Friday, March 21, 2014

Friday Night and the Week That Was

It's been a pretty good week around here and I made it to Friday night....I  was on another typewriter envelope binge for a few days.
I love those typewriters.

Here are a couple more -- told you I was on a binge. And my old Royal  Deluxe typewriter has frozen up on me. The carriage won't move. I know I flipped a switch or did something when I was
carrying it around from room to room...I'm going to have to Google to figure out how to get it back in action.
Unless one of you might know how to fix it?

When I travel I always buy local postcards and collage over them. Why not do it when I'm not traveling?
My grandmother is one of those people on the Lombard Street postcard -- she never traveled at all, much less to san Francisco, so this is my way of having her visit!
I think she'd like that.

I have soooooo many Aries friends that I have been busy making birthday cards and wrapping up gifts like crazy. And I'm an Aries too! This is party month around here.....
By now you all realize that I just cannot stop with these Stamp Heads. And I don't even want to stop.
Now I am collaging the Stamp Heads on vintage photos and vintage postcards.....
Here's James Dean with his grandmother ---- or maybe with a Cougar girlfriend? 

Here I go again.........a vintage French postcard...

And it seems to be catching! Tallie sent me an envelope she made with the stamps being Stamp Heads. How cool is that?
I love how everyone takes the idea and runs with with it and does something different.

Stamps Heads from Karen's MMSA trade -- I loved the ones I got.
S Wurlitzer sent her Stamp Heads on a postcard she made.....Hemingway and Dorothy that is an interesting combination...

My collection is growing! And Tallie's envelope is great to put the ATC's in and tote around with me for "Show & Tell".
There is a SF Correspondence meeting tomorrow and I will bring them to show the gang.

The Studio is coming along....look at that pretty floor and those white walls....I can't wait to get in there and hang up some art! My work table top got refinished too and there it is waiting to get put back together....


The week before last was a crummy mail week. Not crummy mail but almost no mail. That's not a good thing. But this week!! Oh lala.
Here is a tiny little handmade book that is a letter from Annejo in The Netherlands.
So cool.....

And this -- from Christie J -- is absolutely amazing. She made me a small accordion book with pockets using gelli printed papers and washi tape AND she inserted stamp head ATC's inside many of the pockets.
I wish you could see it in person with all the beautiful papers, stamps and Stamp Heads.
Thanks so much, Christie.

Here's Christie's terrific little book sitting on top of two early birthday presents.
Not a bad mail week this week, that's for sure!

Scott (from Positively Postal on faceBook -- check it out) sent me a sheet of Royal Mail stamps from London. Why doesn't the USPS have fabulous stamps like this?
The sheet includes the Royal Red Post Boxes and some vintage postal pictures.

The full sheet -- I really think I should frame it and hang it on that white wall -- don't you agree?
Thanks Scott!

The rug arrived and the work table is set up again....things are progressing around here and the weekend has arrived....
What's in store? Well, the mail art meeting is at SF Center for the Book tomorrow afternoon.
You know that is going to be a lot of fun.
I'll report back on that.
 And I'll show you what's inside some of those intriguing birthday parcels.
AFTER my birthday, of course. I wouldn't think of opening them early. Or shaking them.
Or trying to peel the tape off.....

or would I?

I couldn't post all the great mail I received this week but I loved everything. What a wonderful thing it is to get such terrific mail.
Pass it on -- SEND GOOD MAIL!

Thanks for stopping by and reading the blog.


  1. Fantastic haul for you this week! I adore the stampheads you're collecting. Hope you have a fab weekend! xo

    1. Thanks, Miss Connie -- you have contributed some fabulous Stamp Heads to my collection too.

  2. Hey Ms. PG -- Cool blog post! You've got me totally addicted to those crazy stamp heads! Looks like your collection has grown even since the last time I saw it! Which wasn't that long ago! Keep it going... they all look awesome. oxox sw

  3. I like the idea of collaging on already "finished" tourist postcards you got! So far I only added washi tape to a postcard to cover up damaged edges. I just love your inspirational posts.

    1. Thanks so much, TomoyoHime. I am going to Chinatown to buy more tourist postcards to collage over -- it's fun!

  4. Awesome stamp heads and mail! Thank you for the TWO postcards that arrived this week! I'm at an art retreat this weekend and am hoping to make some postcards...we'll see... :P

    1. FarStarr -- you are most welcome. An art retreat? How wonderful -- I'd like to hear about it. Have fun creating.

  5. These stamp heads have quite taken off, what a wonderful swap that was and continues everywhere. xox

    1. No kidding, Corrine. They are such fun! Are you making them too?

  6. So pleased to see my cards among the many great ones you have received and the ones you made. Happy Birthday!

  7. I'm so into the collaged birthday cards!

    1. uncustomary -- me too. I photographed cakes and then collaged on top of my cake photos. Fun to do....

  8. Yay my letter arrived safely! I was very excited to see my little booklet on the blog ^_^

  9. Yay my letter arrived safely! I was very excited to see my little booklet on the blog ^_^ I love those stamp heads, so funny :D

    1. Annejo -- the tiny letter book just arrived -- i think it took a while -- but it made it safe & sound. Thanks so much!

  10. wow - such bounty! (both incoming and outgoing)
    I had a very fun, but very busy, weekend that left no time for art. It made it hard to get up and go to work today because I didn't have my usual creative outlet. I thought sneaking in some blog reading during work might temporarily scratch the itch, but it's only made it worse! I see what you've done and just want to make make make...

    1. Karen -- I understand -- sometimes my weekends are too filled up with other stuff and no time for art....but you know you'll be soon. Hang on.xo

  11. I do really enjoy seeing all of the Stamp Heads! So much fun! Also, I agree--you should frame those stamps from Scott; they're amazing!!!
