Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A Little Art Never Hurt Anyone

I have Postal ATC's on the brain.......

I just got the bug and wanted to make and trade Postal themed ATC's.
At first it was hard for me to work in such a small scale...

But I got into it. What do you think? It was fun going through my stash of postal stuff getting ideas.

I like the whole red, white & blue thing I've got going on. It is almost 4th of July.

These have a brown theme....

And here's an Asian Postal Theme -- used the stamps my friend got  for me in Taiwan.

Here's another of mine
....I have gotten a few really cool ATC's in and I'll show you those when I collect a few more..

Outgoing envelopes for some ATC's -- you know who you are if you've sent me a card already.

I love these polka dot vellum envelopes -- see what I put inside?


JOSS PAPER SHOES with candy in them....a pair of shoes for  $2.99?
You can't beat the price. But you can't wear them either.

Oh yeah...I've got one coming up....
(collaged postcard)
Do you think i should take this car?

San Francisco Art Car
I saw this baby at a street fair last weekend and I couldn't believe it. Amazing.
I'd sure like to drive that thing to LA.
Those are San Francisco scenes painted on the side.


SoCal collaged postcard

Allow Enough Time for Southern California

Well, I never have much time. We roll in and we roll out pretty fast, picking up paper ephemera all along the way and stopping for great food and taking pictures and making mail art. And getting into trouble.
So what are you going to do this weekend?
Anyone else want to trade with me?

Don't forgot to check the Cappuccino&Art faceBook page for updates and more photos and links.
See you around!


  1. I love, love, love your postal ATCs! and the others, too. Have a lovely time in L.A.!

  2. You're a papermill! LOL. Do you dream mail art? :) Not sure which I like best, so I'll just like everything, as usual. There's so much fun in this post.

    Those shoes are inspirational. You rock!

    1. Limner, mail out to you too -- and yes, I do dream art! or, at least. I think of art projects in the middle of the night....

  3. Wonderful ATCs! When I look at your work I always want to try my own paper crafts.

    1. TomoyoHime -- good! Hope you do make some paper crafts. You know it is really a lot fun to work on a project.

  4. Those ATC's are darling....I hate working that small too but you made it look easy. The vintage SoCal post cards you used are wonderful, love those old tourist inspired cards...Art Car - oh Yay what fun is that. Someday.....xox

    1. Thanks, Corrine! I made the SoCal collages from torn up vintage National Geo's. Let's go for a ride in an art car.

  5. Fabulous postal ATCs! I have yours made, just have to put it in a pretty envelope still...

  6. wonderful series! You must have an amazing postal stash to draw from. (no surprise, really)

    1. Thanks, Karen -- I'd ask you to trade postal ATC's but I bet you are way too busy....yup--I do have a big postal stash but I've seen bigger!

  7. Great ATCs!! A letter is off to you (finally!) and now wished I'd enclosed an time. The shoes are awesome, but the art car is epic (as my grandkids would say :> ) How do you ever have time to do all your projects??? Keep sharing because I'm always inspired by your posts.

    1. Thanks so much, Happy Mail Day! i had a happy mail day when I returned from my trip and got your mail too. Thanks. That art car was a riot. I have always been pretty productive and I love to work on art so I keep busy!
