Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Just Walking Around (in Berlin)

Walking around Berlin on a COLD day we spotted this.....

Hummmm....what do we have here?

Some very intrepid vendors were out in the cold selling books and paper ephemera and , of course, we had to stop and look.

I am always happily surprised at how OLD the paper ephemera is in Europe. They were just around longer than we have been here in the US, especially here in California.

Right in the middle of everything it started SNOWING! Vendors were rushing around throwing tarps and plastic over their wares. Luckily I did manage to make a purchase or two before scurrying away to someplace warm.

That superman has nothing on my husband who continues to amaze me by Finding flea markets and street markets and stamp markets all over the world. And, he waits patiently for me to paw through everything or he pitches in to look for treasures for me.

I think I owe him a hot lunch -- and maybe a beer -- after hanging out with me on the streets of Berlin on such a chilly and rainy day.
We did have a blast!

Next stop -- Strasbourg, France!



  1. Yes, your husband is a gem. I would NOT have been able to resist many of those old photos and stamps. Even money would have gone in my Money altered book. Wonderful photos and a super meal afterward, dear Pamela.

    1. My husband really is a gem -- he could have a second career as a art travel guide!

  2. Such great finds Again!!! I just love how they display with those suitcases! Fab idea!(I actually have some of my vintage magazines in one of those carry on vintage cases,for display in my studio! great minds-right?!
    I LOVE that picture of the lady playing the mandolin(?) that is sooo cool!!
    I cannot believe you encountered snow over there-yikes!!What a bummer for all concerned,but glad to hear you scored a few sales before retreating!
    And again, your husband is totally awesome for being such an excellent flea finder and partner in ephemera crime! Telling him,I say kudos! My husband is very similar,just not good with directions!
    Have a super day!
    Jackie ")

    1. yep, it did snow in Berlin in April but it really was just flurries....but it was FREEZING cold. We couldn't believe it but we didn't let that stop us. My husband should take small groups on tours! He studies maps before we go and walks around like he lives there! Well, most of the time. In however, have no sense of direction.....

  3. So sorry the weather did not cooperate well for a long paw through all those lovely containers of goodies! And yes, I agree there is something about truly old stuff with lovely handwriting even if I can't read it. Lucky you (and gold star to hubby - wish my ex had been like yours).
