Tuesday, July 12, 2016

And One Thing Leads to Another

Rubber Stamps from SF Scrap. Somebody stop me!

I admit it...I have a rubber stamp problem and Scrap isn't helping...

The $1book sales aren't helping my studio space either. I have SWORN OFF going. But I was at the farmers market and ...well...I had to walk by on my way to the streetcar and I just took a little look.....ok, I bought ONE book but only one and I went right home and tore it right up. Now I have 25 beautiful Chinese drawings which are perfect to use in my Chinatown Altered Book project.
One thing leads to another...

The World of Stamps is a page for my altered book .....

My pal Dori needs more pages for the book I made for her and she likes joss papers so I played around a bit one night...

And, here is what I ended up with -- like it? I hope Dori does. I actually liked it and wanted to keep it for my book. But good behavior won.

Chinese inspired book pages made me think of Chinese food....and if you like it, SF is the place to be (unless you're in China).

The clouds parted one day and I tried out a little cyanotype printing. I have some ideas for that too....if we get summer sunshine any time soon. It was 55 degrees here the other day. In July.
We really are different here in SF.

Card for my pal The Artful ReCrafter. She recently got a beautiful old six burner (yes, gas) stove and this ad made me think of her. I'm sure she'll want to make that lovely hot dog casserole.

Re-purposed card made by mail art friend Judi K. She cut up and re-worked an envelope I sent to her and sent back this card to me. I love it, especially how she cut that slit in the mail slot and stuck the little card in it. This was such fun to receive.

The Rolodex Project
The cards are coming in and I am loving each and every one. These two from the talented Connie Rose. 
For some reason I am obsessed with cutting out all these heads from my old French and Spanish dictionaries. I can't stop. I have an Altoid tin stuffed with heads.
Why? I don't know but I am quite sure I will think of something to do with them.
Any ideas? What would you do?
I've been clearing -- and cleaning -- my studio. It was time. Those $1 books really add up. I put boxes of books out front on the sidewalk but i still have enough to fill up a brand new bookcase my sweetie installed for me.
Then, I started cleaning out the closet. 
Right now you'd never know how hard I've been working but things often get worse before they get better, right?
I hope so.
I'm getting tired of cleaning and I want to play.

When I'm done you can all come on over and we'll have an art party!



  1. Always beautiful, positive atmosphere here, thank you Pamela! Love that little tin box filled with heads! So clever. I hope you won't mind if I'm making one too :)

    1. Carina -- I'm glad you will have a box of heads too -- tell me what you decide to do with them, ok?

  2. It looks like you've had a little time to play, no?

    1. A little, Cindy but all the hours of cleaning up has really cut in to my art time.....and my list of art projects keeps getting longer and longer...

    2. I understand. It's hard to find a balance in life. But I have a feeling you will be working on some great projects sooner than later :)

  3. All of your projects and photos are lovely, as usual! :-) Sometimes it's nice to clean and then afterwards have that "fresh start" feeling. And sometimes in the process you find things you forgot you had, or look at something in a different way.

    1. Michele -- absolutely! It is almost done and I have found all kinds of things I didn't know I had. I can't wait to start making things again.....
      thanks for your comment.

  4. Yea... you're right, Pamela, too much cleaning and not enough playing! (makes Jack...). Oh I love the ME YOU JULY card! Beautiful visual poetry!

    1. I am almost done cleaning, Marie...thank God.....I like that You Me July book page too...that's why I wanted to keep it....I am bad.

  5. Wow, wow, and wow. I'm as we say in the country, "gazing" like a paper addict in a stationery store, but I'll gape in amazement if you say that's seaweed salad on that plate!!! I need at least a week in SF.

    1. Limner -- you are so funny. That green stuff is sauteed pea shoots -- really yummy. But you can get seaweed salad here too. In fact, at the Japanese supermarket in J-town you can buy it to-go and take it right home.

  6. Just discovered your blog and it is amazing ! What an awesome collection of stamps you have .. I will explore your blog more as there is plenty to read , love also the idea of the exchanging mail .

    1. So happy you discovered my blog -- hope you enjoy exploring it. Thanks so much for your comment, Debora -- I appreciate it.

  7. "I have an Altoid can stuffed with heads". A great out of context quote to cheer me.

  8. Cleaning the studio...yeah, I tried that yesterday...got my tables cleaned off and before I knew it, I was busy creating a journal page and post card. There are worse addictions, I keep telling myself! Ha ha!

    1. Yeah...I know.....but I actually did clean it (for once) and I have the photos to prove it. But you know what is going to happen next.......

  9. Once again, I'm very late visiting. I love everything about this post from the Chinese book you cut up to the food to the joss paper inspired art.

    I had a friend when I was in high school whose father owned an authentic Chinese restaurant. It was apparently too innovative for its time, or it didn't fit the beef and bread model of the other cafes/restaurants in a small KS town. So, after about 10 years of trying to make it, he packed up and took his family (and my dear high school friend) to SF. I hope they made it out there. The food was excellent, but what he served his family (and me when I was invited to join them) was nothing like what he served in the restaurant. He said he served Americanized food. I remember one day he fixed a bird that had found its way into the restaurant. He brought it home and prepared it. I have NO idea what it was, and I really only ate a tiny bit because the sauce was too hot for me.

    You are right about the organizing is worse before it is better. I always say I'm nearly finished when it's at its worst. Don't give up. I would love to come help you and take some of those books off your hands!

  10. Elizabeth -- too bad you can't find your old HS friend here in SF. I think folks in SF love all kinds of foods and we have lots of variations of Chinese - Cantonese, Hunan, Shanghai, etc etc -- I love them all.
    And it would have been great to have you here helping me sort books -- I got rid of a lot but I still have a lot too. Let the collaging begin! I have really accomplished a lot and the studio is looking good. Now if I can just keep it this way.....

  11. I love the pages you made for my book!
    That joss paper is so lush and you did a super cool layout! Thank you! Xo
    The cleaning bug must be going around.

    1. I'm so happy you liked the pages Dori -- I think I will have to make you a Japanese page -- and use that Japanese lady rubber stamp. Yes, I see the cleaning bug is going around -- my studio is looking really good -- and I now you are cleaning too. xo
