Thursday, September 8, 2016

Pretty Pictures & Things I Collect

A number of people have asked what do I collect?
It might be better to ask, what don't I collect?

Here are some pretty things sitting around my studio. I like living with them.
I love Japanese and Chinese calligraphy.....
.....and French cursive writing....and postal images of all kinds......
I have a very large collection of very old French postcards with people dressed up as letter carriers and ladies swooning with mail in hand...

If it is old and if it is paper I'd probably like it...

Old books, of course -- but you guys already know that -- that would be a whole other post.

Love old wooden rulers...

Flower and bird postcards and beautiful old handwriting in all languages...

I like outdated bank notes - love the bird on this one from the NL.

Anything and everything French. Well, you asked....

I love old airmail mail envelopes and bingo cards and typewriter and tape tins and old letters....

Stamps -- this is an old letter from Japan.

So, there are just a few of the things I love and collect.....but I just go to ScrapSF and the Vintage Paper and see what I come up with....I really don't spend a lot and I don't troll eBay for this stuff. My little sister is totally confused and does not get this at all.
I do not want things from department stores or malls....give me the old and torn and worn and I am happy.

I am on the look out for old passports if any of you out there have one to trade.
(You'll see why very soon)

Want to see any more or does this satisfy your curiosity?

And now, how about telling me what YOU collect?



  1. I have been making altered art for nearly 15 years and people ask me why I've never been published. I tell them because when you are published, you have to tell the exact products you use. Like you, I don't troll the fancy scrapbook or stamp stores, but get old stuff people are about to throw away or no longer want. That doesn't set well when companies want you to list big name companies (preferably one they have a hand in) you purchased your supplies from. "My neighbor's dumpster" is not what they want to read! Thanks for your take on this, because like you, I love everything you collect. Unfortunately, I don't have the money or the outlets you have. Still, I love everything you showed.

    1. Elizabeth -- I'm with you (and so are a lot of my art pals). In fact, one of my pals is known as The Dumster Diver and she finds amazing things. We like to re-use and re-purpose. I hate it when people post a list of products you have to buy before creating something. I prefer to use ephemera I find on streets and old stuff at places like book sales and luckily what I want is not usually what others want......Glad you liked what I showed. I am still waiting for you to send me your address (there is a private "contact me" form on my blog now-- top right). I've been getting my rubber stamps at Scrap -- I love when they come to me with history!

  2. You have some great collections to enjoy and play with, Pamela. The hunt for such pieces is always a lot of fun, isn't it?
    Have a great weekend!

    1. Hi Julia -- yes the hunt IS fun and then playing with the stuff is really fun too. Thanks for stopping by the blog and leaving a comment. I am wondering where everybody is......

  3. howdy pamela:
    love this post!
    such toothsome images.
    & no wonder i always feel in such GOOD company around you! ;)
    thanks for the long weekend inspiration!!
    out into the sun + garden with me
    sun this time of year is so very magical.

    1. Well, thanks so much, miss polly. I do know you appreciate the same kinds of things and we both love places like Scrap and Goodwill. Enjoy your garden! Wish i could sit in it and have a glass of iced tea with you....

  4. My love affair and collection of old books began with my mother's childhood "Journey through Bookland" books and a sweet cookbook for children. It continued to grow from there. I still have my first grade reading books, my childhood favs - "Through the Looking Glass, Heidi, Little Womwn, and many others. Those I won't cut up - yet... I have letters my father and neighbor wrote to me when I was in high school and they were in Vietnam. So many family photos dating back to the late 1800s. But, having no children, I guess I better use them or find some cousins who might want them someday. I could go on, but you can see I, too, am a pack-rat.

    1. cjsrq -- how interesting! I started loving books in childhood too. I have my beautiful Black Beauty picture book and I remember it from way back when....yes...letters and old photos.....good stuff.....I guess we are pack rats.....but happy ones.

  5. Since I work at the town archive and spend my days surrounded by old paper... Don't put paperclips on or rubber bands around your paper! It can leave very ugly marks and your collection is so beautiful.

    1. Thanks for the tip TomoyoHime -- the clips were from the seller and I took them right off! And you spend your working day surrounded by old paper -- how wonderful!

  6. Love this! Thanks for sharing. I'm always curious about people's collections. I have a little stash of foreign coins and old banknotes. I love old brass keys, old letters and postcards, old maps and train schedules. I try not to keep too many old papers. (I have a fear of becoming a hoarder!) I scan some things and then use the originals in craft projects. Looking forward to seeing what you are going to with passports ;-)

    1. i like all those same things, Margarete -- I TRY to use things so I won't just hoard them. I am going to do a post on the passports and maybe I will bring one to a co-op meeting......thanks for the comment.

  7. Hi Pamela! Oh, I can't believe I'm so late in seeing your post since I asked to see your collections! We had a hurricane, I got sick, and we're getting our bathroom remodeled...Your things are just LOVELY!!! I especially like your rulers and old postcards. If I collect something, I try to just keep a few pieces, as not to amass too many things--so I have 5 vintage typewriters. But I have to use restraint not to buy every one I see! I also have several vintage Florida postcards. :-) Thanks for sharing, as always!

    1. Michele -- no worries -- I totally understand about life getting in the way of fun! I am having some rough moments here too -- but I am happy you got to "stop by" and see some of my collections. OooOoOooo there are a lot more......I have five typewriters too -- and tht is IT. Except f I ever fin one of those fabulous large print typewriters....I dream of one of those....
