Monday, December 7, 2015

It's Beginning to Look A Little Bit Like You Know What

How about a nice hot cup of relaxing tea in a pretty red cup and saucer?

I had a visit the other day to the queen of wrapping gifts, miss ju. She makes Santa's workshop look like amateur hour.
I left inspired...

She's wrapping Xmas gifts for our mail art group's Xmas party fund raiser and I am going to be sure to get over to the party early to get my hands on one of these....

The gifts JU wraps are almost too pretty to unwrap.....operative word being "almost"...

So, I went home and got busy....I like to try to use somewhat unusual things in my gift is just more fun that way...
I painted these matchbooks in gold paint...

....and I covered the tops and sides with decorative paper and put some decorations on the tops and tucked in some tiny surprises.
You can use matchbooks for earrings or stamps or milogros or charms or....well....I bet you gys can think some something little to put inside.

I have boxes and boxes like this with old Xmas balls inside...and I took out the balls and put in twelve small gifts for someone special.
Quite clever I think, don't you?
You can usually find these at thrift shops and they have a great vintage look.

And how about going to the Dollar Sore and getting some cookie tins? Sure, you can fill them with cookies but they make great little tins for mailing. This one went out already to the wonderful Dori Singh and it was filled with some PRE-Xmas cheer.

I made a little folder with pockets, filled it with some vintage Xmas tags and stuck a vintage Santa on it. Ad, that is a French muslin tea bag from Mariage Frere tucked in there too...

I am filling up those flat rate boxes! 

Now that the day is gone and I've got a good start on my holiday projects, it's time for a nice Campari -- it is certainly a lovely red color that goes with the season.
Ever since a long ago trip to Italy, Campari is my go-to cocktail. I like it with ice and a splash of white wine or in hot weather with some sparkling water -- or in a Negroni!

I'm playing along with 
Bleubeard and Elizabeth
again this week, incorporating some drinks into a post. And now I better go knock out some of the stuff on my to-do list. Things are getting awfully busy around here.
Hope you got an idea for wrapping or a little inspiration or just some eye-candy.
I have a Christmas party to go to on Friday night and a line to stand in at the post office and Xmas cookies to bake and presents to know the drill.



  1. Ooh! I love Campari too! It took me about two years of trying my husband's drinks before I liked it, but I'm a convert now!

  2. Looks like you have been having lots of fun. That's the way to go. Enjoy your drinks, and your art, happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  3. I have NO idea what happened to my comment, which was VERY long, but it evaporated in the internet ether.

    The gist of what I wrote was am in awe of your friend's wrapping abilities. I used to wrap gifts that would rival the fanciest stores. Now I grab a bag, slip some tissue in, and call it wrapped!

    Another T friend, Patty, and I exchanged decorated match boxes one year. The object was to see how many items we could each get into our match boxes before they were full. They also make great stocking stuffers.

    I have NO idea what Campari is, but will look it up as soon as I post this. Of course, I'm well aware of what tea is (grin).

    Thanks for sharing your holiday wraps and match boxes, as well as your cup of tea and your Campari with us for T this Tuesday. And thanks for joining again, Pamela.

    1. WOW -- above and beyond the call of duty -- writing a long comment TWICE! Thanks so very much. Decorating the match boxes has been fun -- and fun to find tiny things to put inside. I am not a dedicated gift wrapper as my pal JU but I do some pretty packages....glad you liked the tea...and maybe you should try some Campari.

  4. AHHH! Now I know that Campari is an aperitif made in Italy. I don't feel so silly anymore!

    1. It's very popular these days, Elizabeth -- and such a pretty color too.

  5. Oh all this lovely art today! Wonderful ! Campari tastes very good - oh yes! Happy - T-Day!

  6. Oh my-those pretty packages do look "almost" too nice to unwrap! Very clever to use the ornament box- I love it Pamela. And buy, your Campari looks divine... happy T day to you and yours and thanks for sharing such a lovely post!

    1. Happy you enjoyed the ornament box idea, Linda...wish you could all come over for a Campari and wrapping session -- more fun with friends.

  7. You and Ju are so organized! And I am so behind. I participate in a big Bake Sale Saturday. Then maybe I can think about the rest of the holiday season!

    1. Don't feel too bad, Cheryl -- I am totally behind too. I think most of s are....I have cookies to bake too.....thanks for the comment.

  8. Fabulous wraps from Ju, the wrapping is the present. Yours don't look to shabby either. xox

  9. There are a lot of treats here. I love that red cup and saucer :)

    1. I love that red cup and saucer too -- wish it was mine (it was in my hotel room in Madrid).

  10. Love the red cup and saucer...........clear down to the lovely cocktail.....LOL
    Gorgeous wrapping ideas, from both of you...thanks for sharing them.
    Happy T-day

    1. Thank you, Krista -- glad to hear you enjoyed the post -- and the cup and cocktail too!

  11. Ah happy T day to you... campari looks good! and that idea of presents in the shiny brite box is brilliant!!

    1. Caterina -- I know you have got to know about Campari....I really liked that Shiny Brite too...And I just happened to have small gifts that fit inside perfectly...

  12. Some truly great gift ideas here and thank you so much for sharing.

  13. Those presents all look spectacular! I haven't drunk Campari for years but remember it well! Happy T day! Chrisx

    1. Maybe you're due for another taste? Thanks for reading -- and commenting...

  14. What great gift packaging ideas. I will have to see if the dollar store here has some of those tins. Especially useful if I'm mailing something that could break.

    1. Thanks, Darla -- And I think you will find the tins at the Dollar Store for sure - it looked so pretty with a red address sticker and wasn't even expensive to mail.

  15. Beautiful packaging of all kinds! Just lovely!
    Happy T-Day! :)

  16. beautiful Little boxes, perfect for small surprises.
    yes, the Campari Color goes well with the season LOL!
    happy belated t-day and rest of the week!

    1. thanks, johanna -- happy you like the little boxes. happy T day to you too.

  17. You have such good and inspiring friends and you are also yourself so creative and inspiring! Thanks for this post.

    1. Hi Nina -- you are most welcome! Nice to see YOU here. I do have lots of wonderfully creative friends -- including you.

  18. I love all these ideas! hmmm...where did I put those little match boxes?! happy belated T day! ....and I love good mail, too.

    1. Dianne -- so glad you liked the ideas. I had to go out and buy match boxes and throw out the matches so I could make them.....

  19. Match boxes with postage stamps!! now that's fab. Thank you for the inspiration, Pamela. Oh I've been thinking about Campari recently and how I NEED to find it here. It's one of my favourite drinks too. Campari with a splash of orange juice. Or maybe mango juice? Hmmmmm.....

    1. Campari is VERY popular in SF these days....easy to it hard to find in Japan? i love the stuff...seems like so many ways to use it in cocktails. I like an orange slice in it too....
      And happy to try to inspire -- making those match boxes is addicting and it is fun to try to find small things to put inside....
      And thank you for the latest TELEGRAM postcard -- loved it.

  20. Lovely photos - almost enough to get me in the Christmas spirit lol. I did some baking last weekend but need to do another round. It's my favorite thing about Christmas these days.

    1. ha ha....thanks Leslie....I am trying to get myself in the mood.....baking cookies this weekend. I actually enjoy doing some wrapping -- probably because I love paper so much ...

  21. oh my goodness...what great wrapping ideas...I make my own fabric gift bags but I really like what you and Ju have done. I don't know if I could part with my Shiny Brite boxes - I've had them since I was a kid. And the matchboxes - wonderful!

    1. well....thank you happy you enjoyed the ideas...I have been working on match books this afternoon....I bought the Shiny Brite boxes at thrift stores and I am running out of room to store them so I thought....why not use them?

  22. Wow!
    All looks so lush and gorgeous!
    Those little Milagros matchboxes... genius!
    And thank you, thank you!

    1. So happy you think so, my friend. I will have to make you a little milagros matchbox......isn't something coming up in February????

  23. Simply mesmerizing!Happy belated t-day:)
