Monday, July 25, 2016

Art in the Afternoon

Yesterday was a meeting of my wonderful mail art group, The SF Correspondence Co-Op.
I packed up the Rolodex Art project and took it on the road.....or should I say to the library where we had our meeting?
I put out a bunch of paper ephemera on the tables and everyone brought a glue stick and I asked my mail artist pals to make me some cards for the Rolodex Project.

They sure did! Everyone jumped and and torn and cut and pasted and made  some wonderful art cards. I love how every single card is different and has the stamp of it's maker. What a creative bunch of people.

See what I mean? They are all so different and all so great.
Thanks to all of you who made me cards -- much appreciated. 

But, you can't have all work and no play. (OK, making those cards is pretty playful but you know what I mean). We had a giant SWAP table. Since I have cleaned out my studio I had a whole lot of stuff to share...and others brought things as well... one left empty-handed....

This was my haul. Ok, I know...I am not supposed to be bringing stuff  back to my studio.....but who could possibly resist old stamps in yellowed glassine envelopes? Dennison seals? Old postcards?
Well...I couldn't...

Some co-op members brought interesting things to play with, like the giant numbering stamp James brought....He brought a Ray Johnson Bunny rubber stamp too. I stamped my passport and a bunch of postcards with it...

Gregg brought the Bad Rooster, who is sitting at his table filled with tiny airmail envelopes.

And Barb made this -- it is a doll without a head...ok, she left the head at home...but I think the coolest part are all those folded security envelopes. I love the way that looks and I'd like to have a stack of them just folded and tied with string sitting on a shelf...

JU brought this -- it is a case intended for jewelry -- but....

.....she filled it with art supplies. Pretty fun.

Stamps, cookies, friends, glue sticks, Rolodex cards, swap table, artistamps....
really, what better way to spend an afternoon?
I can't think of one.
And, we get to do it all over again next month.



  1. I feel like I was there....I picked out Gina's rolodex card right away. That's my hand-carved eye stamp! I do wish I lived closer and could play with you guys! Mandy

    1. FarStarr -- I wish you were here too! You could come to the mail art meetings -- and come over to my studio and play. Yup, that is Gina's card -- good eye.

  2. Replies
    1. It was! i like it when we make things at our meetings -- as well as eat, talk and take!

  3. Nice!
    And love the jewelry case for art kit idea!

    1. Yes, that is a good idea, isn't it? I think you need one, Dori.

  4. Loved this post---luscious. Show and Tell, leave and take... Great post. I have a dream that some day I will time a trip to SF when you guys are having your monthly meeting!

    1. Hello mysterious person -- and thank you for commenting! I hope you do make it to SF for a meeting one day -- they are pretty great. And we have an Xmas party in December at SF Center for the Book too.

  5. You guys have so much fun! Love all those Rolodex cards! And those folded security envelopes - just wonderful! Is the doll a permanent part of the stack or was that just for display?

    1. cjsrq -- yes, we do -- we are a rowdy bunch and are often told to quiet down at the doll is part of Barb's piece but she left the head at home. Personally i don't like dolls but I loved that stack of inside-out folded security envelopes. All those patterns! She said she went to her PO and fished the envelopes out of the re-cycling so today I tried to do the same but there are none at my PO. They have a SHREDDER! (and that would be cool but you can't even get to the the shredded stuff either) PHOOEY!

  6. I agree with the mysterious person's comment...I wish someday to meet you and to peek in your studio and visit your mail art group. What a treat that would be! I meant to ask you this before...would you consider doing a post on your various vintage collections (i.e. rulers, date stampers, etc.)?

    1. And I'd love to meet you too, Michele -- hope you make it to SF one of these days. You and FinnBadger both mentioned doing a post on my collections a while back.....I will try to do it.....I have quite a few collections though....yes, the wooden rulers and the old daters...and lots and lots of rubber stamps and postage stamps....and vintage books and PO BOXES (tin)......

  7. Wow, Pamela, I'm so envious of your fun day at the library. I would have chosen those stamps and glassine envies, too. Very impressive rolodex cards you got. That was fun to see the various styles.

    You might be interested in a a couple of the T Tuesday gang who send handmade or purchased postcards. This might be right up your alley (or mailbox as the case may be)!

    1. Hi Elizabeth! Yes, who can resist old stamps and aged glassine envelopes? Not me.......Lots of new Rolodex cards go into the file....the collection is growing. And thanks for the tip.

  8. I found the air mail letter jewelry pouch on ebay/how do I start a group like yours in my area?

    1. could start small with one or two like-minded folks at your house and grow a group from that. Or you could try to set up a mail art group on a site like We have our meetings at the Main Library and they are open to the public. We get a crowd of usually 12 to 25 people. We have had our group for five years now and there is a core of regulars who are almost always at meetings. You can pick a name and meet once a month. A swap table is great fun and i like to see show-and-tell mail art or a demo as well as socializing.

  9. That's pure gorgeousness, OMG!!! :-o

  10. That swap table gets me every time...swoon! And, dare I say it, NO FAIR getting everyone to make all that fabulous Rolodex art for you! :-) Lucky lady.

    1. That reminds me -- don't I need to ask YOU to make me a rolodex card or two? And yes-- the swap table is awesome......
