Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Stamp Head ATC's

It doesn't feel like the cold season here in San Francisco what with the blue skies, sunny days and incredibly mild temperatures we have been having.
But I've been down for the the count the last few days. Haven't been able to summon enough energy to do much of anything.
But ATC's are small....

Stamp Head ATC
Karen over at Mail Me Some Art is hosting a Stamp Head ATC Swap. Since I love anything and everything postal I thought I'd make some....
but these are harder than I thought they'd be.
I am hearing I'm not the only one who thinks they are kind of tricky to put together which makes me feel better.
I thought maybe it was just the bad cold....

Stamp Head ATC

I don't like using "new" paper so I cut up a vintage children's game I bought at the flea market in
Prague and used the people on the cards as the base.
Added a couple of old postmarks.
I think they work.

What do you think?

This one works well....that was my favorite stamp.

Stamp Head ATC
These may or may not be finished as I am still looking at them sitting on my work table...

Stamp Head ATC's
These two were made using a vintage French postcard....

And this one has a stamp head on a vintage photograph.
See what I mean? I like everything old.

How did this one sneak in here? Not a stamp head...but made from a Russian postcard from a flea market there and Hungarian photo, stamp and paper ephemera.

Stamp Head ATC
After all this work I am not entirely sure I can part with the ATC's now....well, at least not all of them.

Two Soldiers.....
Stamp on vintage photo (this needs a little something else).

Stamp Head ATC - Dinner Time!

Typewriter ATC
The Stamps can't have all the fun, now can they?

So, what do you think? Do these work? Are they worth all the time and effort? The jury is still out.

And, on another note, I have a special offer for Cappuccino&Art blog readers from a friend.
My pal Anissa runs an ETSY shop
There is quite a lot of washi tape on sale in the shop and if C&A readers place an order for $10.00 or more (excluding S&H) Anissa will include a special washi sampler of one yard of each of five different tapes with your order.
Just send her the code "mailart" in the "message to sender" part of the order and viola - an extra gift for you.

Ok you all, just remember you've got to SEND MAIL to RECEIVE MAIL so get busy and have some fun.


  1. They sure do work, Pamela, I think they're marvellous, and I'm not just saying that because I like you! The first 5 are perfect! Sending you virtual chicken soup...get well! (the typos in the blog are funny, you'd better get more rest!!)

    1. OK Viz -- I only found one typo and I fixed it. Are there more? You can be my Aussie editor. XO

    2. ACT in the 1st paragraph, and viola near the end...but I'm sure that's from your super nimble fingers racing ahead, not real errors! All done!
      VIOLA! xo

    3. ACK!!!!!! Fixed it -- thank you dear Aussie editor. Just (don't) send me a bill!

    4. Voila! No bill, just mail art..as soon as I'm able! xx

  2. Oh boy.... Must be the cold medicine ... I will edit this tomorrow .......

  3. Love it! Especially the VOC stamp. Where did you get it? VOC is a Dutch trading company from about 1600. So very special to me as a Dutchy. I hope you feel better soon.

    1. Nina -- thanks for commenting and good to hear from you. I got that Dutch stamp on ETSY from Jim's Rubber Stamps. I love it.

  4. I figured you would like this one. I have to get my stash out and get busy. Marvelous "heads" xox

    1. Corrine -- you are so right -- anything postal works for me. Yeah, get busy. I want to see what you make.

  5. THese ATC's are great! I hope you send them in to the swap--and that I get one. Thanks for the link to Anissa's Etsy shop--I cannot resist washi tape.

  6. These ATCs are GREAT! I hope you send them in to the swap--and that I get one!
    Thanks for the link to Anissa's shop. I cannot resist washi tape, and she has some I've never seen before

    1. Linda -- Thanks for the ATC encouragement. Those stamp heads are hard! Anissa has some good tape so have fun browsing. Thanks for commenting.

  7. Wow, I think these are just wonderful. I participated in this as well and I totally hear what you're saying about it being harder than it looks. I love the final effect though and it was hard to mail them off. See you in SF. Can't wait!

    1. Adrienne -- Thanks so much. I just can't mail them all off but I will send some in for the swap. And there is time to make some more. Did you know Karen from Mail Me Some Art will be here in SF too? We are going to have such fun!

  8. These are SO cool, definitely worth the effort, IMO!

  9. I love your "StampHeads" Pamela!

  10. These look great! Also, I hope you get better! I've got a cold as well :(

  11. wow!!! these are full-stop amazing. was it the fever at work??? ;)
    love them all and their glorious philatelic juxtapositions!!
    maybe i'll be lucky enough to find one in my evergreedy mailbox maw!!
    keep that sudio whiring!!! xo

    1. thanks, miss polly....doubtful you will get a "stamp head" since they were made for the MMSA swap and I must keep a few for myself...but we can swap a postal themed ATC or stamp head privately...

  12. I consider them an unqualified success. I can see why you are reluctant to part with them. I hope a few find their way to the swap!

  13. Karen--well in that case......I have managed to separate myself from seven of them which I will mail off for your swap. Perhaps you will personally hand deliver mine when you are here in SF next month?

  14. Oh me, oh my! These are fabulous! Definitely worth the effort. Head stamps. I'll have to look at my stash. Although yours are simply outstanding!

    1. sweetrsyl -- thanks so much. I am encouraged to try making some more now....

  15. I love them - they're great! Especially the ones you made using the children's game, they are so wonderful!
    So far also I sometimes use the pictures on stamps as a part of / integrated into the mail art, but I do it not often. While stamps are so inspiring! So thank you for sharing these beautiful ATCs, also they are inspiring!

    1. Thanks, Heleen -- comments are always very welcome and I appreciate yours.
      i liked using the children's game to make the ATC's. I will think about using other games for them.

  16. Consider this my loudest and most enthusiastic OMG! These are simply amazing, Pamela. I mean, simply amazing. SO worth the time and effort. I would like you to send every single one to me, please. (Is that asking too much??) Really and truly I am going to have to give this a try, and if I can manage something nearly as wonderful as these, perhaps we could have a trade. Carry on!

    1. Andria -- thanks so much for the kind words and encouragement. Really appreciate it. xo
