Monday, February 2, 2015

Can't Seem to Stop

I'm still in Lunar New Year/Joss paper mode and I can't seem to stop.

On Friday I took two of my mail art pals around Chinatown for a personal tour of my favorite joss shops.
One of my favorite spots is closing and I was sure to pick up some of the vintage papers they had sitting around....last these old and charming tiny red envelopes...
and a whole pack for .70 cents?
I don't even have to feel guilty.

I do have a rule though...if I buy stuff I've got to use it....

I added a few finishing touches to my little zine....I definitely think the face on the cover is a nice addition...

Worked on making more cards using my photos....

Lots of mail going out. And not much coming in.

Some collaged postcards...

I am getting lots of use out of my postage template from the USPS...

Yup -- this envelope makes the cut -- passes the minimum size test.

I had twelve outgoing today and another thirteen went out on Friday....

I picked up this vintage Chinese ruler on Friday cool. It is printed on cardboard.

The Studio Worktable
As soon as I clear a spot to work, it gets filled again...oh well....long as I am making things I guess it's all good.
I mean, can I resist?

I break for cappuccino -- of course!

Next time I will post about something other than joss paper and lucky envelopes but I have a feeling I'll be playing with these papers for a while.

Oh -- and the name that got pulled out of the hat? That would be (drumroll)
Please leave me a comment with your address on that previous post (I won't publish it) and I will send you your copy of the zine.
Thanks and Happy NewYear to the rest of you too.
Some of you I already trade mail with and you'll be getting a copy too.

Now....what shall I work on next, I wonder?
Any ideas for me?
All you folks on the east coast (of the USA) stay warm. Looks like an awful lot of that white stuff you've got back there. 



  1. You have been so amazingly productive! Great zines and postcards. I hope no more of those shops go out of business near you...that would be sad. I really like that Chinese ruler...very cool.

    1. Andria -- the shop owner was retiring i think...don't worry, there are lots and lots of joss shops. But this one was fun because it was kind of junky and had some stock they didn't sell for years (e.g.vintage). I flipped over that ruler too!

  2. The Lunar Year of Ram will start on Febr.19, please dont stop this mail-art story.
    What is your personal lunar year ?

    1. Hi Virgo! I didn't know you liked Lunar New Year -- I will send a zine to Russia to you.I am an Aries so i like Year of the Ram (Aries/Rams). i will have to look up what Lunar year I was born in -- I keep forgetting......

  3. Great papers.

    I owe you some mail, but life insists on getting in the way. Going out soon to clear away the second foot of snow in a week--and it's FIVE degrees!

    1. Linda -- eek! Stay warm. If I were in snow and cold like that I would stay inside and make art and soup.

  4. Great post - must be great to go hunting through the stores of Chinatown at this time of year. Lots of red & gold & black mail goodness.

    1. FinnBadger -- indeed it is a great time to hang out in Chinatown -- or the "other" Chinatown Clement Street. Lots of goodness!

  5. I don't even have to feel guilty, hahahaha :-))) Good one Pamela. Oh and I love your polka dotted scissors!! :-0

    1. Mariw w -- guess what? That dot scissors is from Diaso!! So maybe you will find one there too......mail on the way to you....

  6. Linda -- I check my mail box every day! And I will look forward to your mail. Hope you put your return address so I can send you something back. I don't go to the New Year Parade -- I hate firecrackers and crowds. But I am going to the Lunar New year flower market.

  7. Love your rule: If you buy it, use it!!
    Simple, to the art mail point!

    1. Thanks, Nancy Lee -- that applies even if i find stuff free on the streets too!

  8. You have been beautifully busy, as usual. I can't believe it's been a year since I was there. How I wish I could escape my towering snow banks and head back your way.

    1. I wish you could too, Karen......we miss you. Gina and I would like to have lunch and go for a nice long walk with you.....

  9. The zine is beautiful! Thank you so much!

  10. I'm with you! It's always nice when one can get something so cheap, one doesn't feel too guilty adding to one's growing (but used) stash!
    I found your "postage template from the USPS" interesting-where did you get it?

    1. Sarah -- a postal worker who came to our mail art meeting brought a stack of those mailing templates for us. They are supposed to be free and available from the PO but every time I have asked to get one the clerks look at me like I am crazy. Maybe you could email your local postmaster and ask? they are very very useful.....

    2. Thanks-I'll see what I can find out! There is one very helpful/knowledgeable clerk at my local one.

    3. Sarah -- I will go look up the item number on it when I get to my studio -- that might help. I do have extras but they are very large and would be a pain to mail....

    4. Thanks! That might-more info can never hurt! :) It does look quite large!

    5. Ok--no luck. I got a number but plugging it into didn't show the template....
      It says on it --
      First Class Mail
      Shape Based Pricing Template
      and it s about 11x14 inches I think.....good luck

    6. Thanks! I'll see if they know what we're talking about-haha!

  11. The envelopes *are* so very charming, Pamela. I did give a squee of happiness upon seeing the sweet red ones you sent me. I can completely understand the challenge resisting them! I hope you have weathered the storm okay...

    1. big mamabird -- glad you enjoyed! The storm blew down a very big tree in my backyard. Thankfully it didn't hit the house. Scary! I think the envelopes are rather charming too!

  12. OMG, so close!?! We have trees all around and every once in a while one will go down with much thrashing and crashing... But I had the scary-too-close-to-the-house trees taken down by some fine lumberjacks, I rest easier now. I spent the weekend working on some new artistamps... They never turn out like I think they will.

    1. big mamabird -- that's the way it goes with art many times, things don't always turn out the way we think. Sometimes it is better! The wind stopped and no more trees fell down thank goodness.......
      Thanks for commenting!

  13. Oriental stuff doesn't usually blow my skirt up very far (maybe it's all the red), but, I have to say, you make it look very appealing. Love the pink and yellow goodies in the photo above the cappuccino. And I'd buy almost anything if it was only 70 cents!
