Friday, August 19, 2016

Well, that was sure fun.....LWA Social in the Secret Alley

I saw THIS on The Letter Writers Alliance blog and of course I had to go....
(I am sure you all know about the LWA but on the remote chance you don't be sure to click the link and check it out).

We met unmarked door....and up the stairs and through this door.... The Secret Alley.....

This must be the place!!!!

Oh yes -- I spy Donovan up in a tree house -- so, I know I'm in the right place.
She's writing a letter, of course....

There were typewriters....

...and, invisible ink.....

......and LWA stationery and postcards....

And, there was lots of letter writing  and mail art lovers....

There was me.....
(thanks @DovBee for the Instagram photo)

Lots of friendly people, some from the SF Correspondence Co-op mail art group and others new people for me to meet...
(Hello @librarymail)

I'm quite sure a good time was had by all. Thank you, Donovan (@DovBee) and Carolee for such an entertaining afternoon.
What a fabulous place The Secret Alley is to make mail.
Yes, I know, we are so lucky to have such amazing mail art events here in SF. And thanks to Donovan and the Letter Writers Alliance for making this happen.
Some day I hope to make it to one of the LWA socials in Chicago.

And, no.....I didn't get too much letter writing done because...well...I had to meet people and take pictures and wander around and look at everything..but I did start a bunch of postcards and I promise to finish writing them tonight.

(and have fun doing it)


  1. Replies
    1. It was! I never even knew about The Secret Alley but I do now!!

  2. Good for you! Thanks for letting us peek over your shoulder. What an amazing place. :D

    1. What a treat to have a letter writing event in such an interesting space.......thanks for coming along, Limner...

  3. I can only say: WOW! Meeting so many people at such a wonderful place, must be amazing.

  4. Love that place! You lucky lady!

  5. Looks like it was a success! And that place looks really neat to visit! Thanks for letting us come along with you.

    1. Hi Cindy -- it was a great spot for an event and so much fun to see Donovan. Wish you could have joined in.

  6. What a cool place. We need more them since all mail now seems to be electronic. :)

    1. Hi Erika -- well, in my tribe most mail is mail art! Ok, we all have iPhones and do social media but we all send lots -- and lots -- of mail too. Thanks so much for stopping by the blog and commenting (I recognize you from T day!!).

  7. What an amazing experience. I just wish there was something even half as awesome in Wichita. So glad you took us with you to this wonderful event.

    1. Hi Elizabeth! Well, I bet you could start something up.....wouldn't it be wonderful to have letter writing socials all over the country?

  8. I just read the question you asked, and must admit I am never finished with any country, city, or area. I still have lots of travel brochures from St. Petersburg, but the idea of having some wonderful Russian papers would definitely be the icing on the cake.

    1. Elizabeth -- happy to help! I have some papers from my trip to St Petersburg. Just leave me your address in a comment and I won't publish it.....and I will send you some Russian papers...

  9. Oh boy! What an adventure! The Secret Alley was a fantastic venue for a letter writing social! And all those typewriters ... I would have felt like a kid in a candy shop. SF really seems to embrace the mail art/letter writers community!

    1. It really was an adventure.....We do seem to do well here in SF with mail art....and Sunday my mail art group meets so two events in one weekend -- not bad! I have five typewriters so you can play right here in my studio if you get to SF....

  10. How awesome. I haven't typed on a typewriter in a long time. I would have had trouble resisting those. Too bad I'm so far from SF. I have fallen out of the habit of writing letters recently but will likely get back to it someday.

    1. Hi Sarala! haven't heard from you in a very long time -- so nice to see your name pop up. I hope you do get back to letter writing've got to send mail to get mail.....and it's so much fun!

  11. Another fun report, with amazing pictures. What an usual and cool place the alley seems.

    1. Thanks, FinnBadger -- glad you enjoyed the report! And I hope I get to visit the Secret Alley again sometime....

  12. LOVE the "write more letters" show!!! Saw it on your instagram too, it's a beauty. Glad you had a fab time! XXxx

  13. This sounds like a lot of fun and so amazing , don't think this excists in Belgium at least I never heard of it . I love it !

    1. Hi Debora -- It is a lot of fun and I encourage people to start up their own mailart groups - you can start small and see where it goes! Grab a friend and write letters - maybe in a cafe and someone will ask you what you're doing..... Many thanks for commenting.

  14. What an interesting setting! I just attended my first Letter Writing Social about a week ago (credited you in my blog post for introducing me to the concept in the first place!). I was told that often more socializing happens than letter writing, but we managed to be fairly social AND productive! Great photos here...letter-writing eye candy!

    1. Ha!! In my case there is more socializing than writing....but you know I make mail art every day so I get a pass! I will go take a look at your blog next - and thanks for "crediting" me....I didn't realize I was the one you introduced you to mail art....that's nice to know. And you are so good at it too!

  15. What a great place! If there was something like that near me, it would be my new hang out. I would be there all the time.

    1. I know, pretty terrific spot -- thanks so much for reading and commenting. Much appreciated.

  16. What an amazing venue for the get-together!
