Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Weekend That Was

Ok, here's my excuse for not really making any mail art over the past weekend -- I was working on the trip album of photos from Turkey and Italy.
Trust  me, there were a whole lot of photos to edit and organize and stick into the
album I made.
The good news? I am 99% finished with it!
I did manage to send off a few things last week -- like this collaged card to K.Y.
I like to collage both sides of the cards I make -- sometimes the insides too.

This one, for PLH, was collaged from vintage paper dolls...well, because she likes paper dolls.
The old paper was too brittle to make an envelope out of so I improvised.

I do like a pretty envelope!

You saw the booklets on the last post -- I am still  very taken with them.
Here are a couple more pages...


I have quite a few new ideas for them so you will see some more as I make them.
Any of you trying to make them too?
Come on, it's fun and easy -- don't be shy.


I had some tiny little vintage envelopes sitting around and realized it would be fun to type a
tiny little letter to go inside...don't you think?
I put that larger airmail envelope in there for scale....these are small!

OUTGOING Artist Book

This one was for Planet Sussannia

By the way, I ordered her collage book and it already arrived from Germany.
I suggest you check it out -- and her blog.


Vintage Chinese school book with captions by me, joss paper, collage, water color...
Chinatown Shop in San Francisco

After all that work I think it was time to go out and explore a little. Saturday was a
beautiful day in SF and off I went with SW and KC to Chinatown.
We agree the dumpiest shops sometime have the best stuff. I got some fancy paper shoes here as well as vintage papers and postcards.
Why yes, that actually is a big stack of paper. How could we resist?
Chinese Calligraphy
We did have to stop and have some lunch......(of course)
Cappuccino and Cake

And since this blog is Cappuccino and Art.......

Now, the photo albums is nearly done so I am back to mail art projects this week....

What are you all making and sending out?
Thanks to all of you who comment. Really helps keep me going. It is no fun "talking" to myself and it 's nice to know you're out there!



  1. Wow, you are so prolific and have such an eye! Yesterday I was at my doctor's office (across from La Boulange) and I thought of you. Then I went to Safeway and I thought of you. :)

    1. shams--I think of you in Safeway too. We are both a little nutty. Next time we run into each other up there we need to have a coffee!
      Thanks for commenting.

  2. I wish DC's Chinatown had vintage postcards! Mostly we just have two or three trinket shops run by actual Chinese folks (where I can find red envelopes, but not much else) and the rest is chain central. Jealous of your proximity to a real Chinatown!

    1. Melissa -- hey--thanks for the cool postcard you sent me. I'll send you one in return. I believe SF has the larges Chinatown and largest Asian population outside of China -- so we are very lucky. Not to mention the incredible array of Chinese restaurants from many regions of China...Actually, the vintage postcard was just one -- of the shop I was in...but I did find vintage papers...

  3. All the mail art is lovely, the little books are cool, the stack of old paper is intriguing, but what really gets me going about this post is that last shot of cappuccino and cake! Yummm! Sounds like you had a fun day.

    Wanna swap booklets? I love bookmaking and don't need much of an excuse to make another.

    1. Hi Leslie -- Oh yes...that cappuccino was really good....Sure, I'd love to swap booklets. It is fun to trade and "meet" new people. You can send me your address via an email thru my profile or just leave it here in a comment and I won't publish it....do we have a theme?

  4. Ooh, what cool stuff! Love what you've made. Love what you found in Chinatown!

  5. Looks like you've been knee-deep in paper! (Your favorite place to be!) I want to see that photo album! Glad I was a recipient of one of your cool booklets. xoxo --s

    1. sallyw3000 -- you got the first booklet and a birthday girl pal got the second! I am so happy you liked yours and what a fun day we had in Chinatown!

  6. Your outing in SF looked like a wonderful time....stacks of paper, who could resist. Those minis are cute. xox

    1. Thanks, Corrine....I love a good outing! And you know I cannot resist paper.....

  7. That album of your trips looks like it was be so much fun to look through! I feel like I need to try and make one of those little booklets now. You really did break it down and show how easy they are to make!!! No excuses :p

    1. Cindy -- I know I love looking at the trip photo book but I haven't forced it on any of my friends yet! The little booklets are a cinch. But you do need a stapler with a long enough arm to staple them at the spine. Or just make them tiny...or sew them them together...

  8. I am thoroughly impressed that you finished your travel books and still had time for all that other fun. Organizing photos is one of my least favorite tasks on earth. That top picture makes me shudder. But I bet your books are gorgeous and a pleasure to look at!

    1. Oh! Karen -- I love organizing photos -- I played Turkish music and relived my trip! I'll tell you what--you bake me a pie and I'll put your photos in an album!

  9. You never fail to inspire. I am off to Canada for 10 days and plan on doing a bit of paper play while sitting on the porch of our cabin at Yellow Point on Vancouver Island. Picture me as "a happy camper."

  10. CJ -- that sounds just lovely. Have a wonderful time and enjoy yourself. Thanks for commenting.

  11. Want more postcards? Enter my giveaway!

