Monday, January 16, 2012

Re-Visiting My Mailbox

Incoming Mail
Since today is another no-mail Monday, I thought I would
revisit the mail I was lucky enough to receive this week.
Check out this great mail -- and that handmade envelope from the fabulous ----

Ms. Kelly P!!!
I am so very happy to be on her mailing list.

And another fearless and wonderful mailer -- Ms. Alice S. --She sent a beautiful calendar and book by a woman artist from Japan - Makiko Azakami - who  makes amazing art out of paper.
And I just happend to be at a party at Alice's last Friday night introducing the
Domo arigato.
Here's Makiko's website -- Paper Toy

Yes, there is even more...from Red Letter Day, Miss JH herself as well as Sally W, CJ and Shelita.
Do you think I need to get busy and send some mail out?

Yes--I do--but first some lunch. Ramen in Japan Center always works.

Getting busy -- a looooooong letter to Kelly P.

.....Stuffed into this envelope ....

They aren't going anywhere quite yet but I worked on a bunch of collaged
postcards over the weekend.
These are pretty time-consuming with having to wait inbetween layers for the paint and ink to dry.

More collaged cards -- by now everyone knows how much I love all the papers from Chinatown. My dry-cleaner gifted me with a Chinese Calendar and I am loving ripping it up and using all the pages.

Do you even have to ask?????
Of course I do! And I bet all of you do too if you are reading this blog.

Cappuccino and Art has a Facebook page.
If you're there on FB, check out the
52 Weeks of Mail
page too. There are a lot of letter writers, mail artists and postally inclined people like us
out there.

Some of you are waiting patiently (I hope) to hear back from me.
I seem to answer various people as the spirit moves me so I appreciate your patience.

Keep the Post Office busy!


  1. I love the red theme of your collaged postcards.
    Your blog makes me want to visit San Francisco more and more each time.
    Also, does Kelly P have a blog?
    Here's to a great mail day tomorrow!

    1. Mary--You are one of the people I owe a response too. I will send you a red postcard! No, Kelly P doesn't have a blog. Seems like she should since she makes such amazing mail art. Thanks for the good wishes -- I am hoping for a happy mail box tomorrow.

  2. Did my letter with the postcrossing stamps arrive? I wish letters had "tracking" :-)

    1. Annejo--didn't get it yet...maybe today? We can put tracking on letters but I"m not sure about international letters....

    2. Oh your comments section changed, I can reply to comments now :D Hmm I must have posted it about ten days ago, so it should be there soon :-)

    3. My comments section did change and I like it but I don't know how it happened! Nothing from you today....I will let you know when (think positive) it arrives.

    4. Annejo--I am starting to worry....nothing yet...(on Jan 19)

    5. Two weeks now.... hmmm... it can still arrive! I don't know if the mail is just slow at the moment...I mailed a letter to my sister, (who lives 500m over the German border) and that took a WEEK to get there!)

    6. Annejo --Great envelope with Postcrossing stamps (finally) arrived today -- thanks so much. I am going to bring it to my next mail art meeting to show Ryan who is an avid post-crosser!

  3. wowza mail in and out. Love the number cards, so cool Pamela. Lunch, yes, bring me next time! xox Corrine

  4. As always, every time I visit your blog...I want to dust off my mail art "supplies" and go at once again....maybe this time I will!! Thanks for sharing!!!

    1. Dave--get that mail art kit working! You will enjoy the results...

  5. I love the combo of the ink and the collage. Plus red is one of my favorite colors!
    mad madge
