .
    I recycle different papers to make envelopes more ...
    I will not send candy but will full of mail art, friendship books,atc, paper snowflakes, kirigami card, photos, postcard and labels!
    those who wish to exchange with me;write to

  20. Wowee! What an excellent post :) And there's so many people on here I want to send mail too - I'll have to schedule off an afternoon just to read all these comments and visit everyone's blogs! I'm going to put your site on my blogroll so people who visit my mail art project (DearHolly) can find it! Thanks for the wonderful networking you're encouraging! - Jess Barlow.

  21. It is interesting to see these older posts. There is now a lovely Facebook group called League of Extraordinary Penpals that is also a great source for true pen pals. I also enjoy that it's a subscription service so it encourages more serious folks. As for Mail Art, the International Union of Mail Artists is also a great group of free-thinkers and creative folks. Their website is amazing and chock-full of like-minded people.

    1. Hi MeMa -- nice to know someone is looking at these older posts. I have been thinking of updating it. I am a member if IUOMA and yes -- a good place to look for mail artists to trade with. I hadn't heard about that FB group. Thanks for reading the blog and commenting!

  22. I love your blog and would like to add my name for new mail art pals. I only have two pals and I'd love more! For me, it's a fun way to create art just for fun!
    Contact me at:

    1. Annette -- This is an old post so I doubt too many folks actually read it any more. You may want to keep an eye on the new blog posts -- I may do a name/email exchange post if there is enough interest but so far only three people say they want it on my latest post....thanks for commenting and I am glad you enjoy the blog.
