Sunday, February 2, 2014

This and That...

Ex Postal Facto passbook production line at SF Center for the Book on Saturday, February 1.
Yesterday the SF Correspondence Co-Op joined forces in cutting, folding, punching, sewing, dating and stamping the passports for the upcoming XPF.
And when we all get together it's always a lot of fun.

300 passports later.....and we're done...

No cookies this time -- we wouldn't want to smudge up those beautiful passports -- but we did get the opportunity to buy an XPF rubber stamp and see the cool postcard for the show.
And we got to preview the catalog/book for the mail art show.
You are going to want that catalog if you like mail art!

And outside the SFCB one of our members set up a trunk sale or a boot sale on the hood of her car. She was selling all postal memorabilia -- including typewriters, USPS lunch box, postal themed fabric, tiny UK metal PO Boxes......
Pretty cool sale, Anna! My wallet is lighter now.

I wanted this -- but I resisted. If anyone wants to send me one....

I resisted this too. I surprise myself sometimes...

That was the fun this is the not so fun stuff....I had to empty EVERYTHING out of my studio so we can paint it and sand the floor.
I am in total chaos, working out of boxes and feeling displaced.
All for a good cause though.

My husband set me up with a temporary work space in the studio kitchen. Bless him! But he knows it was for his own good -- I would be going absolutely crazy without a spot to work on my projects.
Like that ancient 50's metal sink?
It is nice to have a window to look at while working.

At least it was easy to move these from one room to another so my stamps and washi tape are
 close by.

Working on some more Stamp Head ATC's. I am getting the hang of it more now and they really are fun. But I am finding there are almost no stamps with children's faces on them and I need some.

One good thing that came out of emptying out my studio is that I finally found the envelope containing the submission for the call-for-entries I had way back on October 2011 for
What's In Your Mail Art Kit?
I have been looking for them for ages and found them behind a bookcase. I immediately got busy and made the zine.
The zine has been mailed out to those who submitted entries and there will be more about it -- and mail art kits -- in an upcoming post.

Next stop -- Chinatown for the Lunar New Year Flower Market (and lunch, of course).
Will be reporting on the paper shops there soon too. It isn't always so busy on Grant Avenue. The street was closed for the flower market (as it will be for the Parade).

There is always a lot to enjoy looking at in Chinatown -- especially at Lunar New Year.
And if you are coming to town for XPF - the famous Parade will be Saturday, February  15.
I'm just sayin'......


I've been busy!! Helping out with the XPF passports, moving boxes, trying to find stuff in the studio, wandering through Chinatown, sending mail, making zines, having lunch...and there is Valentine's Day coming up too.

What are you all doing these days?



  1. Eep! I can't wait to get my hands on one of those passports.

    1. You can just pre-order one from the XPF site and it will be ready and waiting for you on Friday night at SFCB, Mary!

  2. WOW! WOW! Pamela, what a yummy post. I'm licking my chops. I wish I could be with ya in SF on Valentine's Day. XPF is going to be a hoot- and I'm going to miss it. Pick up a little paper somethng for me...will ya. LOL. I miss you. I need to get mail out to you.

    1. thanks, millicent....I sure wish you were coming to SF for XPF too (and Charity and KSP). I will try and pick up something for you! xo

  3. That's so great that you still have a spot for working on your projects. Hope the studio is finished soon so you can get back in there!

    1. thanks, Cindy -- yes,I am so happy to be able to get some work done....but i will be so happy to get moved back in....

  4. Do you sell those zines...i...neeeeed one! Peeeerlease! :-P

    1. I do sell my zines. The Mail Art zine is $6 including shipping. You can email me about it through the profile on blogger if you are interested. But I am going to do a post with more pictures of kits and show more of the zine too.....

  5. Love those ceramic face pots for your the postal lunch box too. Hope the floors get done soon. I know what chaos that can bring....xox

    1. Corrine, I love those face pots too -- an old pal of mine made a bunch for me about 25-30 years ago -- lucky me!

  6. I am so intrigued by that post office game! I wonder what it looks like inside and how it is played. The box is gorgeous. And I would have had a mighty hard time leaving that lunchbox behind. you showed tremendous strength and restraint! My passport has been ordered and will be waiting for me Friday. yippee!

    1. Karen -- I may be the one who hands you your passport since I volunteered to help out with the crush the first 45 minutes or so....see you there!

  7. Oh, how fun! I am surprised you passed up on both the lunchbox and the post office game though. What self control! Sigh, and I see that the sun is shining brightly in Chinatown.
    Best of luck with your painting and floor sanding. It will be gorgeous.

    1. Christine -- floor - check! painting - check! Things are slowly coming along. I think i only resisted because the things were kind of expensive......

  8. I was similarly restrained this weekend -- mostly because I didn't want to have to buy a new suitcase to get it all home! But that game would have been very hard for me. Verrrry.
