Monday, September 4, 2017

No Actual Mail Was Harmed in Making This Post

What do you do when you get a bunch of pretty boring vintage envelopes and a box of vintage stamps from the post office?
Well, you PLAY, of course!

See those plain white envelopes on the bottom of this shot? No fancy cursive, no beautiful stamps.....

You have to admit these mono printed envelopes look a lot better than those plain white ones.....
don't you?

I just printed over the whole darn thing, stamps and all....I am happy with them.

Some I just went to town with my Post Office vintage rubber stamps. Too much fun. I just love playing post everything out, including my favorite faux cancellation stamps..

I think the eclipse inspired that envelope up top. I just settle on some kind of vague theme and add postage stamps and rubber stamps and just have fun.

I think the theme on these two was green and brown....

I left the original postmarks (of course) and added my SF faux postmark..I love BLOOMER Wis. and had to add a flower rubber stamp to go with that cool postmark..

And Krakow, Wis.???? Who knew? I have been to Krakow, Poland but not Krakow, Wis. And, look at that shaky handwriting....

What would Melba think of her mail?

Thanks to my friend Margarete for sharing the post office stamps with me. So much fun to play with....

Next I may have to play office. Who wants to come on over and play with me?
When I am finished playing around I fill the altered envelopes with ephemera and a letter and slip it into a vellum envelope and send it out into the world....(that one in the back is in vellum...)
I have been pretty useless now for the last few days. San Francisco has had a record-breaking heat wave with temperatures of 103" and 106" and it has been miserable here. This is a City that is cool and gray. We wear leather jackets and boots all "summer". We don't actually have summer. And then BOOM a horrible heat wave.
I hid out in my studio and stamped things. And waited it out.
The fog always returns...

So, the Vintage Paper Fair is next weekend. I'm just sayin', in case you are looking for me. I will be there for sure....
maybe I will find some more old envelopes to alter.
What would YOU do with those envelopes?



  1. Terrific! And, I love the image of you having so much fun! ;o)

  2. I thought of you when I saw those temps on the news. Our world is changing. May you stamp your way to cooler temps. :) That's a lotta busy, girl! Two thumbs up!

    1. Thanks, Limner.....there has surely been a lot of whining around here due to extreme heat.....but I did actually get some things made too so all was not lost. And I am happy you are OK there in Texas.

  3. This is some awesome fun!!! I want to know how I can get some vintage stamps and envelopes "from the actual, real post office?"

    1. It pays to have connections........but I have seen PO stamps for sale on eBay....

  4. I already saw some of these pics on instagram, but all together in a blog make them look even better!

    1. Thanks, TomoyoHime -- i love Instagram but I still like seeing more photos on a blog....but IG seems much more popular that blogging sadly...I am glad you enjoyed seeing the altered envelopes.

  5. Very cool, all the things you added to those envelopes. I love the one from Bloomer Wisc. too. My hubby had an aunt named Martha Jane Bloomer, I always loved her name. It's also kind of fun seeing some of the addresses, BEFORE zip codes.

    1. Barbara-- yes, before zip codes -- and sometimes even before street addresses...some also just say "city"......interesting how things change. That is a great name your aunt-in-law had. I am going to go back and see if I have any more Bloomer cancels and IF I do I can send you one..

  6. These are incredible. I am in awe of those post office stamps you used to make these envelopes so much prettier. I remember making a small book using those same postage stamps from outer space. Brought back fond memories. Your entire collection is fabulous.

    I have a friend in CA who is also saying how hot it is there. Thankfully they have AC, but I know many people don't because it never gets that hot. Glad you were happy and creative inside your home during this heat wave.

    1. Thanks so much, Elizabeth. Oh yeah, it is HOT...and I sure don't have air conditioning. I don't think anyone in SF does.....I am not really getting too much done these days....just too hot.....

  7. It has been hotter than usual here in Florida, as well.And now we are waiting and watching to see what Irma will do. I'm hoping for just some inclement weather and time in the studio, but we are preparing for the worst. Thanks for the great inspiration and eye candy as always.

    1. Christie -- I am thinking of you (all) in Florida and really hoping and praying Irma will not do any damage. Man, what a year this is.....I hope it just rains and you get to work/play in your studio.

  8. Your playtime is always so much fun and so inspiring! Wish we lived closer, you could be out of the heat, and I could be in it!
    Your posts make my day!
    Jackie ")

    1. Thank you for the very nice comment -- very much appreciated. I wish you ALL could come on over and play with stamps and glue and paper. i have lots to play with. The fog has returned to SF, thank goodness, so i am much perkier.

  9. The envelopes look great! Glad you figured out what to do with them :)

  10. These are so lovely. I just love old envelopes. stamps, and postal signs. Love the idea of mono-printing on old envelopes.

  11. I have to lookup an older blog post you did on monoprinting. I want to do it, but I'm just nervous about it! What if I make a mess and none of it looks good? I love the monoprint ink on your envelopes. Awesome stuff!

    1. Margarete -- easy!!! And fun. You can't really mess up......I have a whole bunch of plates and lots of brayers and paint -- we need a painting play day!

  12. Love your mail art, found you through MAM! You have inspired me, I need to do a lot more art, maybe less jewelry!

    1. Hi Sharon -- thanks for stopping by! Welcome. And thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. Jewelry sounds good about doing both?

  13. I saw the Bloomer, Wisconsin, postmark. That is my mother-in-law's hometown. I've never been there, but DH has, of course, along with Eau Claire. Interesting to see it turn up!
    I do hope your temperatures come down soon. For the past two weeks, I have been freezing -- it went from summer here in NE PA to the mid 60s. Now it's about 80 and it feels humid and icky. Those temps for SF sound pretty crazy. I didn't think it ever got that hot there!

    1. Sandra L. Well, it never did get that hot here before -- all records were shattered. But it cooled off and the blessed fog is back. How fun your MIL is from Bloomer. I had never heard of it before but thought it was a great name for a town.
