Monday, January 7, 2013

Clean Slate

Vintage Paper Fair

January may be a clean slate, but the top of my work table isn't....The fabulous Vintage
Paper Fair was this past weekend and I had so much fun I forgot all about taking photos . But I've posted photos from previous fairs so you have seen some already.
It seems I spent about two hours at the 25-cent guy tables and came away with some
great old cards to use in my travel journals and to mail off while traveling...
Back to the Studio

So, I lit a few candles and got busy in my studio....I have been feeling a little
deprived with the holidays interrupting all my art-work fun...
(very big thank you to Alice S. for mailing me that fab Thai postbox)

Good, cheap fun..

I am so easily amused....this 25-cent book from 1944 and a box of old snapshots a pal
gave me has kept me happily tearing and pasting and making collages for hours.

Joan Crawford Envelopes

I grabbed a bunch of these envelopes from the 25-cent box to tear up to use in collages.
When I got home and turned them over, I was quite delighted to see who sent them.
I posted these on the Cappuccino & Art Facebook Page and it is true, Joan Crawford lived at those
NYC addresses.
Too bad the letters weren't inside but pretty fun for a quarter.

Travel Journal

When I wasn't tearing and making collages I worked on my travel journal.
Picked up some vintage Venice postcards on Saturday at the Fair to add in. Almost done but I am trying to cram in as much ephemera as I can inside...


I have been looking at Mary Ann Moss work on her fabulous journals on her online class
Ticket To Venice

I recommend her class if you'd like to learn how to make travel journals in her style,
travel along with her to Venice (via videos) or just enjoy watching her work on her journals and get inspiration.
Venice Pages

Turkish Chocolate Bar

I had to eat the chocolate bar in order to get the box -- duty called!
A letter? IPhone case. Pretty nifty for a mail-obsessed person, wouldn't you say?

Stacks (and stacks) of trip photos.....Now I've got to get busy and design and make a book to put all my trip photos in. This will be quite a project. Better get it finished before the next trip.

Then there's all that mail to answer and catch up with....I'd say my work is cut out for me.

January 2013

But January is blessedly free of holidays and commitments.
Well, there is a Postal Tea coming up next weekend. And Lunar New Year  and
Valentine's Day mail-art exchange...
totally do-able

Santa Cruz Post Office

I thought this PO was quite creative with the bright pink paint. Normally hot pink isn't a USPS color, is it? I like it.

Check out my LA: Then and Now book made for Susannia -- right here -- and her lovely mail blog too

So, Happy New Year to all of you lovely readers and mail lovers.
I do hope it is a good year for the world.


Be kind. Try some random acts of kindness. Send a lot of mail.


  1. Aiee I love looking at what you're up to! I went to an antique fair yesterday and found some great old photographs for a quarter, but I passed on them. I wasn't sure I had the heart to cut them all up :x

    I'm also glad I'm not the only one who buys sweets overseas as an excuse for saving packaging!

    Happy new year!

    1. Oh, come on Allison -- you can do it! Tear them up -- it is really fun (trust me). Almost as much un as eating the sweets you buy just to get the packaging.

  2. Looks like 2012 was a banner year for you! I hope you are blessed with time to digest all that you did and that happiness and mailart are result of your contemplations! Happy 2013!

    1. Thanks, elle, hope your 2012 was a good one too and best wishes for lots of good mail in 2013.

  3. Great stash of goodies. Adore the iphone've got a lotta mail to return, wowza. xox

    1. I do have a lot of mail to return and I am starting to get a little crazy just thinking about it....

  4. I must ask...where did you get that airmail envelope iPhone case? I just may need to buy an iPhone because I love that case so much! Thanks for sharing your journeys with us.

    1. CAL--I got the case on ETSY. If you search "Postal Phone cases" you should see quite a number of choices come up. And amazingly, this one I ordered came all the way from India registered mail. I had the phone a whole year before I broke down and ordered the case....but I could resist no longer...

  5. your mail pile makes me feel a little better about mine. I keep leaving it for when I have a big stretch of time to work on mail and I don't know why I'm thinking that way. If I wrote one postcard before work every day I'd make a big dent in the pile. (and if I cultivate that habit I might not get so far behind in the first place). Your pile of photos is truly daunting. They would sit in that pile forever if they were in my house. (case in point, that pile of souvenirs from my '98 road trip - still in a box with all the photos from the same road trip. no scrapbook or journal in site)

    1. Karen -- always happy to help! I usually work in big spurts-- doing a whole lot at once....but the last two days I have been making collages...up to 20 so far....I can't stop.
      I always put my trip photos in a handmade book but the rest of them...not so much...

  6. You seem to have much fun laying out ahead of you, especially with all of those fun new papers. It should make catching up on your mail a breeze! I have to get myself in gear to send out some mail art...I haven't done anything yet this year!! I love your iPhone case...that would make me smile every time I reached for it.

  7. Thanks for posting the photo of your mail to be answered. I have a smaller pile and have been feeling badly that I've not been scanning and posting some incoming mail art, not responding in kind immediately, and not organizing it all. aaagh. But it'll all get done, eventually. happy new year!
