Monday, November 27, 2017

Start and End with a Post Box

I've been editing my travel photos and adding them to my my travel journal so I thought you might like to come along with me......

Every day starts off with coffee.....I had an espresso and an Americano.....need a lot of energy to walk all day long..

The Flea Market in Lisbon -- artist selling hand painted postcards....

What a fun idea -- and she was doing a brisk business....

Coffee Break
I have never met a Pastis de Nata I haven't liked....(and check out that tile floor too).

When you're out and about in Lisbon be sure to look down -- the sidewalks are all amazing and made with beautiful tiles....

You never know what you might find around the corner....this street had a pop-up outdoor book sale...
And I found an amazing bookstore with beautiful old books and ephemera that deserves it's own post...

If I see a PO Box I will stop.

Touristy shopping is always fun...
you could buy sardines -- or you could buy chocolate sardines....

San Francisco has a lot of food trucks....but a cocktail truck? The alcohol flows very freely in Lisbon...

Gin & Tonic is a favorite there. I saw them at lunch spots and at dinner -- 4 euros.
I finally had to give in....

Love those big red PO Boxes....

Thanks for coming on a little Lisbon walk with me. Now, I think I will get back to working on finishing my travel journal up...


  1. What a fun post, Pamela. I really enjoyed the photos and the post boxes, too. I am not sure about chocolate sardines, but I laughed, anyway. I simply adored all the tiles, too. I kept looking for them in your photos. And I would gladly join you for breakfast and coffee.

    A few of my British friends seem to like their G & T, too, so I wonder if it's in more than one country. It looks rather evil to me (grin).

  2. Glad you enjoyed! I love G&T, especially with fresh herbs and juniper berries in it. Here in SF it would be $14 or more for a cocktail out so I loved the prices there. The chocolate sardines are chocolate in the shape of a fish!!!! Breakfast and coffee was great -- yes, come join me....

  3. Wonderful Pamela, thanks for sharing.

  4. G&T for 4 €... difficult to find in Spain. Let alone in Morocco.
    but I can't believe you didn't like the pastel de nata. I'm sure you didn't taste it in the right spot!

    1. Eva - what?????? I absolutely loved the pastel de nata- that's what I said - I never met one I didn't like! And I went to the best place for them. Yum.
      I know only too well about the lack of drinks in Morocco. Funny - we found lots of G&T's in Spain too. They were everywhere - at least in Basque Country.

    2. Oh, I misread. Now it's clear :))))
      Yes, in Spain G&T are everywhere right now. But not for 4€ (actually, it depends on the region).

  5. love the artist who painted postcards to sell...and those red mailboxes! wonderful!

  6. This is one of my favorite posts. I like it when I learn something and when I have to Google something like Pastis de Nata. I found a recipe that sounds easy enough to try someday. I figure I can make this if I can make quiche. :)

    I dream of a kitchen with tiles, and a tiled path to and around the raised veg bed. Great photos from a great trip.

    1. I'm so glad to read that, Limner. Those pastries are out of this world. Rumor has it there is a bakery close to my neighborhood here in SF that makes them....I'm going to have to check that out as a public service. Thanks so much for your comment. (PS LOVED the printed tissue paper you sent me -- merci!)

  7. Oh that coffee looks wonderfully dark! And just what is a Pastis de Nata?Is it filled? looks yummy!
    Another interesting post! I live vicariously through your travels Pamela! heehee
    Those watercolor postcard are wonderful! And what a super cool idea- good for her!

    Jackie ")
    ps-coolest post boxes ever!

    1. Jackie -- oh yes, I like my coffee very dark. The pastries are filled with a custardy filling and a wonderful crust. Soooooo good. I'm very glad you are enjoying the travel posts....I want to go back....

  8. Good thing you were doing all that walking - pastries would go right to my hips lol....wonderful pics and especially like seeing the post boxes....

    1. Agreed! I never gain weight on vacations, even though I eat everything insight, because of all the endless walking! Good trade off.

  9. Wow, those handpainted postcards are so original! Some even made right then and there?
    I found the nearest mailbox to my new home just yesterday. I am finally in Ireland. Without most of my stationery and crafting materials though. *sigh*

    1. Yes, she was painting right on site. Very cool. And welcome to your new home -- why the move to Ireland?

  10. Thanks for sharing the pictures and your experience. Oh how I would love to walk those streets and browse the flea markets.
