Sunday, June 22, 2014

All In A Day's Work...


We have Cal in Rhode Island to thank for this very interesting update on the USPS and Mr Zip.
She wrote me that right after reading my blog post on bringing back Mr Zip, she walked into her local post office in Rhode Island and spotted THIS!
Can you believe it?
Cal is going to ask if the USPS is bringing Mr Zip back or if this is a special banner commissioned by her PO. And I am sure going to ask the folks at my PO about it too.
The Return of Mr Zip?
Let's hope so -- and a big thank you to Cal for sending me this photo.


Outgoing to Finland

Outgoing Collaged Postcards

(Can you see the vintage mailman peeking out through the vellum envelope?)

Outgoing to Seth

Handmade envelope to the UK

I've been busy with lots of outgoing -- handmade and painted envelopes, a zine edition, art projects....
and I had a really wonderful incoming mail week too -- wanna see a few?

(Some of these have been posted on the Cappuccino & Art Facebook page but since you aren't all on FB here's another look.....)
and, by the way, if you ARE on Facebook, how about LIKING the blog's FaceBook page?
There is quite a lot on there that never shows up on the blog.
Dori Singh mail, beautiful as it always is.....

Wednesday was a GREAT mail day.....

My NYC pal C.S. sent me two incredibly wonderful handmade, postal zippered bags.
They are already in use.

And -- surprise!!! - Judi, who found my blog from
Seth Apter's Sunday Links Post
and enjoyed the blog post on rubber stamps, sent me an entire box of fabulous rubber stamps.
Just because.
Because she is wonderfully generous and especially nice!
(And thanks to Seth Apter for including my blog in his Sunday links)

Tomorrow is an art field trip. Packing up my art bag.
Details to follow.

Now I've got to get busy on some thank you's for the wonderful gifts and great mail.
I better make some GOOD MAIL thank you's.
Thanks to all of you who have sent mail, e-mailed and sent surprises.
Everything is much appreciated.

Now....on to the work table...



  1. Aww... I used to work right next to that post office in Rhode Island! I am hoping the USPS smartens up and brings back Mr. Zip!!

  2. Those zippered pouches are beautiful! I liked your FB page, but recently deactivated my account. Trying to spend less time online.

    1. Cindy -- Those pouches make me wish I could sew! Spending less time online is probably a good idea. I don't so much with my own FB profile but I like to put stuff about mail art on the blog's page. Maybe your husband knows if the USPS might be bringing back Mr Zip?

  3. That is some nice looking mail, Pamela! And, my goodness, what lovely surprises - a box of stamps and two pouches. I'll have to look for velum envelopes (or do you make them?). Have a great week!

    1. Adrienne -- I found a big stack of velum envelopes at Scrap.....(I guess i have been spelling it wrong too)....I just love the way you can peek inside and see what is inside....

    2. No! You're actually correct. I just double checked by dictionary, wondering if it was a US vs. British English sort of thing, and "velum" is actually "a veil-like membrane or membranous part of an animal or plant or of the human body, especially of the soft palate." So vellum is correct. And, wow, what a nice haul (another one) from SCRAP.

    3. I guess I could have looked it does come through in many cases, Adrienne...I wish I could just send you some but international postage is a killer....

  4. Mr Zip shows up and you get a box of rubber stamps and gorgeous mail from Dori are living large. xox

  5. Look at all that great mail! And the rubber stamps! I think working on sets of postcards is a great idea, a bit quicker and yet still entirely handmade.

    1. Hi Leslie! I am partial to envelopes....i like things tucked inside things....but I do postcards too. (Long time no see --ha! -- yesterday was fabulous)

  6. not only do they need to bring back Mr. Zip, but you need to own a life-sized Mr. Zip banner!

    1. thoughts exactly.......but asking at my PO today, they hadn't heard anything about the Mr Zip banner. I asked them to try to find out....

  7. gorgeous bundles!! eager for word about your art field trip. you scare up such good fun!

    1. miss polly--the art field trip was a roaring success! Details in next post....

  8. Hi, Pamela

    Great blog! I noticed over at MMSA that you admired my black and white flower faux postage - if you did not receive one of them in the swap, let me know as I have extras that you can have.

  9. Hi -- oh yes -- I would love your faux postage. Can you email me through my Blogger profile and I will send you my address? I didn't see any email contact on your profile.
    Thank you! Glad you stopped by my blog too.
