Monday, April 21, 2014

Bringing It All back Home

One of my favorite events every year -- in fact, twice a year -- is the SF Public Library Big Book sale.
This year I skipped the member's preview. Too many people, long line to get in, re-sellers with scanners, difficult parking. Instead I made a leisurely trip over to Fort Mason the following morning and found all sorts of treasures.
I don't know what I missed by skipping the preview but there was still plenty of great stuff the next day.

I grabbed a shopping cart when I went in -- thinking I didn't really need one because I wasn't planning on buying much....
I actually didn't buy much but what I did buy was HUGE. I could not resist this fabulous old (1958) dictionary for $3.
The marbleizing caught my eye right away...
It came home with me but don't tell my husband. He thinks I am cleaning out my studio, not bringing giant books home with me.

Did someone say Secretarial Training?

I am a bit surprised there needed to be a lesson on how to fold a letter....I mean, it isn't exactly rocket science....I do it all the time..
Filing anyone? Do you all know your A B C's?

And then there was the gardening section......

The first thing I did when I got home was tear up the book with all the color pictures of flowers....
so I would be sure to use them...and then I spent all day Sunday working in my studio and making cards and collages....
very relaxing!

Here are two of my favorite them? Kind of fun for Spring...

Here are two more....

Here's one I didn't buy....but I enjoyed a good look at it.

The photos and captions inside were pretty funny.

This one went in my cart but I actually took it back out (believe it or not). I have quite a few of these how-to-type collage manuals already and thought I'd leave it for someone else to find.
Hope it got a good home.

How to make a Leather Letter Folder -- you always wanted to do that, right?

I found a giant cookbook with loads of great photos that I just could not pass up....

A candy-making envelope for a pal who just spent a day making candy.

And adult beverages for a friend who wanted my lemoncello recipe.

An avocado card (I have a running avocado joke going on with someone).

Mailed this little packet off today to a pal.....I hope she will enjoy getting it.

That huge dictionary has the most wonderful pages to play with....I am going to making a whole lot of mail art and collages with it....

And I've still got flowers to play with any ideas for me of what to make with them?

The building on the right side is where the big book sale is....not only is it incredibly fun to look at all the old books but just look at that view.  Such a great location. Greens restaurant is right there and picnic tables....come for the books, stay for lunch and the views.
If you are planning a trip to SF in April or September you just might get lucky and be there when the four day book sales are.

I think I will go back to tearing and pasting and collaging now but that's what I have been up to the last few days.
And you?
What is everybody doing out there? Thanks for reading the blog and please, stop in and add a comment to encourage me to keep going here....I like to know you're all out there!



  1. swoon!! love all the glimpses of your toothsome fodder & the magic you make & MAIL!
    thanks for sharing....maybe i'll find some such in my hungry box soon. mail coming your way tomorrow with any luck!

  2. I got a dictionary just like the one in your cart. I got some atlas's and some bird books, music books. I need to clean out my studio so I can create like you. Great post. You are amazing and do so much great work! Last year I found some short hand books but haven't used them yet….

    1. Hey Monicalee!! You got your dictionary for $1 and I paid $3. Sounds like you really scored too. I have shorthand books too....maybe we will go hunt together next year.

  3. What a fab haul! Our library book sales are SO piss-poor compared to yours. Although I haven't actually been to Eureka's, at the Main Library. Maybe this year...

    1. Our book sale is really wonderful. haven't been to a bad one yet. But I see on your blog that you have been doing ok with finding old books too....

  4. You are fortunate beyond belief! Drooling here. Wiping my chin too because I have too much stuff. I should take a page from your book and use some of it. I'm catching up on all the posts I've missed since December and had to leave my calling card in the form of a comment. You were born to do what you do. And you do it so well.

    1. Thanks, Limner -- and it is sure good to see you back online and blogging. You have been missed.

  5. P.S. I loved those old dictionaries. I read ours and swore I'd read our entire encyclopedia. It didn't happen but I'm often good at Jeopardy.

  6. Thanks for sharing, Pamela! I had wondered what goodies you would score. That dictionary is a great find!

    1. B. Lee -- this year I actually put books back. I am trying to behave. But it was sure a lot of fun...

  7. LOVE those library sales! LOVE the old book smells...
    Weird, I know, I know...
    But that's me!!

  8. Believe it or not - I just finished training my replacement for my job of the past 21 years. A clinical person her entire work career - she did not know how to fold an envelope. Guess she never needed that skill.

    1. Wow! I stand corrected! Thanks for stopping by the blog and commenting, Claudia.

  9. So many beauties! You have a great eye for "mail art to be".

    1. Thanks so much, TomoyoHime. I have learned what to look for, e.g. BIG books and a vertical format...some things work much better than others...

  10. Bravo for actually USING some of your wonderful books! My piles keep getting bigger, but I don't seem to produce much... :)

    1. FarStarr -- I told myself if I bring stuff home I HAVE to actually use it. Npw gpo tear something up and get busy....

  11. I wish I could have been there with you - I LOVE book sales.

    1. I wish you were there too -- another Pamela! I was looking for company and couldn't find a pal to go with this year.

  12. What a great haul! And, you are so good to have already made things with your newly acquired books! That certainly helps to justify buying more books. :)

  13. cjsrq--my thoughts exactly--I figure as long as I am actually using the books to make art I get a free pass on bringing them home. The first page I tear out is the hardest.....

  14. My mom taught me how to fold a letter :-) I love that big dictionary! What gorgeous illustrations - I like the retro look :D

    1. Hi Annejo! I just started working on some mail for you. Thanks for commenting.

  15. I would have had to take that baby book. I am infinitely curious about how such personal items end up in places like the library book sale. I would have taken it with the intention of using it, but once in my hands I never would have been able to deface it. So really it's better that I live so far away from your wonderful sale. My house would collapse from the weight of the books I wouldn't be able to leave behind.

    1. Oh...Karen....I would have gotten it for you had I wasn't all filled up though - just the first few pages. I guess the new mother ran out of time!

    2. I was thinking the same does something so personal end up in a library sale? I've seen that at estate sales too. There must not be anyone left who is interested in the family history?

    3. Cindy -- I know exactly what you mean - I always feel sad that a family's stuff is for sale at a thrift shop or any sale - but at least I/we are giving the things a loving home. I hope some artists get their hot little hands on my stuff someday......

  16. Another beautiful blog post. Library book sales are the bomb, but cutting out the first page is not easy. I like your flower cards and got a smile when I saw the one with the little house finch perched on the wine bottle top. I have that same bird/wine bottle photo cut out and on my desk right now. Great minds! Thanks again for all your lovely efforts on your blog. I love it.

    1. Ok...Texas Leigh......I have to say it....birds of a feather!!!

  17. That dictionary could keep you busy for years, Pamela! I love the mail you've already created with your findings...I grant you permission to acquire since you are putting it to use! :-) That secretarial book is so interesting....fascinating to see how people had to be trained. And the baby book looks like a real treasure, though I don't blame you for putting it back since it would be awfully hard to cut up to use.

    1. Andria -- thank you for granting permission. Now let's hope my husband agrees. Actually I was really good and put back A LOT of books.....Really.

  18. Sometimes I comment on your posts, but I don't think they always go through the first time...maybe that happens to others as well??? Just wanted to let you know that it's not because we don't enjoy your blog!

    1. Thanks, Cindy -- I think a lot of folks think the posts don't go through because when I moderate comments I get the same comment repeated twice very ften and sometimes even three times. i don't know why people think they don't go through -- I can't really see what happens because I am always signed in to post....I do appreciate your efforts in commenting. Comments pretty much keep a blogger going.....thank you!

    2. doesn't always show that it went through, but I guess maybe it does. Sorry about the repeat comments--I think I just did that on your other post. It only told me that it was saved for your approval the second time I hit "Publish" so maybe that is what happens to your other readers.
