Monday, August 8, 2011

Finds from the Paper Fair

Saturday was the Vintage Paper Fair here in SF.
Way too much fun.
Some of you will be seeing these SF vintage postcard folders in your mailboxes.

Aren't these fun?
I found some old cards relating to letter writing. I am going to have fun with these.

Another find -- Handwriting Analysis Game!
Who wants to come over and play?

Lunch followed after the Paper Fair --
Shanghai Noodle House.

Hum.....came home to find this in the mail.
What is the USPO trying to tell me?
I don't think it's good news and the mail didn't show up on Saturday till almost 5PM.

Mail going out to SuperHero, Julia in Germany, Barbara W, Shelita and Christine H.
Ripping up those old Life magazines is so much fun
(thanks Fast Eyes)

To Russia, to Phyllis and to Stephanie R in NYC

(this will be a surprise)

A letter inside a book

My Photo Studio (one of them)
Lovely, flat, filtered San Francisco light in the morning under the arbor -- this is one of the spots where I set up a little photo studio.

Paper Fair treasures, Chinese noodles, Outgoing mail -- a good weekend in SF.

Happy Mail Day
Send Good Mail to Get Good Mail


  1. Obviously you didn't go to the paper fair with Annie or she would smacked your hand out of the way for some of those finds!

  2. Ha -- sweet little Annie? She scored last time....

  3. She was sorting through this one pile and I barely had a chance!

  4. Be still my heart! I have to ask myself whether I love paper more than Shanghai noodles. No, I love them both equally and together. Oh, and I see something is coming my way. Yippee.

  5. hey, you just have to move faster...i went to the paper fair and got a whole stack of old airmail envelopes again. plus a load of vintage airline tags and labels.

  6. Oh such beautiful things...
    Well at least you get a notice, once upon a time we used to have our post before noon, these days they usually in the late afternoon

  7. @Annie--How did I miss those vintage air mail envelopes? Send me a letter in one!
    @Christine - you will just have to visit SF and have some noodles one of these days
    @Henderica- I guess as long as we actually get the mail we can't complain....

  8. Vintage Paper Fair sounds like right up my alley. Does it happen only once a year?

  9. @CJ--The Vintage Paper Fair is three times a year (lucky us!). May, August and January. Also happens in Glendale, CA. You can check out

  10. So jealous of what lovely things SF has to offer. It's the next place to visit on my list. Such lovely finds for you!!

    That letter from the USPS is weird. I feel like if they sent me one of those every time my mail was delivered by a different person or at a completely different time I would have a book of them, haha. I know this is saying it's permanent though. What time do you usually get your mail?

  11. @Mary -- I know, my mail used to come very late in the day. Then, for a happy period of time, it came early, about 11AM and now it is coming at 4:30 or 5PM -- too late!

  12. Haha. Mine usually comes at 3 but yesterday it was at 7:30. It was worth the wait though because they brought my typewriter. <3

  13. Such a great postcards! You do your own envelopes?? I love that!

  14. OOOh...Ooooh...ME, ME, ME - I want to come over & do the hand-writing analysis...I got my letter! Thank you - it is quite a sassy envelope!

  15. You should scan the images of the postal themed postcards before you send them. They would be great on some stationery!

  16. @Pen Thief--already on it. Will send you one of my cards.

  17. How many bags of goodies did you come home with??????? Your photo studio is gorgeous. I would love to just sit there for a while and take it in. xox Corrine

  18. Looks like a great week. I have a number of new/old postcards from my trip to France. No plans for them yet but selfishly, I think I'll hold onto most of them.

  19. @Dosishes -- only one bag -- after all, postcards are small!
    @Sarala - your postcard from Paris just arrived today (merci). I hold on to most of my paper treasures too -- unless I get duplicates.
