Sunday, May 11, 2014

Postal Play Day

Friday was the long awaited all-day-all-fun play day with my mail art pal --
Kelly P the Fearless Mailer.
She had just one day in San Francisco to visit me and we intended to make the best of it!
First stop -- SCRAP.
Always a good place to start....

We each filled our bags with lots of great ephemera and there was no fighting.
There were multiples of just about everything and we shared. We are good like that.
It is fun to use these inter-office envelopes and see what's in side peeking out through the holes.

I found a whole bunch of these cards -- with stamps printed on them. I can't resist stamps.

Kelly found this rather grungy old envelopes and I said look inside to see if there is a cool pattern -- score!

After Scrap we went over to my studio where we met up with the wonderful S Wurlitzer --
maker of fabulous artistamps and mail art and a correspondent of Kelly's.
(I am under strict orders to use small photos of the people involved!)

S Wurlitzer gifted KSP with several sheets of her fabulous artistamps.

Me with Kelly P --

I might have been jealous of those coveted artistamps but Kelly gifted me with -- are you ready? -- this amazing small portable typewriter -- to bring on all my road trips from now on.
She carried the typewriter on the plane. What a pal.

It almost like they knew Kelly way coming to town, doesn't it? Just look at this fun display.
Lots of tape,,,,

.....and this nice display of little origami paper envelopes. I will have to try making some of those.

Right in the middle of all the shopping and oohing and ahhing there was a sighting of
Miss Red Letter Day ...

What a treat!
We couldn't have planned it any better. And what else is funny is, Kelly also ran into Red Letter Day in in NYC when they were both visiting there.
Small world.

After lunch (sushi) in Japantown we went over to Chinatown to look at the paper in the joss shops. Made a stop at the shop where S Wurlitzer and I both found so many treasures in the past...
most of the vintage paper inventory is gone but we managed to pick up a couple of things.

We had to make a stop at Caffe Puccini for a cappuccino. Needed a bit of  caffeine after running around all day long.
And, know, it is part of the name of my blog. 

Last stop, back to my studio for a little mail art. KSP & I worked on some mail for the postal pals we have in common.
We had a little wine and a few olives too.

Now that was a GOOD MAIL DAY.

Thanks to S Wurlitzer for driving us around and being such great company and to Red Letter Day for the surprise hello.
I'm just a little sad they aren't all in my studio right now so we can play.

That was one fun day.


  1. That sounds like such a fun day! That typewriter is a really cool gift too!

    1. No kidding, Cindy....I was so surprised and thrilled. I can't wait to take it on the road.

  2. Replies
    1. FarStarr....well, you and Karen will just have to come back and we'll do the same stuff.....

  3. What great fun. And what great stuff!

  4. My goodness, what a generous and thoughtful friend! Love that little typewriter. That board game (I think that's what it was?) from SCRAP was certainly a score!

    1. Adrienne -- yes, my pal Kelly is a very generous and thoughtful friend. Lucky me! And that game is called Lotteria -- pretty easy to find in SF but usually smaller. i liked how large this one was.

  5. Sounds like a perfect day. Scrap is an amazing place, would be so dangerous for me. xox

    1. Oh yes....Scrap is VERY dangerous......I actually don't go there very often or my studio would look like a hoarders......

  6. Oh my, you really packed a lot of fun into one day!

    1. We did indeed! And we couldn't even fit everything we hoped to do in, cjsrg....

  7. YES! You gals know how to tear up the town. What a very cool adventure. Can't wait to see the mail that you two made together- I'm on the list, right? LOL!

    1. Are you kidding??? Of course you are on the list, Miss Millicent!! We missed you.

  8. That was a real treat Pamela! You and Kelly are the best. Of course after I got home I thought of a bunch of things I should have asked Kelly -- guess I'll have to write her a letter :)
    Thanks for organizing the day and inviting me to spend it with you!

    1. sallyw -- you made the day much better! Always a pleasure to spend time with you....and I guess you will just have to write Kelly P a letter!

  9. Replies
    1. It was -- and B. Lee -- you are going to have to come back here!!

  10. Oh, what a fun day and what a generous friend! Is that a board game at the bottom of your stack? Looks lovely. A letter is en route!

  11. Postal Play Day sounds like it was a lot of fun. After XPF was over, Jennifer introduced me to Scrap, and we spent a pleasant morning there. I look forward to Scrap-ing again on my next visit.

  12. Oh swoon! what a dream day. agreed that Mandy and I need to get back to SF.
