Sunday, February 12, 2012

Too Much Fun (Letter Writing Social)

Letter Writing Social at ARCH
 here in San Francisco.

If you want to learn how to make this valentine -- here you go!

All I can say is --

.....thank you Annie and Carolee and Arch.

This was a great way for spend an afternoon, typing, pasting, stamping,
with so many creative people.
I take no credit in organizing this, by the way, just documenting with some photos.
Carolee & Annie did all the work.

Carolee supplied the typewriters...

and every one was put to good use!

And Sally W brought her script typewriter along and it had a waiting list...
I think it may have been the most popular typewriter there.
I tried not to hog it.

To have a social, you need a flyer!
And a welcoming space and a bunch of letter-lovers.

Typewriters are not absolutely necessary but they sure add to the experience.

That's about as far as I got typing my was just a little too much fun
and too distracting to concentrate on writing my letter.

Carolee & Annie supplied lots of cool stationery and rubber stamps.
And everyone brought things to share, washi tape and more stamps and Valentine cards...

Some incredibly nice person (Sally) even brought the new LOVE stamps to share.

Aren't typewriters beautiful?

A good time was had by all.....if you are wishing you were here, think about
starting your own Letter Writing Social.
Let's revive the art of correspondence and have fun doing it.

The letter writers came in all ages, as you can see! Start 'em young!

Happy Valentine's Day -- Happy Letter Writing!


  1. Oh how Valentine's Day has snuck up on me. I think because the lack of winter weather this year, I have not been inside as much as I usually am before this fun holiday to get ready for it.

    There is nothing wrong with sending a little love any time of the year though - so maybe you'll get a valentine when you least expect it. ;)

    1. Right about that -- a valentine is always welcome! But your lack of winter weather in NYC? Didn't it say in today's paper the high was expected to be 32' today????? That is sure wintery to me.....

  2. Wow, what great fun. Wish I lived around the corner. So many fantastic typewriters. xox Corrine

    1. Wouldn't your studio be the perfect spot to host a letter writing social?

  3. I had to google "script typewriters" - those are so cool!

  4. I love the idea of making letter writing a social event. I wonder whether I can find something similar in London... x

  5. Sally--why don't you start up something like a letter writing social in London? Trust me, it is really fun!

  6. Happy Valentine's Day. :)

  7. I hear that you DID hog the script typewriter....Hmmm???
