Saturday, November 26, 2016

You Can Do It (Almost) Anywhere

Making mail art in my studio is always fun. I have everything I need there (and more). But, sometimes it is nice to take it on the road...

Writing at the Library

I love to hang out at the library for a while when I have time. They have big, beautiful wooden tables and comfortable chairs and and wifi and you are surrounded by books.
And they often have flyers around that are good for using to write letters.....
All you really need is a pen!
Huntington Gardens, Pasadena CA
It is always fun to sit outside and write some postcards and the beautiful Huntington gardens  is one place that's fun to set up a writing station outdoors at a table.

Sitting out in the sun, watching the world go by and writing some postcards....
Anytime I go anywhere a part of the fun is packing up a mail art kits, either large or small....
I love a road trip when i can bring A LOT of stuff, including my small portable typewriter, but I am good with going small on a plane too....

Nothing better than mail art in a motel room. My favorite. I always tear up every tourist brochure/menu/map I can get my hands on and I make stuff....
What does the maid think?

Breakfast and Mail Art
Home or traveling, I like to start each day with a little art of some kind. Gets the day started off right.

What I did and what I didn't do ----
I don't really enjoy "holidays" so Thanksgiving isn't a big day around here. But I am thankful.
Thankful for my wonderful blog readers, Instagram followers, FB blog readers and real life mail art pals who are so generous with good mail.
It is a truly wonderful community we are in.
I've found my tribe!
So, thank you ALL.
I certainly didn't get involved in the so-called Black Friday marathon of excess and shopping.
Not my thing.
I am making things for friends though. I can't show you you till after Xmas but I'm taking photos for you.
I'm packing up a little travel bag for a very few days away now and you know I will be making some mail art.
And, then, back to the studio for some more art-making.

Hope you all are having a good time these days......don't let the crazy "holiday season" make you crazy. Just make things and have some fun with friends and take care of yourselves.
Have a cappuccino.....


Saturday, November 12, 2016

Art Saves Lives

Life hasn't been real good lately.
The election outcome. A lot of personal stuff. A whole lot of stress and worry.
So, here's what I do.
When the going gets tough, the tough get is said...
Sometimes I just need to get away and take a drive along the beautiful California coast.

I need to breathe.

More often, I try to cram as much ART into my life as humanly possible.
Went to to see the Frank Stella show at the de Young Museum here in San Francisco.
He has been prolific as an artist for over fifty years.
Walking through room after room of amazing art is very healing.

Danny Lyon Photography Show
Being an photographer, I love a good photo show and this one was terrific.

Besides the "straight' photos, I loved the collages Lyon made using photos and paper ephemera.
Right up my alley.

My favorite part of the show?
A giant bulletin board of mail he received -- who knew?

He had mail from all over the world.....lots of cool stamps....

I have followed his artwork for years but never saw his mail before.

Aside from seeing art, I love to surround myself with art materials....
Happily I was signed up for a fantastic workshop given by my pal,  Monica Lee, the Artful Recrafter.
How to Make a Tyvek Toolkit

Monica brought loads of mixed media art supplies to play with and we learned how to make Tyvek zippered pouches. custom sized to hold art supplies...
I never had put in a zipper in my entire life!
(Ok, my seams are crooked and I am kind of scared of Monica's sewing machine but I sure did have fun!).

Monica's samples

When I'm not out looking at the ocean or at art or in a workshop,  I might be found looking at postage stamps......a whole composition book full....

Or, maybe hanging out in the studio with these guys....

When I feel this bad, I definitely need to surround myself with as much art as I can....and as many friends as I can.....I like company when I'm miserable.
Art does saves lives.

What are you all doing to feel better these days?
I know a lot of my friends are suffering too. What works?
I am baking and making things and seeing friends and praying for things to get better.
Anyone want to come over and make things with me?
I have cookies.