Monday, January 19, 2015

If You like Paper.....

Opps -- I did it again!
The Vintage Paper Fair rolled into Golden Gate Park this weekend and, of course, I didn't miss it!

Boxes of SNAPS for .25-cents each.

I planted myself right here and didn't leave for about two and a half hours. See that little sign in the back?
Boxes and boxes of cool postcards for only .25 cents each. Yes!

A well attended event -- lots of vintage paper lovers out there!

A whole box of first day covers from Japan. I really wanted these but they were quite a bit more than .25 cents.

Beautiful pages from old books for sale...

Vintage matchbooks

Foreign and out-of-date currency....

You can really get a lot of bang for your buck at the VPF -- they have all the high end, very collectable things you would imagine but they are loads of affordable things to amuse you as well.
This time I kept my buying to .25 cent postcards.
I was very good.
I even bought a few for pals of mine.

After all that intense browsing I had to take a break and take myself out to lunch. There are loads of great restaurants right in the same area. I went to Manna -- my favorite Korean spot -- to relax and look over my purchases.

You can see the next date for the Vintage Paper fair in San Francisco is the weekend of August 1 & 2, 2015.  Now, aren't some of you thinking of a summer vacation?
This might be a good plan.
Sometimes the backs of the postcards are as cool as the fronts.

Beautiful handwriting and lovely stamps.

 Next step is to figure out what I want to do with the postcards I bought. I have a stack of vintage LA linen cards that I will bring on my next LA trip and send out. And, some to gift, to my friends.
They are little little works of art to me.
Real photo postcards? Hand tinted cards? Exotic locations?
All that and more.
Hope you enjoy a look -- and hope I see some of you in SF at the next VPF.
Let's have lunch together!

And -- I would really enjoy hearing from you about what kinds of postcards you might be interested in collecting? I love to hear about collections people have.
My postcard collections include -- old post office cards, vintage French fantasy cards, anything with a postal theme and the cards with flowers/roses.
Plus, if I think I am going to visit a certain city or country I like to look for vintage cards from the place to either send out while traveling or use in my travel journal.
So, what do you collect?


  1. Replies
    1. Grumplepots -- it is pretty great! Thanks for stopping by the blog and commenting.

  2. I'm partial to Greetings From postcards--especially older ones. And oddly enough I seem to have a mini collection of postcards of The Corn Palace throughout the years... I definitely like the vintage and quirky. Thanks for sharing your photos. That lunch looks so delicious too!

    1. Cindy -- wow, the Corn Palace! How fun. i like those giant fruit and vegetable cards too.....Come to SF and we'll have lunch!

  3. I'm green with envy! What fun indeed. Wish we had something like that on the East Coast. It wasn't as much fun as your weekend, but I did go antique shopping this weekend and to my amazement I found a bag of vintage postcards for $6. When I examined them after returning home, I was pleasantly surprise that I had purchased 120 p.c.'s and they all were dated in the 60's or earlier. I even got several of San Francisco & Chinatown. There were quite a few of the colorful linen p.c.'s and most were unused, but the great handwriting and old postage stamps on the used ones were fantastic. Interested in the San Francisco ones??? Like you, I always look for postal themed ones and enjoy finding the linen ones of colorful gardens or places I've been to.

    1. Happy Mail Day -- oh yes -- I am interested, especially the Chinatown cards -- thank you. I have a thing about Chinatown. $6 for 120 postcards? I'd say you did pretty well yourself. And BTW mail is going out to you tomorrow. It would have gone today but it is a no mail Monday....

  4. I collect postcards as well, but I feel bad if I hold onto blank ones. I only save the ones I REALLY like and the ones that get sent to me.

    1. wolfelore - you are a better person than I.....I don't feel guilty at all. But I actually do try to mail the cards out -- after all, that's what they are meant for, right? (But I hold on to my favorites too).

  5. We have a postcard show here in Phoenix next weekend. I had been thinking about skipping it but your photos are so enticing!!! Thanks for the enabling!!

    1. margaeli -- I meant to mention that show -- I picked up a postcard about it at our VPF. Let's hope it is a good one and they have some 25-cent cards for you! Let us know.

  6. Ooh! Looks like you had a fun day. I can't believe how reasonable those prices are! That is tempting. Maybe I'll start a special savings to come down to San Francisco for this paper fair one day.

    I don't collect postcards to keep, but I love sending oddball postcards to people; strange drawings/art, mostly! I also like those vintage or vintage-looking touristy ones. Something that shows a popular building or place in a city.

    1. Tara -- sending out oddball postcards is an excellent idea -- maybe you will send out some tonight at the PDX mail art meet-up! Have fun. Hope you post about it on on your blog.

  7. Oooh, yes...that 25 cent bin would've been visited by me, too! I like old ones with stamps and postmarks and even better if they have a written sentiment, some are funny without meaning to be

    1. Dori -- it would have been so nice if you were sitting there right next to me! But I did pick you up a couple that i hope you will like.

  8. I like the early 1900's with humor, or romance. I also like vintage cards from the 1940's. I prefer buildings to landscapes, and I like a good note written on the back. I have over 5,000 postcards currently in my collection.

    1. JarieLyn -- 5000? Yikes! That is a lot of cards. Yes--it is fun to read what people wrote on the backs of the cards, isn't it?

  9. Oh, you made me drool again with your post! Honestly, I don't have "a" postcard collection, what I like I like and that's a lot. I do always try to collect postcards from all the places I visited while on vacation (27 for my own collection from Vienna alone).

    1. TomoyoHime -- I don't have a serious collection either -- I just collect what I like too. They are like little 3x5 works of art with stamps, writing, cancellations and the postcard art.

  10. I check your blog daily, hoping for new peeks at your postal world. Today's was great! And hidden in all those photos were some papers that I own and don't really care to keep. So if you provide me with your address, I'll send them along for your pleasure! I have searched your site for an email link, but no luck. How to connect????

    1. Sharon W -- That would be great. You used to be able to get an email link through my profile but now I think that has changed with the Google+ profile. Please email me at -- -- and thank you! And thanks for checking the blog too. I try to post about once a week.

  11. Oh the eye candy goes on forever. .25 cent post cards what a fab find. I have a few old Valentines that I really like and some travel post cards and a few old Boston ones, but nothing like your collection I am sure. xox

    1. I picked up some old Boston/NH cards to use when i visit next time, Corrine. Old Valentines? Now that sounds interesting....

  12. Swoon... I would have spent my life savings there. I sure wish Seattle had one of those events- maybe they do- I've never researched the subject. Glad you found some goodies.

    1. miss millicent -- well, you will just have to visit Sf and come to ours -- and bring your life savings with you....

  13. I think my first comment when AWOL. I'll try again. Envious, yet again. I think I need to move to SF. There's too much fun going on, plus it's warmer (all relative) and I like the fog. Can I be am honorary American because my grandparents met in SF? Love everything you've shown. I'm always drawn to the older cards (linen, perhaps?) with the images that look as if they've been hand-coloured. Such beautiful colours. And I'm wondering what to do with first day covers. I have a nice stack that I got with an eBay stamp haul. I've wondered if I can just use them with added postage, but beyond that the only think I can think of is a cover for a little book. Perhaps I should just get brave and collage and stamp on top of them?

    1. Adrienne -- of course you can be an honorary US citizen! Too bad your trip to SF didn't happen at the same time the VPF happened.....You know, I have always had trouble figuring out what to do with those pesky first day covers too. I know you can add postage and use them because people have sent them to can probably - gasp - tear them up and collage with them. I have thought of using them for a little book cover too but they seem small. You could probably open them at the envelope seams and paste them on a large piece of paper? Knowing you, I bet you think of something cool to do with them. And thanks for trying again with the comment. It is so frustrating when comments go AWOL.

  14. Oh, amazing, I wish there such thing like this here where I live. 1rst time commenting,but I love your blog :)

    1. Gabrielli -- thanks so much for stopping by the blog and commenting. Have you checked around locally? I know there are other paper fairs around....I am so glad you like the blog!

  15. I am seeing a few first time commenters here on this post and it is lovely. Thanks for taking the time to comment, Gabrielli -- and I am very glad you enjoy the blog.

  16. Wow!! Mouthwatering place! :-o Damn, not enough holidays this year to come to the SF paper fair :-(( My cool paper supply is getting low. I need to go to Jimbocho (used books town) one of these days and get a refill. Have you been there when you were in Japan? They have a lot of oldies for reasonable price.

    1. Marie W -- OooOoo I would really like to go to Jimbocho with you -- can I come? is that in Tokyo? take pictures when you go.......No, I haven't been there. maybe I need to visit you in Japan...

    2. Yes, it's in Tokyo. I call it Booktown. There is a long street packed with second-hand book stores. You can find everything from very expensive collectibles to cheap old broken book covers and stuff to chop up further :-))
      If you ever come to Tokyo we'll go!! :-))

    3. Oh! Marie -- I would love to. Did you take Vizma there? How far are you from Tokyo anyway?

    4. No, we didn't go when Vizma was here. We live a bit north of Tokyo, right on the border of Tokyo/NotTokyoAnymore :-))) I say it's Tokyo.

  17. What a wonderful day you had! I pick up post cards here and there, and sometimes I am gifted with them. I like vintage Florida cards and the old European flower cards. I often photograph them and then share the originals with others via the mail.

    1. cjrsq -- I like the old European flower cards too.....I scan them sometimes too and use them but nothing beats that vintage patina...I don't like how thw prints from the scans look new and I haven't figured out how to distress them properly.....

  18. Wow… that looks like a weekend in Heaven! I confess to having feelings of envy, but have enjoyed this vicarious tour. I hope you are getting much enjoyment out of your newly acquired treasures!

    1. Paper Chipmunk -- I actually only spent around $20 -- I had a whole lot of self control. But i do love the postcards I did is just fun to be there surrounded by all that paper....

  19. You had a good day! Think I must make a plan to come over for the one in August. I have a bunchance from my mom and her dad postmarked from 1901 thru the 1940s. And another batch in an album from Steve's grandpa. Will show u next visit. I collect any with horses on them.

    1. A bunchance? I have no idea what that is.....horses? I didn't know that. I don't think I saw any horses on cards but then i wasn't looking for them.....I'll remember that...

  20. I would die if I went to something like that...sigh.

  21. Swooning over all the loveliness - thanks for sharing! ❤️❤️❤️

    1. My pleasure, Michele C -- sometimes pictures are enough, right? I sometimes just photograph things I like to remember them but I don't buy them...Glad you enjoyed and thanks for leaving a comment.

  22. Dee-licious! I was just thinking today how I am ready to attend our Allentown Paper Fair's been too long!

  23. I'd so love to be able to attend your vintage paper fair! Wonder if there's anything like it in Virginia.

    When we bought our property here it came with what used to be an old general store. - you would love it!- It also was a post office from 1900 until 1905. It still has the long wooden counter tops and the walls are lined with narrow shelves. The store was run by the same man from 1922 until the day before he died in 1989. It needs a lot of work but hubby and I made a start on it in the fall. I'd love to sell all kinds of funky stationery, ephemera, and hand carved rubber stamps. I keep my two donkeys in the field next to the store and that gave me the idea to also sell donkey themed items too. So I started collecting old donkey post cards. If we ever get the place up and running again I hope to have a whole rack of donkey post cards. :)

    1. Wow! that is amazing! You can bet I would love to see it -- how cool. Where in Virginia are you? I sometimes visit my nice in Petersburg, VA. Imagine owning a former post office? I'd be in heaven. Good luck with your work on it, Polly.

  24. I collect everything...I have a collection of vintage photos I must sister says "no more ephemera" until I use some so I'm trying to stop hoarding...I love looking for treasures in old junk shops and even Good Will stores but a Vintage Paper Fair? No such thing here. I. MUST. Go!

    1. pollie -- I collect everything too -- and love picking stuff up off the sidewalk or tearing things off poles. I TRY not to hoard -- my rule is to use what I bring home....I look in goodwill type stores but i never ever find the kinds of paper I I am sure happy we have the Vintage Paper fair twice a year....
