Wednesday, June 8, 2016

The Rolodex Project

My Rolodex Project
I thought it would be fun to have a Rolodex -- or two -- filled with art cards and I've been busy making cards. I invited my friends to join in too and getting the cards back in the mail has been so much fun.

When I thought of doing this I didn't know it was already "a thing". Silly me.
But what the heck, better late to the party than never.
If you are interested just google Rolodex Art Cards and you'll see what I mean.

(cards here by Karenann)
Karenann sent me a whole bunch of cards she made a while ago -- lucky me! She said she was cleaning out her stuff and getting rid of things. Oh! The horror! Imagine these beauties being lost.

They have a very good home now.

Card by Monica the Artful ReCrafter -- tiny little die cut envelopes with stamps inside. 

I bet you can guess who made these -- Mim4Art! Very cool.

Keep those cards coming in folks!
Things are starting to look pretty good here. I have this flat Rolodex and a round one....I replaced the beat up blue ABC cards with these nice plastic ones -- thanks to Scrap. If I fill up the flat file I am moving on to the round one...

Top two cards from Tofu and bottom from Christie....

Here's one I made....
Dori Singh Mail
Dori sewed two of the cards together and made a little pocket.....I am crazy about this one...

D is for Dori
And, here's the back......

I am eagerly waiting for more cards to roll in (Rolodex....get it?). My art pal Kelly P made cards as soon as she got my request and they are lost somewhere in the mail......bad USPS.
I know a certain someone in Australia is working on a couple and the rest of you know who you are......
If any of you out there in cyberspace want to join in the fun, let me know in the comments. I would certainly love more cards and you'd be in very good company.

I have more to share about the Rolodex art cards so stayed tuned for more posts about them mixed in with other posts. How many of you have already done this?
And how many are GOING to now you've seen how cool these cards are?
You notice I'm back....I couldn't stay away too long...I miss you guys....



  1. Great project. I've seen some gorgeous ones. Youve gotten some good cards back so far. Mine will be in the mail Tuesday.

  2. What a fun idea and great way of repurposing something that might otherwise get thrown in the trash!

    1. Yes, it is a great idea. Inspiration at your fingertips.

  3. As usual a great post. If I ever find my rolodex I used in the 1980's this has inspired me to re purpose my ORIGINAL one with all the addresses and writing on it... hmmm where is it in my studio? I remember having the rolodex on my bed with the phone the night of the 1989 earthquake as I tried to reach so many people... The big round rotating one.

    1. You better find it and get busy! I will make you a couple of cards when you do.....

  4. Oh Pamela, I made many, many of these back in 2007 and 2008. I must find my blank rolodex cards and make a few for you. But first, I must get through my other swap obligations, which I fear must take priority.

    You have some really lovely and quite original pieces. Some are really clever and unique.

    The scissors you asked about are made by PROVO CRAFT. There's a PC on the handle as well as the name. Hope that helps.

    1. Elizabeth oh yes -- put me on your swap list for when you have time! Please. And thanks for the scissors info. i loved that half-circle.....

  5. I have had mine a few years and nowhere near as full as yours! You have far surpassed my wimpy collection...and two, at that! Looks amazing!

    1. ha ha But Dori -- I brazenly asked all my art pals to contribute to it -- I'm an Aries after all. But seriously, it seems much more fun to have other artists work to look at than just my own. I will make you some cards, don't worry. And ask your friends -- I bet they will too.

  6. Great idea Pamela - even if it was already a thing! You have a wonderful art piece now. Hope my contributions arrived. XO sw

    1. SallyW--Nooooooo no cards from you. I am afraid to ask how long ago you mailed them. SF to SF mail shouldn't take more than two days.....I am going to really upset if I don't get them....

  7. I have a round one about 2/3 full. I love how you can leave it out and flip through to display a whole different them or style.

    1. I agree -- I love that too. What a fun way to look at art. Thanks for leaving a comment!

  8. Now that I have made a couple for you and found my round rolodex which is ready and waiting, I guess I better get busy. Love the stitched pocket idea!

    1. Well I better get busy and make a couple of cards for your round Rolodex since I like the cards you made me so much!

  9. That's looking very cool, Pamela! Already in pretty fab shape. Is it going to grow into a whole circle?

    1. Marie W -- noooo that Rolodex is the flat version but I also have a round one and if I can get enough cards I will fill that one up too......

  10. How very cool. I remember reading about people altering those awhile back, but since I didn't have one, I didn't get involved. What a great collection you have. The one you made is sooo funny. That is a saying I tell my husband all the time. Whenever he acts like a fuddy duddy! He is actually 10 years younger than me, so it makes it all the funnier.

  11. That is pretty funny about your husband being ten years younger and you saying that! And that card was no reflection on my husband. I just thought it was funny. You can actually pick up a Rolodex quite cheaply on eBay or maybe in thrift shops and it really is a fun project.....I got both of mine from SCRAP - our local Center for Creative ReUse. Thanks for commenting.

  12. This will be an amazing collection when it's done. xox

    1. I know it -- but will it ever be done? I am mad at the USPS right now tho, two people mailed me the Rolodex art cards two weeks ago and I have not received either one. What is going on USPS? I want my cards!!!

  13. Thanks Pamela, now I want a Rolodex. Maybe I could give it an extra purpose, I am trying to learn Kana, so colorful study cards could be an idea...

  14. That's an idea, TomoyoHime-- Kana study cards sounds great -- artistic study cards!

  15. Wow, these are amazing! And inspiring! I have not been arting much lately, but am getting good ideas from your post. I have seen the rolodex idea around, it would be a challenge to create in a small space, but maybe it would be like an ATC (sort of). Glad to see you are back!! I am getting better and leaving comments, though, as I do appreciate the inspiration from your blog and others. Oh, and I have found two pen pals through your blog :)

    1. Hi Dawn -- two pen pals? That is good news. And yes, the Rolodex cards are sorta like ATC's. But I like how how they are displayed on the Rolodex.....eye candy. And thank you so much for making the effort to leave comments -- much appreciated.

  16. Wow. You need your own mail art museum! You should teach too. And have a magazine. :)

  17. Hi Pamela, what is the size of your Rolodex cards? I would like to send you some and I have different sizes.

    1. Nina -- they are 4" by 2 1/4" or (I think) 10cm x 5.5CM -- and thank you so much!
