Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A Little Bit Rock & Roll

Back from a road trip with loads of paper to cut up and play with....and a good thing too because I've been busy working on a guest blog post...shhhhh.....you'll have to wait a tiny bit to see it
but I hope you will like it when you do.

Driving home on Highway 101 through the Central Valley. Yes, those are grapevines. And, yes we did buy some Central Coast wines. And stop at Garlic World.
I love my beautiful state.

Canter's Deli in LA
It is a tradition to go to Canter's and have a (half) pastrami sandwich and buy dill pickles to cart back to SF in a cooler. yes, even if it is 85 degrees.
Which it was but after we left the temps shot up to 100.
Thank goodness I'm back in the cool, gray city. Which actually is cool but not gray at the moment.

OK. MAIL.....
I am feelin a little sorry for myself because I got NO mail today. Zip. Nada.
That is very rare for me and I don't like it at all.
But I have a feeling you won't be sorry for me when you see what I did get recently.
Oh! the Dori mail....upper left...is so wonderful. She gelli printed and rubber stamped a manila folder and mailed it to me with gelli papers tucked inside. The stamps didn't even get cancelled. It was
stitched together so I very carefully unstitched it and I can use it for a file file.
LOVE. SWOON. Thank you Dori.

And from The Suburban PenPal (check her out on Flickr) another fabulous clear mailing with a collage inside as well as a letter. And those stamps weren't cancelled either.

Here's the back -- isn't this cool????

More Mail
From Vizma Bruns in Australia came a fabulous handmade booklet and from  Dori the wonderful mailer came a tiny little green sewn case just right for holding stamps....
and from S Wurlitzer a terrific little booklet...ok, you aren't feeling sorry for me, are you?

Vizma's booklet

Yeah, Viz -- come on over and we'll break out the California wine and hit the work table and play!

Vizma's  booklet and Postal ATC (top)

S Wurlitzer's book (detail)

Postal ATC's Received
Top left from Andria and top right from Connie Rose and the two bottoms ATC's are from Dori.

Karenann sent me these a while back and got the whole thing started. I loved them and wanted to make some to trade. She not only made the ATC's but she made a little origami folded and painted case to go with them

Karenann's ATC's

A little surprise I sent out yesterday. There's a vintage silk scarf inside that vellum. But don't tell.

I have sent out a whole lot of good mail this week so I'm pretty sure my mailbox won't be sad and empty much longer.
But there is no mail on Thursday to look forward to.
Happy Independence Day to all my American readers out there.
Keep safe and stay cool and have fun.
Happy Birthday to our country.
Now let's get busy and save the US Postal Service.

What is everybody doing on the 4th?
(I recommend a listen to It's Almost Independence Day by Van Morrison, written when he lived here in the Bay Area. A classic.)



  1. I am totally stealing the scarf in the vellum as a way to present a scarf for a friend's birthday this week! (I found her a vintage Girl Scout scarf from the 70s, and she was a Gold Award scout.)

    The mail is all pretty gorgeous, too. ;)

    1. Melissa -- Happy to be of service! And that sounds like a fabulous scarf you are gifting your friend with.

  2. I actually made a few ATCs last time, after I saw your post. ^^ It is raining here, I guess it's the perfect weather to be creative today too.

    1. Rain or shine, creative is good! But it is easier to stay inside and work when it's raining, isn't it? Want to trade ATC's?

  3. Dori sends the best mail, and obviously so do some of your other mail pals. xox

    1. I know, Corrine -- isn't Dori wonderful? I love that I met her here in SF.

  4. Another cool post Ms. G... I am looking forward to a 4-day weekend & some time to make some mail art. I think I need to send you an ATC. (I've never made one.) xoxo s

    1. Oh yes -- sallyw3000 -- you do need to send me a postal ATC. have a great four day weekend.

  5. swoon! awesome mail. going to add postal ATCs to the swap roster soon.

    1. Karen -- if you add Postal ATC's to the swap I'm in. I haven't gotten very many from people yet and I'm ready to trade.

  6. COme on girls, I'll show you where you were conceived :-))) great mail, as usual.

  7. Happy 4th of July! Did my letter arrive yet? I sent out it quite a few weeks ago...I wish they had tracking! :D

    1. Annejo--yes indeed I did -- it was wonderful and I am working on a response right now. It will go out by Monday at the latest.

    2. Hurray! After all these years I still cross my fingers when I post my mail :D

  8. Thanks for featuring me in your blog and for the nice comments, Pamela!(and Marie!) Love your ATC collection, I have about 8, must work on improving that.

  9. How can you not get mail??? Good mail, too? I will do my part to remedy that, and shame on me. :( I've been spending most of my free time with The Wilson. :)

    This afternoon I spread a quilt on a patch of the front lawn and 1/3 of The Wilson and I had a clay date. I created letter-writing moments! :)
